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This page is not fully translated, yet. Please help completing the translation. Click here for pre version 2 FAQ. The official resellers are listed here. Not all parameters are included in the default download. Not all parameters are mandatory to have in your file either.
If you are missing a parameter, simply add it to the appropriate file. Order is not critical but for ease of use you can group similar parameters near each other. Expired orders are part of trading. If the order book is thin, you will most likely get expired orders as the bot places limit orders when buying and selling.
For selling, depending on the amount of coins you hold, you might also get expired orders, which in some cases are just partial sell orders. You Profit Trailer Licence is emailed to you usually within 1 hour of your payment being confirmed on the block chain. The Config is enabled in the Web GUI by default however it still required you have a password set in order to use it. If you wish to disable the config please see application. For a more in depth read, see this topic: Why won't my bot buy, or sell?
You will be prompted to set a password when first booting up the bot. The password is stored in the ptpw file in the main Profit Trailer folder. If you need to reset your password you can delete this file and restart the bot. If you do not wish to have a password at all add the following to your application.
You can use the HotConfig to set a bought price. HotConfig is a place to run one-time settings in the window to take certain immediate actions in the bot. Read all about it here. You can use the HotConfig to do this. This is due to how PT calculates your coin values.
It excludes Dust log value, so it may not match your exchange balance exactly. Press the red button in the GUI to stop the bot. The link will not work if server. In pm2, stop the bot by finding the pm2 process id pm2 list and stopping it with that. For example if your bot is process id 2, the command would be in the terminal window pm2 stop 2. Only changes made to your API keys will require the bot to be restarted.
Changes made to all other properties via the HotConfig or to the files directly will be detected automatically. Below are the main pairs and dca properties files changes you would need to make. The following properties can be configured to have a different value for each DCA buy that has occured on a coin. This is achieved by entering the values into dca. This would normally result in a DCA sell with a minimum 1. This is useful when you want to do something or a series of things to one or more coins, differently from your main buy or sell strategy.
Normal trading will be unchanged but LTC will no longer be trade-able. This will modify the sell value for this one coin depending on how many times it has DCA'd. Sell value is the amount you want as profit, if you dont set trailing profit, as soon as the price reaches that amount - BOOM! I want to risk 0. Now the price goes down to 1. The price goes up to 2. So we mark down 3. If this isn't clear enough, read A Trailing Profit Story.
Please see this information in the VPS area here. This will guide you to which trigger to adjust. Change the trigger value. Alternatively, If you don't want to permanently change your trigger settings you have these options:. Use the settings Cog in the top right and click on Settings to open the below menu. Using multiple instances of ProfitTrailer on one exchange account is not recommended. The bot is not designed to work alongside another instance.
Besides multiple untested side effects and trading conflicts within the bot itself, there is a high likelihood of flooding the exchange with API calls and getting banned from trading, putting your investment in the bot and in your time and effort at risk. This guide assumes that you are using a second instance on 1 a new account on the same exchange to trade USDT or ETH for example , or 2 to create a new instance on a different exchange using a different exchange licence.
This has additional info on setting up a second instance in a VPS environment in Linux, and managing that remotely in a Windows environment. While we don't give out settings beyond a basic startup profile with your PT purchase, we do coach and train people how to create good settings. Some of our official resellers give away some basic settings for free that will give you an idea on how to manipulate the settings for your needs.
We also encourage customers to share their knowledge, as that benefits the most people. We cannot do that if we have random resellers PMing all of our customers, selling them things. With these goals in mind, we do not support the selling of settings for ProfitTrailer. While we cannot police the entire internet, we will not support it here, instead, choosing to support and guide our users. There is no way for us to stop someone from making poor settings, which reflects poorly on PT.
Instead, we choose to rely on our reseller to have good, free settings. Dust is the technical term for small amounts of a given coin that are below the minimum trade-able levels set by each exchange. Edit this page Backlinks. What is this darn error about? Go to the Common Errors page Who are the official Resellers for PT. Where do I get support? A Parameter is missing from my file. Why am I getting these expired orders in my logs? Where do I find my Licence?
Why is my Possible Buy Log Empty? How can I set or reset a password? How can I reset the Price of a Coin? How can I reset the DCA count? How do I stop the bot? Do I have to stop the bot when changing settings? How do I vary a setting if the coin has DCA'd? Turn off trading for a single coin. How is BB calculated?
How does trailing profit work? What are some good VPS vendors? How do I turn off Sell Only Mode? What is Dust and how do I avoid it? There are a number of reasons the Possible Buy Log might be empty. This is the default setting when you download the bot as a safety measure. No remaining pairs meet your buy criteria.
Perhaps you use a very small whitelist and already own all of them, or you have a high volume setting and no more coins meet that minimum level. There are numerous other settings that could cause this.
There are several methods for stopping the bot safely. Now if the price continues to go down, you are left with a bag. But not this time! So when will we sell? In a sudden movement the price goes down to 3. But what if you want to turn off SOM anyway? The bot should now recover from SOM.
Alternatively, If you don't want to permanently change your trigger settings you have these options: The options below only work if you have set a password for your GUI!