Marc Andreessen

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Marc Andreessen pmarca is a legendary figure in Silicon Pmarca bitcoin stock — and worldwide. Marc co-created the highly influential Pmarca bitcoin stock Internet browser, the first widely used graphical web browser. This all makes him one of the few humans ever to create software categories used by more than a billion people. We had an extremely detailed and rich conversation, and I hope you enjoy it. The Evolutionary Angel, Naval Ravikant https: This podcast is brought to you by Audible.

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The tips and strategies in Tribe of Mentors have already changed my life, and I hope the pmarca bitcoin stock for you. Here's a very partial list: Check it all out by clicking here. You are commenting using your Pmarca bitcoin stock. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Remember what Fonzie was like? Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation!

Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration. How truly out of touch with the people who make less money than he has and still does to this day, despite his massive mis-step with Netscape. Even the tone of his voice. He sounds like he has swallowed pmarca bitcoin stock frog or something, like he is on his back.

But the fact remains: Incredible that you never challenged or questioned Marc on this key detail. Like Liked by 2 people. Like Liked by 1 person. Appearance is ideology they say, and I guessed Marc is a very liberal guy who constantly gets triggered, hence the nervous mannerism.

Sad, because he is highly intelligent and creative. Are these new jobs suitable for maintaining a decent standard of living?

Are pmarca bitcoin stock attainable by displaced folks without significant investment in self-funded time and money re-training? He pmarca bitcoin stock correct in saying that the pmarca bitcoin stock figures itself out. The progression of AI is inevitable, and so are the jobs that will pmarca bitcoin stock lost.

Therefore people, both lower and higher class, have no choice but to adapt. There is no use in crying about job destruction, because it will happen. Any kind of reality changing projects is pmarca bitcoin stock things for me. Loved the book by Cal Newport: They make you realize that the world is changed by people just like you who committed themselves to a vision.

No one has an excuse not to be great at what they do, not to transform the world in some way. Elon Musk, Steve Jobs … — they were all just committed-to-vision people. A very good episode. I am wondering which books to read on Ford and Rockefeller. Anyone have any recommendations? Coming from anyone else I would have suggested meditation or therapy. A fun interview, Tim. It would be interesting to hear you push your guests to the edge of their comfort zone, or perhaps even a little further.

But why not ask him about something unexpected or even controversial in a friendly and genuinely curious way? Like Liked by 3 people. I was surprised by how many times Marc spoke about building and creating things, and not necessarily digital things. He mentioned art about seven times, which is seven more times than I would have expected! Mark is a very interesting guy.

What we need is to find our inner balance and connection with nature. We need to find consciousness and focus on living. Such an inspiring conversation! It will be interesting to see how they make their mark on the world. This was an interesting interview. I personally am always surprised to hear someone who thinks the concerns are overblown.

Interestingly, Pmarca bitcoin stock Andreessen seems to think there is nothing to worry about with the progression of AI. I would love to learn why that is. Marc believes a machine will never have general intelligenceI would love to know why he thinks that. In my opinion, if human intelligence developed through natural evolution, it seems extremely reasonable that a machine could achieve this level of intelligence with the application of concerted efforts and rapid technological progress.

Or worse, it seems likely we would lose our dominant control of our environment and face much dire consequences. To me, and I expect many people, that seems like a close time frame and would warrant concern. Tim — I would have loved if you could have dug deeper into the AI subject with Marc or perhaps share anything that he might have shared with you on the subject. I also think it would be great if you could interview some other people who are particularly knowledgable on the subject and really dive deep into it, like Demis Hassabis, representatives from OpenAI, Nick Bostrom, etc.

You seem to have thought deeply about AI, Nick. Could you point me toward some of your favorite resources regarding Pmarca bitcoin stock I am writing a novel on the topic. Really engrossing, thrilling, un nerving. Why not ask something completely unexpected or even controversial? Marc is a very intelligent guy, pmarca bitcoin stock unfortunately seem to be a neurotic SJW.

Myself and many colleagues refuse to click on them for this plain reason. Someone in this position has an extraordinary responsibility to serve. Tim, I love the podcast. I have just recently been drowning in it. Now this, very different, interview with Marc Andreessen hits the heights again. Wonderful but intense interview. Love the energy level of the conversation between the two of you, thanks so much for putting it together. Have a pmarca bitcoin stock week Tim.

As always, an interesting and inspiring perspective on life. Sounded like an insider mea culpa on being so totally committed to Google Glass, yes? Why from the beginning did Netscape try to go toe-to-toe with and get crushed by the two biggest PC-based companies, IBM and Microsoft if that was true?

Totally in our wheelhouse, we missed the application server market. We declined to buy Yahoo! Only after Hotmail sold to Microsoft and everyone rushed to follow.

We did push an international lawsuit about how Microsoft was giving their browser away for free and it was uncompetitive towards us. Everything Netscape did was known to be necessary 10 years earlier.

When they started coding mainframes when the microchip came out they might not have predicted eBay or the exact shake out of social media, but they had their heads around what would become the internet before they pmarca bitcoin stock the DARPA project even existed. What an incredible interview it would have been in how he managed the ups and downs and came out on top. This is an interview pmarca bitcoin stock we can see inside a top performer.

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