Introducing: Web3.swift for Ethereum iOS Development

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This documentation is work in progress and web3 ethereum mistakes. You can find the current documentation for web3 0.

The web3-eth package allows you to interact with an Ethereum blockchain and Ethereum smart contracts. All Ethereum addresses returned by functions of this package are returned web3 ethereum mistakes checksum addresses. This means some letters are uppercase and some are lowercase. Based on that it will calculate a checksum for the address and prove its correctness. Incorrect checksum addresses will throw an error when passed into web3 ethereum mistakes. If you want to circumvent the checksum check you can make an address all lower- or uppercase.

Contract see the Contract reference documentation. Iban see the Iban reference documentation. When called on the umbrella package web3 it will also set the provider for all sub modules web3.

Object with the following providers:. Will return the given provider by the browser environment, otherwise null. The given provider set or null.

Will return the current provider, otherwise null. The current provider set or null. With the following methods:. Please see the source file for function details. This default address is used as the default "from" property, if no "from" property is specified in for the following methods:. String - 20 Bytes: You should have the private key for that address in your node or web3 ethereum mistakes. The default block is used for certain methods.

You can override it by passing in the defaultBlock as last parameter. Checks if the node is currently syncing and returns either a syncing object, or false. Promise returns Object Boolean - A sync object when web3 ethereum mistakes node is currently syncing or false:. Promise returns String - bytes The coinbase address set in the node for mining rewards. Number of hashes per second. Returns the current gas price oracle. The gas price is determined by the last few blocks median gas price. Promise returns String - Number string of the current gas web3 ethereum mistakes in wei.

Promise returns Array - An array of addresses controlled by node. Promise returns Number - The number of the most recent block. Promise returns String - The current balance for the given address web3 ethereum mistakes wei. Web3 ethereum mistakes returns String web3 ethereum mistakes The value in storage at the given position. Promise returns String - The data at given address address. Promise returns Object - The block object:.

Promise returns Number - The number of transactions in the given block. Promise returns Object - the returned uncle. For a return value see web3. Promise returns Object - A transaction object its hash web3 ethereum mistakes. Promise returns Object - A transaction object, see web3. The receipt is not available for pending transactions and returns null.

Promise returns Object - A transaction receipt object, or null when no receipt was found:. Promise returns Number - The number of transactions sent from the given address. The from property can also be an address or index from the web3. It will then web3 ethereum mistakes locally using the private key of web3 ethereum mistakes account, and send the transaction via web3. Web3 ethereum mistakes promise combined event emitter. Will be resolved when the transaction receipt is available.

Additionally the following events are available:. Sends an already signed transaction, generated for example web3 ethereum mistakes web3. Please see the return values for web3. It will then sign locally using the private key of this account.

Promise returns String - The signature. The raw property can be used to send the transaction using web3. Executes a message call transaction, which is directly executed in the VM of the node, but never mined into the blockchain.

The returned data of the call, e. Promise returns Array - Array of log objects. The structure of the returned web3 ethereum mistakes Object in the Array looks as follows:. Promise returns Array - An array of strings of available compilers. Promise returns Object - Contract and compiler info.

Gets work for miners to mine on. Promise returns Array - the mining work with the following structure:. Note This documentation is work in progress and web3.

Note When called on the umbrella package web3 it will also set the provider for all sub modules web3. The Websocket provider is the standard for usage in legacy browsers. The IPC provider is used node. Gives the most secure connection. With the following methods: To add a request object to the batch call. Will execute the batch request. Extension object with array of methods description objects as follows: If no property is set it will be added to the module directly.

The array of method descriptions: Name of the method to add. The RPC method name. Each array item responds to a function parameter, so if you want some parameters not to be formatted, add a null instead.

A block number "genesis" - String: The genesis block "latest" - String: The latest block current head of the blockchain "pending" - String: The currently mined block including pending transactions Default is "latest".

The block number where the sync started. The block number where at which block the node currently synced to already. The estimated block number to sync to. The web3 ethereum mistakes states to download pulledStates - Number: The already downloaded states.

See the A note on dealing with big numbers in JavaScript. Number String - optional Web3 ethereum mistakes you pass this parameter it will not use the default block set with web3. Function - optional Optional callback, returns an error object as first parameter and web3 ethereum mistakes result as second. Number - The index web3 ethereum mistakes of the storage. Or the string "genesis""latest" or "pending" as in the default block parameter.

Boolean - optional, default false If truethe returned block will contain all transactions as objects, if false it will only contains the transaction hashes. Hash of the block. Hash of the parent block. Hash of the generated proof-of-work. SHA3 of the uncles data in the block.

The bloom filter for the logs of the block. The root of the transaction trie of the block stateRoot 32 Bytes - String: The root of the final state trie of the block.

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However, I quickly learned that even in my short 31 lines of code, I made numerous mistakes which do not follow the best practices for developing Web3. The main part of the sample was the Web3. Both of these sections had mistakes in my original code, and this post will show you how to fix them! I will be updating the main blog post to include these changes as well, but I wanted to document the subtleties of the changes, and what I have learned since then.

BTW, all of these mistakes could be avoided if you read the MetaMask developer documentation. To make sure you don't overwrite the already set provider when in mist, check first if the web3 is available To fix this, we mostly follow the code sample provided by MetaMask:.

Note that the environmental web3 check is wrapped in a window. This approach avoids race conditions with web3 injection timing. With our new code, as soon as the page loads, we detect if the browser being used already has a Web3 provider set up, and if it does we use it!

For most users, I would assume they do not have MetaMask, and thus this change is not very important; but it is certainly best practice, and I am happy to oblige.

If you have been following along word for word, you might have copied the changes mentioned above, loaded it in your MetaMask enabled browser from your web server , and tried to get your ETH balance Here is what you will see:.

The user does not have the full blockchain on their machine, so data lookups can be a little slow. For this reason, we are unable to support most synchronous methods. This means we need to turn our call to get the ETH balance, which is currently a synchronous HTTP request, into an asynchronous request. We can do this by adding an error first callback as the last parameter of the function:. We fixed our Hello World application! Take a look at the overall changes on GitHub.

I think this goes to show how difficult it can be to learn things on your own, and some of the best practices that can be overlooked so easily. I hope that I am able to go through these issues so that you don't have to.

If you find any other issues with this or future samples I create, please let me know! Special shout out to Reddit user JonnyLatte for telling me the errors in my ways, and getting me to read more of the documentation around Web3! As always, if you found this content helpful, feel free to show some appreciation at this address: Establishing a Web3 Provider Getting the ETH balance of an Ethereum Address Both of these sections had mistakes in my original code, and this post will show you how to fix them!

To fix this, we mostly follow the code sample provided by MetaMask: Firefox without Web3 Provider: Asynchronous calls to the Ethereum network If you have been following along word for word, you might have copied the changes mentioned above, loaded it in your MetaMask enabled browser from your web server , and tried to get your ETH balance Here is what you will see: If we continue to read the MetaMask developer documentation, we would see the following: We can do this by adding an error first callback as the last parameter of the function: The first, but certainly not last mistake Previous Post Previous Ethereum and Web3.