Blockchain transaction banking definition
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Hi, I am wondering if there is a way to force BitSquare to rescan its wallet for unspent inputs? I am specifically interested if it will either re-submit tx that have been dropped from the mempool or else preferably return the balance of said tx to my BitSquare wallet. On Nov 12, 9: On Nov 12, 4: I would like to know how to force BitSquare to rescan its wallet for txs that were never submitted and re-submit them, or preferably drop the tx and return the balance to my BitSquare wallet.
To resync you can delete the Bitsquare. It is in the app data directory. On OSX it is here: Please backup first the app data directory. Alternatively if that does not help you can also delete the BloomFilterNonce. All three methods might screw up the internal state of the wallet. There is also a hidden double spend feature if all the above does not help, but that is a bit experimental. Again before doing anything of the above do a backup so in case anything get screwed up we have a change to recover.
Also save the seed words. Thank you for your reply! As stated on reddit I will consolidate posts to here, this problem is two-fold:.
First, as mentioned above, some of my withdrawals never hit the blockchain. So I must wait to resolve these issues before moving on to try and recover the coins that are marked as having been withdrawn without actually ever having been confirmed….
I feel bad for my trading partner same partner for both stuck trades now. The mining fee issue can be solved but it is a bit of effort and I did not had time yet to implement that. If people would follow the instruction in the popup to always pay at least the 0. But seems the last days 0.
All tx inside Bitsquare have 0. How to rescan wallet? Thank you for reading and I hope someone can assist. And 3rd possibility is to recreate the wallet from the seed words.
As stated on reddit I will consolidate posts to here, this problem is two-fold: So I must wait to resolve these issues before moving on to try and recover the coins that are marked as having been withdrawn without actually ever having been confirmed… I suppose that this problem will not be resolved for several days. Love your platform, by the way.
I sent you a PM… The mining fee issue can be solved but it is a bit of effort and I did not had time yet to implement that.