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It gives developers or very sophisticated end-users low-level access to transaction creation and broadcast. Returns an array of unspent transaction outputs in the wallet that have between minconf and maxconf inclusive confirmations. Each output is a 5-element object with keys: A locked transaction output will not be chosen by automatic coin selection, when spending bitcoins. Locks are stored in memory only.
Nodes start with zero locked outputs, and the locked output list is always cleared by virtue of process exit when a node stops or fails. Create a transaction spending given inputs array of objects containing transaction outputs to spend , sending to given address es.
Returns the hex-encoded transaction in a string. Note that the transaction's inputs are not signed, and it is not stored in the wallet or transmitted to the network. Sign as many inputs as possible for raw transaction serialized, hex-encoded. The first argument may be several variations of the same transaction concatenated together; signatures from all of them will be combined together, along with signatures for keys in the local wallet.
The optional second argument is an array of parent transaction outputs, so you can create a chain of raw transactions that depend on each other before sending them to the network. Third optional argument is an array of baseencoded private keys that, if given, will be the only keys used to sign the transaction. Returns json object with keys:. If no private keys are given and the wallet is locked, requires that the wallet be unlocked with walletpassphrase first.
Submits raw transaction serialized, hex-encoded to local node and network. Returns transaction id, or an error if the transaction is invalid for any reason. Funds are sitting in one or more multisignature transaction outputs, and it is time to gather signatures and spend them.
You must be careful to include an appropriate transaction fee , or the sendrawtransaction method is likely to fail either immediately or, worse, the transaction will never confirm. These lower-level routines will be useful for debugging and testing; listunspent gives a detailed list of the state of the wallet, and sendrawtx might be used to test double-spend-handling.
You want to specify, on a per-transaction basis, how much to pay in fees. Or you want to implement your own policy for how often transactions that are not immediately included in blocks are re-broadcast to the network.
If you want to re-broadcast a transaction right away, you can use the getrawtransaction and sendrawtransaction API calls to do that. As a bash shell-script one-liner it would be:. If you have a raw transaction and want to make sure all of its signatures are correct, you can use the signrawtransaction API call. Pass in the hex-encoded raw transaction, any inputs that bitcoind doesn't yet know about, and an empty array of private keys to use to sign the transaction.
Passing an empty array of private keys will prevent signrawtransaction from doing any signing; if it returns "complete": Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal tools English Create account Log in. Views Read View source View history.
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