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2015 football preview: Class 5A, District 8

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Representatives of the organizations will be on campus Thursday, March 20, to present the grant to university officials. The grant will help support a new Environmental Protection Agency-certified auto emissions laboratory.

The new facility will be unique to the upper Midwest, providing certifiable data on the development of blended ethanol and biofuels, and allowing faculty and student researchers to develop engine design innovations that maximize fuel efficiency. It also will support research on engine design intended to regain fuel efficiency sometimes lost in biofuels due to fewer calories of energy per unit.

Minnesota Corn Growers President Roger Moore said the laboratory "will promote renewable fuel efficiencies throughout the Midwest. As a leader in alternative fuel production, the Upper Midwest agricultural region is poised to provide a strong foundation for future investments that will solidify the U. The program, under the leadership of Bruce Jonesis the only four-year program in the nation accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.

Its students are highly sought-after by public and private industries and organizations. The Minnesota Corn Growers Association is a grassroots membership organization made up of approximately 5, Minnesota corn producers, their supporters and affiliates. For the sixth year, Minnesota State Mankato has received Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system awards for financial and facilities management excellence.

The awards, recognizing outstanding moon bitcoin adalah bennettan and team effort, were presented at the Minnesota State Chief Financial and Facilities Officers Conference in February.

The University was one of six institutions earning the Excellence in Financial Management Award, and one of six receiving the Excellence in Facilities Management Award. It was the only university to win in both categories. King, vice chancellor and chief financial officer for the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, lauded moon bitcoin adalah bennettan winning institutions for working hard "to increase efficiency and enhance the assets of our system.

Minnesota State Mankato has received the Excellence in Facilities Management Award for seven consecutive yearsand the Excellence in Financial Management Award for six of the last seven years except for Financial management awards are for significant contributions to increased efficiency and effectiveness of finances and administrative services.

Facilities management awards are for successful and timely completion of capital improvement and repair projects, increased efficiency and effectiveness of space use throughout the institution, and customer moon bitcoin adalah bennettan excellence to students, staff and faculty. Ten faculty members have been awarded Summer Research Grants for research projects.

The grants are for summer faculty research and creative projects that show a high probability of publication, exhibition moon bitcoin adalah bennettan performance. The concert will be at 7: Rodgers joined the faculty in fallafter serving on the faculty of Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kans.

The orchestra provides for the study of orchestral playing and a practical introduction to orchestral literature. Membership is open to university students regardless of major. Students at Campus Compact community colleges and non-seniors at four-year colleges are eligible. The purpose of the awards is to encourage civic engagement that creates positive change in the community. Mail inquiries may be sent to Moon bitcoin adalah bennettan Ave W.

A visiting Russian elementary education faculty member will discuss teaching and learning in Russia during a moon bitcoin adalah bennettan Tuesday, March Her talk, "Russian Education: Transition and Tradition," will be from noon to 1 p. She is visiting Mankato area elementary schools to observe American teaching practices, learning moon bitcoin adalah bennettan U.

The Mankato-Magadan connection is another step moon bitcoin adalah bennettan a progression; a year ago Beth and other faculty and staff members spent nearly three weeks in Russia finalizing a new partnership with Northern International University. As a result, faculty members are creating a joint curriculum in teacher preparation, and the two universities will explore other exchanges and joint faculty research.

Klypa's talk is co-sponsored by the College of Education, Educational Studies: Each morning of the visit, Franklin will conduct a writing workshop in Centennial Student Union from a. On Tuesday he will lead a discussion on the craft of writing at 3 p. On Thursday he will read from his published work at 7: All events are free and open to the public. At other times during the visit he will meet with community writers and visit area schools. Franklin was raised in rural southwest Alabama, a dozen miles from the setting of his novel Hell at the Breech.

He also has published the highly regarded story collection Poachers, and moon bitcoin adalah bennettan more recent novel Smonk, all from William Morrow. For more information about the series call Richard Robbins English at The president and founder of Nutrition on the Move, Inc. Her talk, free and open to students, faculty, staff and the public, will be from No pre-registration is required, and students seeking continuing education credits can register on-site.

Kundrat is a licensed, registered dietitian who received a Bachelor of Science degree in dietetics from Minnesota State Mankato and a master's in nutrition from Iowa State Moon bitcoin adalah bennettan. She earned 16 high school letters in five sports, and played college basketball, volleyball and softball. Maravelas will explain how to short-circuit workplace irritability and resentment - reactions that, according to Maravelas, can derail even the best people and projects.

Her strategies are intended to create cultures where collaboration, skilled communication and respect thrive. You can register online for the event. The lecture, free and moon bitcoin adalah bennettan to students, faculty, staff and the public, will be from 6: Her lecture will discuss some of the important principles of Bodhisattva Peace Training, which she has taught since The training, developed by Rinpoche, uses methods of the Buddhist tradition for awakening the qualities of wisdom and compassion for positive change.

The play contains realistic depictions of sensitive issues and will be followed on opening night, March 27, by a discussion with local organizations. The affair takes place over the course of years, with the character of Li'l Bit maturing from age 11 to 18 before she puts an end to it. In spite of the serious situation, there are many comical elements of the play, which avoids the expected condemnation to look at the humanity that binds the characters.

They go on sale March 24 at between moon bitcoin adalah bennettan and 6 p. Applications for entertainment, food booths, style show and cultural displays are now available for the April 20 Mankato Area International Festival. Applications are available online at www. Completed forms are due Friday, March The 32nd annual festival will moon bitcoin adalah bennettan from 11a. April 20 at Mankato East High School. The festival attracts international students from across the world, providing residents with the opportunity to see and hear entertainment and meet people from many cultures.

The event will include singing, moon bitcoin adalah bennettan, guest speakers, a flag parade, demonstrations, food from around the world and a fashion show featuring native costumes.

The campus branch of TCF Bank is a major sponsor of the event. Those who want more information should contact Laura Marsala ator visit the festival website. The event, featuring an array of food, traditional dance, a play and other entertainment from Africa, will be in the Centennial Student Union Ballroom. The "Focus on Ghana" cycle of events and speakers highlights the expertise of faculty, staff and students while offering the opportunity to learn more about life in Ghana.

Scott Fee, chair of Construction Management, will give a special introduction on Friday, March 28, at 6: Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend two campus master plan open forums Monday, March 31, and Wednesday, April 2.

Monday's forum is from 9 a. Both events will be in the lower level of Centennial Student Union, and refreshments will be served.

Philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel C. Dennett will discuss religion and free will in two Nadine B. Dennett, one of moon bitcoin adalah bennettan nation's most original and influential philosophers, will talk about "Religion as a Natural Phenomenon" on April 3 and "Evolution and Evitability: Free Moon bitcoin adalah bennettan and Responsibility" April 4.

His April 3 lecture will begin at 7: His second talk will begin at moon bitcoin adalah bennettan a. Both are free and open to the public. Dennett, a professor of philosophy at Tufts University, earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy from Harvard in After college he studied Oxford in London with Gilbert Ryle, an expert in 20th century philosophy.

He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in He has written several books, including Content and ConsciousnessBrainstorms inDarwin's Dangerous Idea inand many others. Gillaspy, with the Minnesota Department of Administration, lectures widely on the profound impact that the demographics of aging will have on society. Certificates of continuing education will be moon bitcoin adalah bennettan for attending the lecture, including two contact hours for nurses, two CEHs for social workers, and two clock hours pending approval for nursing home administrators.

Those interested may register online or moon bitcoin adalah bennettan phone at More than school districts from around the country will attend, seeking candidates in all education licensure areas. Participants may arrange interviews before the event by applying directly to school districts.

Employers also will set up interviews with candidates at the fair. To register, a Minnesota State Mankato student or graduate must be eligible for licensure by January More information is available online. Relay for Life is an overnight event developed to celebrate survivorship and raise funds to support the research and programs of the American Cancer Society.

This year's relay includes a survivor lap at 6: Those who wish to participate or who want more information may go online or call Christa Brown at A reception will be at 1: The event recognizes the Minnesota State Mankato Foundation Annual Fund's 70 student callers for their dedication and work in raising funds.

Faculty, staff and students are invited to show their support by attending the event, where they'll be able to check all-time fundraising records that were broken this year. Cureton will give two talks: Faculty and staff moon bitcoin adalah bennettan register for the sessions online. Cureton's interactive presentations show how to create a campus community that values diversity.

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