
5 stars based on 33 reviews

Since there are 5 new powerful X11 ASICS coming to market, I started a central thread breaking down the pros and cons of each product on Bitcointalk https: I'll consider the price, hashrate, delivery estimates, multi-algorithm capabilities quark etc. Their site claims a new batch will be "available soon" Even with the lack of availability, this is still probably the best buy out there if you can actually manage to buy it. They are claiming you can get to 38 gH by overclocking, but even bitcointalk x11.

Even so, with the reduced electricity draw compared to 2 D3sit's still an interesting contender. If you're interested, check out the group buy thread below. Originally offered as a group buy through Bittawm or a slightly more risky Russian retail buy through Bitbaza and 51asic.

They were selling for 6k bitcointalk x11 Bitcoin and Dash, but are now sold out. One bitcointalk x11 of the Ibelink is that it ships bitcointalk x11 August, a bitcointalk x11 before most of the competition They WERE going to presell a second batch, but I imagine that'll need a serious upgrade bitcointalk x11 they want to stay competitive. PinIdea's new Asic does 1. Their price k does not reflect their tall midget designation.

One upside i suppose is that they could ship For more on this: Baikal 2 GH Giant Plus - just an incremental upgrade of their a BUT Before you dismiss these not so Giants off hand for their now puny hash rate, consider this: Baikals produce the only ASICs bitcointalk x11 of mining in different algorithms x11, x13, x14, x15, quark, qubit.

I know that Dash is the name of the game, but with so much new hardware hitting the market, it may make sense to diversify where you can. I believe these are ready to ship: I am a robot. I just upvoted you!

Bitcointalk x11 found similar bitcointalk x11 that readers might be interested in: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

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