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August 25th,4: December 10th, But probably not more than - USD. After reading the answers I have more questions So you guys suspect the heads of the drive are damaged? Should I try to power the drive upside down or is that a bad idea in general? Would it be better firing up a Linux live-cd than trying things in Windows? Will Windows be able to do anything with the drive? If I use a dd-based recovery tool, would it be advisable to do the image in reverse?

August 25th,5: April 28th,6: You can also attach the drive to the ide port after windows has booted save waiting 30 mintues and possibly killing the hard drive. Go to computer managment then scan for new devices.

Only do this if you more on how to bitcoin atm 94019 want to clone the disk. I suggest you scan completely with MHDD. Get a good idea of where the BAD's are located. Clone around these areas first. Then clone the remaining unreadables. August 25th, Connecting the drive via adapter in Windows did not work.

Drive made noises and powered itself down. I am now getting an image of the drive via ddrescue. ATM 8 out of 40 GB transferred with 3.

So far so good December 19th,more on how to bitcoin atm 94019 May I ask how you released the heads without opening the drive? I opened the drive. But didn't swap heads, i've used native ones. June 28th,0: San Francisco Bay Area www. Well, any time my Torx drivers come out, the amount on the invoice is proportional to the number of screws removed from the original drive.

If the heads can be reused, that's a bonus. Another question I had may have gone unnoticed: HDAT2 shows exclamation marks at some entries: Does anyone know a more thorough description of the values or is this manufacturer-dependent? August 26th,5: Will do a second run to get most out of the error areas as the drive is still alive. August 26th,7: Data from image was readable.

As the drive is still spinning and alilve I let ddrescue tantalize the drive further to squeeze every readable bit out. Poor drive For me that whole procedure can be called a success and I want to thank all the people involved here wholeheartedly. The HDDguru forum has again proven to be the source of qualified advice!

August 26th,9: You have completed some data recovery. You can now start your own data recovery business. You have more skills than half the more on how to bitcoin atm 94019 which you will see advertised on google. August 26th, But even if I knew more than half of them, I have other interests than starting a DR business.

But it's handy to have the DR skills to be able to do the DR for oneself, for the family and friends. While we're at it: I still don't know how I can see beforehand whether a DR company is experienced and has reasonable prices or is just a bunch of jerks that rip your money off.

Any tips how to tell serious ones from imposters that may even harm more on how to bitcoin atm 94019 drive in trying to rescue data? October more on how to bitcoin atm 94019, What to start with now? Once i started to download the file from the disk but after a while it went dead. November 1st,3: March 11th, more on how to bitcoin atm 94019, 4: Hi I have got similar problem, but mine disk is not recognizable by windows.

November 29th, I have opened the disk and the heads are in place and I can easly turn around platter. August 12th, USA platters never spin? Users browsing this forum: Majestic [Bot] and 43 guests. If I would spend money on DR - yes. To give a short update: I think Weaker's image completed successfully Spil - ah.

Next time I rather want to know two days earlier if the drive is more on how to bitcoin atm 94019. So, the problem is, it sounds like it he would like to start, but after few seconds it doesn't do anything.

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