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The pool automatically serves work of optimal difficulty by estimating the speed of your miners and applying gradual adjustments to the share target. It may take a couple minutes for the difficulty to stabilize. Share difficulty changes do not influence your expected earnings. Do not insert any whitespace or thousands separators. Keep in mind that difficulty can only be set on a per-connection basis, so if you connect multiple workers via a proxy they will all share the same difficulty this is a limitation of the standard Stratum protocol.

Moreover, the server may round or cap the difficulty you asked for in order to prevent denial-of-service attacks. Keep in mind that some ASIC devices particularly older ones may malfunction if you don't set an appropriate difficulty manually.

Additionally, the pool also supports BFGminer's --request-diff option to manually set an initial share difficulty.

This makes it impossible for a man-in-the-middle attacker to send malicious spoofed requests to your miner. All our servers support this feature, including the Tor hidden service.

If you have many miners running within a local network, it is best to use the Stratum proxy for Litecoin mining. This proxy allows you to significantly reduce your bandwidth usage. The Python source is available hereand a binary for Windows here note that this is not the same as Slush's proxy, as it is optimized for Litecoin.

You start the proxy on one of your machines as follows:. Share is above target cgminer litecoin you connect your miners to that machine on port with the usual pool worker username and password.

For example, if the proxy is running on FAQ Would Litecoin mining be profitable for me? In practice, nowadays you can only make a profit by using ASIC application-specific hardware. Check out our mining profitability calculator. Litecoin and Bitcoin use two very different hashing algorithms scrypt and SHAd, respectively.

Is there a pool fee? Share is above target cgminer litecoin, even the nominal PPS fee was removed when merged mining was introduced. What is the PPS ratio? In practice, a Litecoin solo miner will always achieve a slightly lower ratio in the long run. For this share is above target cgminer litecoin, merged mining does not cause sudden difficulty spikes and does not harm any of the involved networks.

How and when does the PPS share is above target cgminer litecoin change? The PPS ratio depends on factors such as the current network difficulty and market price of merged-mined cryptocurrencies. Since these elements can be highly volatile, the ratio can change at any time.

Where is my Dogecoin balance? The pool does not keep balances for Dogecoin or any of the other cryptocurrencies that it merge-mines. All accounting is done in litecoins based on the current PPS ratio, which takes everything into consideration. Simply put, this means that instead of receiving separate payments in several cryptocurrencies, you receive more litecoins. Can I use the same worker name and password for more than one physical miner?

Yes, but if you use different workers it is easier to track your miners' performance. Share is above target cgminer litecoin expected rewards will be the same either way.

What happens if I reset a worker? A reset resets all of a worker's counters and statistics: It does not affect an account's rewards or global statistics. What is share difficulty? Share difficulty is a number that gives an indication of how difficult it is to find a share.

The lower this number, the more shares a miner will find at a given speed, and the lower their value. For this reason, share difficulty does not affect miners' expected earnings. Why does the pool report more shares than my miner? This pool serves variable-difficulty work units, so when you solve a share the pool counts it with multiplicity, according to its difficulty. For example, if you solve a share that is four times as difficult as the baseline share, it gets counted share is above target cgminer litecoin four shares.

The technique of adapting the difficulty to each miner's hash rate allows the pool to measure workers' speed more precisely while keeping bandwidth usage optimal. How does share difficulty influence my earnings? A higher share difficulty can only increase the variance, but not in a significant way.

How is the value of a share a. The standard PPS formula is used: Do block finders get extra reward? That would go against one of the main goals of the PPS systemwhich is to minimize variance. It would also make miners who don't find blocks earn less, as the PPS rate would need to be adjusted downwards.

We do list recently found blocks and their finders, but only for the sake of transparency. How do idle worker notifications work? You have the option to let the pool monitor your workers and notify you with an email when they go idle. Monitoring can be enabled separately for each of your workersso if you wish you can have the pool monitor only a subset of your miners.

If multiple workers go idle simultaneously within one minuteyou will only receive one email listing all of them. You will not receive further notifications for any given worker until it starts submitting shares again, and in any case not before 15 minutes have elapsed since the last notification. Can I use an exchange address for payouts? While technically possible, we strongly advise against using addresses provided by exchanges or other third-party services.

One of the main problems is that you do not fully control these addresses, and in particular if a problem arises you usually have no way to prove that you are the legitimate owner. On the other hand, if you create an address on your computer using any wallet software, you can easily produce a digital signature.

If you decide to use a third-party address anyway, we strongly recommend that you do not lock the address. This is because at any point an exchange may stop accepting funds to an address and require share is above target cgminer litecoin to use a new one yes, this has happened. Why am I not receiving payouts? The exact conditions for payout are listed on your Payments page. Please note that for your own security, whenever you change your share is above target cgminer litecoin address all payouts are suspended for 24 hours.

It is perfectly normal to get this message a few share is above target cgminer litecoin per minute. It simply means that your miner is switching to a new work unit, because the previous one is no longer valid. Because of the stochastical nature of mining, frequent work updates which are necessary for efficient merged mining do not mean that your work goes wasted.

That is also normal for some mining software. I've just started mining and all my shares are being rejected, what's wrong? Make sure that your hardware and software support scrypt mining, and that they are configured correctly.

Configuring a GPU for Litecoin mining strongly discouraged at this point can be particularly challenging.

Share is above target cgminer litecoin miner shows up as online, but with 0 speed. No, something is probably wrong with your configuration. See the previous question. Why doesn't the hash rate reported by the pool match that reported by my miner? Because of how pooled mining works, the pool has no way of knowing your exact hash rate, so it can only estimate it based on how frequently you submit shares.

After you start mining, it takes about 10 minutes for the estimates to become accurate. They will never be very precisethough; even if your miner's hash rate is steady, the pool estimate will keep fluctuating around the actual speed. The pool keeps reporting a much lower hash rate than my miner. If the estimate displayed on the site remains consistently too low even after a few hours, then chances are that you are experiencing hardware errors. Mining software usually checks every solution generated by your hardware devices, and if one turns out to be incorrect because of hardware errors it rightfully doesn't even submit it.

Since pools can only estimate your hash rate based on how many solutions you submit in a given amount of time, their estimate will be lower than your real raw hashrate. This raw hashrate, which mining software usually displays, is, however, not meaningful if the solutions your card generates are wrong. If using cgminer or one of its derivatives, such as BGFminer, you need to make sure that all not just the top one of the HW figures are zero or next-to-zero; if that's not the case, you need to review your settings.

There are many things that can cause hardware errors, but the most common ones are: It is worth noting that modern ASIC circuitry tends to deteriorate with time and use, and that when one of the many hashing modules inside an ASIC goes bad there is usually no way to fix it.

What are stale shares? Servers provide each miner with some share is above target cgminer litecoin data that the miner must use to find a share. This data needs to be updated every time a new block appears on the Litecoin network, and that's why servers must promptly notify miners when they detect a new block. Every second you keep on mining for the old block is wasted, because that block has already been found.

Stale share is above target cgminer litecoin are caused by latency, which can happen at various levels. The most obvious cause is a high ping time to the server, which however shouldn't affect the stale rate by more than 0. Should I set the --no-submit-stale option in cgminer? No, you should not set that option. If you set it, your rewards may be lower.

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Theoretically, target could find I guess a "honey hole" and litecoin 10 blocks back to litecoin, but than chances of that are above. The cryptocurrency has risen percent within five days.

I prefer to use the actual circulating supply share the total amount that can be mined is not currently above circulation, and likely will not ever be due to lost coins. If you have any further queries, please contact: When it switches back target the original coin, all shares are accepted again. Share expected to see an attempt to break out of the highs. The digital currency was facing resistance at the downtrend line, as drawn in the chart.

It would be easy to update that exception to say something else. Want to add to the discussion? Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Update to the latest cgminer. You can't perform that action above this time. Then I started getting above second error of Share is above target.

Jonathan Brown 1 1. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of target. One of the aims of Litecoin was to provide a mining algorithm that could run at share same time, on the same hardware share to mine bitcoins. But I litecoin get 50ltc only the PPS rate, which is much smaller than even 0. Therefore, we recommend that the traders trail their stops higher target than book profits at the target levels because if the momentum sustains, a rally to new lifetime highs is also possible.

Psychic predicted the Cryptocurrency market correction in January-The future of the cryptos Sucks I was in a pool at the time. I usually switch off between pooled and solo. I wish I was solo'ing Though the pool did provide their block header for me to find it with! Check out my profitability chart, on the far right side, there is a few columns that might interest you. Click on specific boxes to see the formulas I used to calculate the values.

There are two algorithms these are called trap door functions and they are the real power behind crypto currencies that cryptos use to secure their blockchains scrypt and SHA What I described above only applies to all scrypt coins WDC is a scrypt coin.

SHA difficulty and target are represented as is for all intent and purposes. The share that I produced was a share above the target difficulty for the litecoin network at the time. The thing is that the blockheader I was working on was that of the pool I was apart of, so only the pool owner received the 50ltc that my hash produced. Which he then split among the miners in the pool, so I got paid proportionally to the number of shares that I produced.

If I were to be the producer of the blockheader and also hashed with the correct nonce to produce the high target difficulty share, then I could credit myself 50ltc.

You have the exact same chance every single hash you do to produce a block. Theoretically, you could find I guess a "honey hole" and produce 10 blocks back to back, but than chances of that are astronomical. What happens when you mine is you try the hash 's of time a second looking for a high enough difficulty hash.

A share refers to a hash you relay to a pool. You do this to prove to the pool that you are working for it. The only way to produce hashes for a pool is to do them, there is no shortcut relates to the algorithm; trap door functions ; furthermore to produce so many hashes in a certain time frame means that you had to have tried, on average, so many hashes to get that many sent to the pool "accepted" in cgminer to the pool.

Replace X with a value you feel is appropriate for your server, if you have 10 miners in your pool a share value of 32 might suffice, but if you have a pool of 's a larger share value is better because you don't want tons and tons of traffic bandwidth devoted to accepting shares.

But I didn't get 50ltc only the PPS rate, which is much smaller than even 0. Yeah before this my best was This was a good christmas present even if it didn't net me 50ltc. In the top right corner "Best share". It is a very very very large hash. Nope no extra reward. It doesn't matter if the share is over the target difficulty by 1 or 1 million, you get paid the block reward.

I just posted it because it is indeed, a large hash. The chances of finding one of this magnitude is just very rare to have happen. Your best share is 1. Similarly, the bears are unable to sink the digital currency below the When we see buying at lower levels and profit booking at higher levels, it results in a range bound action. The next move will start either on a breakout or breakdown of the range. Until then, the cryptocurrency will remain volatile inside a range. For the past three days, IOTA has formed a consecutive inside day candlestick pattern.

This is similar to the coiling effect of the spring. Today, the cryptocurrency has broken out to the upside, which is a bullish sign. The downtrend line is the final resistance, above which, we can expect a retest of the highs. IOTA will become negative once it breaks below this critical support.

This shows an equilibrium between the bulls and the bears. In our previous analysis, we had forecast a range bound trading in Litecoin and that is likely to continue for the next few days. Support exists at the The bull run will resume on a breakout and close above the lifetime highs. However, higher levels are attracting profit booking. Yesterday, the cryptocurrency gave up half of its gains and closed well below its intraday highs. Therefore, we believe that a short-term top is around the corner.

We expect a range bound action in Dash. The market data is provided by the HitBTC exchange. Follow us on Facebook. We are considering your request and will contact you in due course. If you have any further queries, please contact:.

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