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Industrial robots are depressing shutterstock industrial robot icon and increasing unemployment, according to a paper published by the Shutterstock industrial robot icon Bureau of Economic Research, a private, non-profit, non-partisan research organization in America.

Evidence from US Labor Markets " appears only days after Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin dismissed the possibility of automated systems taking jobs from people, saying"It's not even on our radar screen. Similar to the cosmological conundrum about whether the universe will continue expanding indefinitely or collapse upon itself, the impact of automation and AI on human employment is the shutterstock industrial robot icon of ongoing debate about whether automated systems will create more jobs than they destroy.

Among technology advocates, there's predictable optimism. Robert D Atkinson, president and founder of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, has gone so far as to place a bet through the Long Now Foundation that by June of the labor force participation rate and unemployment rate, reported by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, will respectively be shutterstock industrial robot icon 60 per shutterstock industrial robot icon and below 7.

If Acemoglu and Restrepo are correct, however, that may not be a wise bet. The researchers analyzed how the increase in industrial robot usage between and affected US local labor markets. These robots are fully autonomous machines that operate without human intervention, doing tasks that at some point in the past were done manually, such as welding, painting, product assembly, moving materials, and packaging.

There are presently somewhere between 1. The auto industry uses about 39 per cent of such robots, followed by the electronics industry 19 per centmetal product manufacturing 9 per centand the plastics and chemicals industry 9 percentaccording to the researchers. Acemoglu and Restrepo found that in areas exposed to industrial robots, between and"both employment and wages decline in a robust and significant manner compared to other less exposed areas.

Using the researcher's preferred parameters, "one more robot per thousand workers reduces aggregate employment to population ratio by about 0.

And the researchers project that shutterstock industrial robot icon number of industrial robots will reach between 4 and 6 million by If the number of industrial robots quadruples bythe researchers expect 0.

Technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotic automation will erase 16 per cent of US jobs byresearch consultancy Forrester said [paywalled] last year, while adding to the job count by 9 per cent over the same period.

In an email to The RegisterDaron Shutterstock industrial robot icon suggested two policy responses: Asked about how automation might affect jobs that involve more fluid tasks and responsibilities, Acemoglu said it was unclear how technology will affect work that isn't easily programmed, but suggested it would be unwise to dismiss automation's impact on even complex occupations.

But given what we know about artificial intelligence, this technology also creates ample room for major dislocations.

We have to be prepared. Acemoglu said that as with past technological innovation, robotics is creating productivity growth. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community.

Part of Situation Publishing. Join our daily or weekly newsletters, subscribe to a specific section or set News alerts. We use cookies shutterstock industrial robot icon improve performance, for analytics and for advertising. You can manage your preferences at any time by visiting our cookie policy.

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Just look at the state of AI today. Say hello to your new AI pal-bot, space station 'nauts. Verity Stob What a flap: Clangers creator dies aged 89 Foot lose: Idiot perv's shoe-mounted upskirt vid camera explodes. Robots are killing jobs after all, apparently: One droid equals 5. What needs to be done Technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotic automation will erase 16 per cent of US jobs by shutterstock industrial robot icon, research consultancy Forrester said [paywalled] last year, while adding to the job count by 9 per cent over the same period.

We are still at the beginning of this process. It took several decades for the new spinning and weaving technologies of the British Industrial Revolution to start creating jobs and higher wages.

Many other technologies, such as computers, were displacing some workers but also complementing some other shutterstock industrial robot icon quite strongly eg, computers were highly complementary to college graduates, middle managers and engineers.

Robots may be less clearly complementary to existing sets of skills available in the workforce. We may be facing bottlenecks in other areas that are slowing down the creation of new jobs. Most read 'Plane Hacker' Roberts: Smash-hit game Fortnite is dangerous Wine has run Microsoft Solitaire on Shutterstock industrial robot icon for 25 years IBM fired me because I'm not a millennial, says axed cloud shutterstock industrial robot icon star in age discrim court row.

More from The Register. Sony reports shortage of cute robot puppies! It's made 11, of its Aibo 2. El Reg needs you — to help build an automated beer-transporting robot We're thirsty and comfy and there's work to do and it's faaar. Robot takes the job of sitting on your arse Poll Ford reveals 'metallic butt' used to test car seats. We're calling it SeatP-O.

Wanna build an AI robot? Don't have an actual robot yet? Softbank's 'Pepper' robot is a security joke Big-in-Japan 'bot offers root access through hard-coded password and worse bugs too.

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