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Legos have become a popular robotics resource, primarily as an educational tool, but also as building materials for fast and easy prototyping. Legos are specifically designed for ease of use, with snap together parts and pre-placed holes. This makes them ideally suited for use in projects where reconfiguration is necessary. With a basic kit of parts, many different robotic machines and mechanisms can be created, tested, modified, disassembled and recreated easily without any damage to the building materials.
The pieces are also standardized, so designs can be easily documented and rebuilt. Because of the popularity of Legos, there is also a huge wealth of third party resources available — hardware, software, instructional material, and challenges. Papert thought that in this way, the child would gain a more active role in building his own knowledge in response to a recognizable personal purpose rather than simply listening to explanations.
This brick was programmed using a Logo based software but was not required to be connected to the computer with wires and so was able to be more mobile. This design was the basis for the Lego RCX brick, released in Mindstorms robotics kits quickly became an extremely popular educational resource, being used for robotics classes and competitions around the world.
The NXT has an extra sensor port and Bluetooth communication and the basic kit adds an ultrasonic sensor as well as built-in rotation sensors on all the motors. The RCX kits come with the following standard components as well as a variety of building pieces:.
The NXT kits come with the following standard components as well as a variety of building pieces:. There are many options available for programming the Mindstorms bricks. There are also many other programming languages available. Any Vernier sensors can be connected to Lego Mindstorms through an adapter cable. Mind Sensors has the following available accessories:. First Lego League [1] hosts regional competitions for middle school students.
A new competition board is created each year with theme-based tasks for the robots to accomplish within a set time limit. The students also are required to research real-world issues related to the selected theme. RoboCup Junior [2] is a robotics soccer competition. Lego Mindstorms was originally the primary construction kit used by most teams. Teams are not limited to the use of Legos, so more advanced teams also use more advanced technology.
The Botball [3] competition utilizes Lego pieces as the building materials although more advanced controllers and sensors are used. The Lego RCX served as a primary controller in early years of the competition. From Wikibooks, open books for an open world.
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