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Just two simple steps to create a new blockchain, and three to connect to an existing one. Deploy unlimited blockchains per server for cross-chain applications. Issue millions of assets on a blockchain, all tracked and verified at the network level. Perform safe multi-asset and multi-party atomic exchange transactions. Create multiple key-value, time series or identity databases on a blockchain. Ideal for data sharing, timestamping and encrypted archiving.
Optionally control who can connect, send and receive transactions, create assets, streams and blocks. Each blockchain is as open or as closed as you need. Designed to let developers build blockchains and applications with minimum hassle. Supports multisignatures, external private keys, cold nodes and admin by consensus. Open platform for building blockchains. MultiChain helps organizations to build and deploy blockchain applications with speed. Rapid deployment Just two simple steps to create a new blockchain, and three to connect to an existing one.
Unlimited assets Issue millions of assets on a blockchain, all tracked and verified at the network level. Data streams Create multiple key-value, time series or identity databases on a blockchain. Fine-grained permissions Optionally control who can connect, send and receive transactions, create assets, streams and blocks. Developer friendly Designed to let developers build blockchains and applications with minimum hassle.
Customizable Full control over every aspect of the blockchain, proof-of-work is optional. Flexible security Supports multisignatures, external private keys, cold nodes and admin by consensus. Subscribe for MultiChain updates.