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Cryptocurrency mining has had an impact across a multitude of fields; everything from currency regulation to graphics card pricing. And now, we're seeing yet another impact of this revolution; Bitcoin's recent surge in value has caused electricity consumption to rise worldwide as people all over the globe are bringing more computers online to mine the digital currency.

With prices where they taint analysis bitcoin mineral now, cryptocurrency analyst Alex de Vries estimates Bitcoin miners could burn through 24 terawatt-hours of electricity, annually solving progressively difficult cryptographic puzzles to "mine" more Bitcoins, and still turn a profit.

To put that amount of electricity taint analysis bitcoin mineral perspective, Nigeria has a population of million people, and that's about what the entire country uses in one year.

The energy used taint analysis bitcoin mineral miners averages out to a massive taint analysis bitcoin mineral KWH used for each Bitcoin transaction, with abouttransactions occurring each day. The average American household consumes KHh per month, so every Bitcoin exchange creates enough electricity to run a normal sized household, and everything inside, for nearly a week. To extrapolate that, De Vries' index taint analysis bitcoin mineral Bitcoin miners worldwide are using enough voltage to power over two million American households.

Bitcoin's electricity consumption is higher than digital payments because the price of Bitcoin is tied to the amount of electricity used to mine it. As the price of the cryptocurrency rises, additional computing power is necessary to mine more.

It's hard to quantify precisely how much electricity the Bitcoin network consumes, but a conservative estimate would be just over one gigawatt, according to Motherboard. Meaning the mining of Bitcoin across the globe could power almost one million American homes every day. Taint analysis bitcoin mineral, there are environmental consequences from the energy required to source Bitcoin because carbon emissions are a byproduct of the mining process.

De Vries, in order to determine how much pollution mining is responsible for, used data taken from a coal-powered Bitcoin machine in Mongolia. He found that one mine produces anywhere from 8, to 13, kg CO2 emissions per transaction and 24, kg of CO2 per hour.

That means carbon emissions from one hour of Bitcoin mining would be equivalent to a car traveling a distance ofmiles. Is it taint analysis bitcoin mineral to think Bitcoin can phase out digital payments if it emits five years worth of automobile pollution in one hour? In order to achieve a trustworthy and practical decentralized payment system, some serious improvements will need to be made to minimize its carbon footprint.

When considering the effects of raging wildfires, climate change, and a record-breaking hurricane season, it's not the most auspicious of circumstances for Bitcoin. How do you feel about the CO2 caused from Bitcoin transactions? Do you think Bitcoin has the potential to replace digital and mobile payments given the environmental effects?

Jerel Flint is a writer for ModMy. A frequent traveler, you might see him at an airport near you. You can follow him on Twitter here. Skip to main content. Forums and Discussions ModMy Forums. Log in or Sign up.

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A small town in New York state might end up banning Bitcoin mining operations temporarily. The law was introduced by the Mayor and essentially aims to place an month ban on new Bitcoin mining operations so that they can create more current zone regulations. They have scheduled a public meeting for March 15, so we'll know more about the situation in about a week.

The primary concern and the reason for the law being proposed is the amount of electricity being utilized for crypto mining. Last month the Mayor stated that Bitcoin mining is consuming at least 10 percent of the entire city's electricity. The city has incredibly cheap electricity, which allows these Bitcoin mining operations to thrive and grow.

One of the biggest bottlenecks of crypto mining is the cost of energy that it takes to mine, so having access to cheap power typically takes high priority for serious miners. According to the National Public Radio , the average cost for electricity comes out to about 12 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Plattsburgh rates are only about 4 cents per hour, one third the national average according to those statistics. If too much electricity is used for Bitcoin mining, the overall cost of energy will go up — for everyone. And that is something that they are hoping to address in the proposed month Bitcoin ban. Whether or not a realistic plan can be developed in that time frame is yet to be seen, but we'll likely learn more at the public meeting on the 15th of March.

What do you think? Is it reasonable in this case to temporarily ban Bitcoin mining to get the city electricity in order?

Let us know in the comments below! Spencer Steiner is a writer at ModMy and a tech freak. He enjoys gaming, computers, video editing, and building websites. Skip to main content. Forums and Discussions ModMy Forums. Log in or Sign up.