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I tried 9 New Foundations, loved one of them and hated the rest. Let me know in the comments what you'd like to see next week, love you guys!!! This video is Not Sponsored - I bought everything myself and there are no affiliate links. Whether you're looking for a new mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks review, tutorial, beauty tip, haul or perhaps even a giveaway, I hope you enjoy watching. Tati you are super awesome! Lol I love tht you explain everything! Like how to do and what will be good for your skin.
Sorry I am a bit behind here but as for the Jouer Essential Mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks Coverage foundation, I find the primer I use underneath affects the amount it oxidizes. I bought the Maybelline Superstay and tried to like it but didn't. Maybe their new formula will be better! I love most of your tips and recommendations. If you don't like it, then I don't buy it. There has been one exception. I received one of the samples mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks Fenty foundation and primer with an order from Sephora.
It was enough for a full face, so I used mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks. Now I am 56 with very dry skin and some texture. When I finished my makeup using the Fenty, I felt that my skin look perfect. It did not settle into my lines at all. I looked better than I mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks in years. It just makes me wonder if that was a fluke, or what? I want to purchase a bottle of each f the foundation and primer. I am afraid that it will not be the same. Do you have any recommendations if the Fenty does not work a second time?
Have you tried the Jouer again now that there are new shades? Which color works if ya have? I actually went onto the Frankie Rose website and orders their foundation sampler to test out the foundation and to find which shade works for me! It looks so amazing and lasts forever!! I would highly recommend it - I use the garnier foundation to mix with it! Do a video on this foundation. If your using anything else your more than likely going to hate it.
The Bare Mineral feels light and looks more dewy and natural not really a matte finish. If your not really yellow also not for you. Light coverage, dewy, more natural and great for my yellow undertones. Also this foundation lasts almost all day for me. I've wore this bare Minerals for months and i'm sorry everyone ask what I'm wearing when I wear that foundation.
Fenty is one of my favorite foundations. I have extremely oily skin so it works well for me. Perricone products still smell bad. I tried mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks neck cream he came out with but I couldn't take the smell. I love my Jouer and my fenty. The Jouer is worse for dry skin but adding a little oil helps. Have you tried the bare minerals bareskin foundation?
I just bought it and I kind of feel like I wasted my money. I have dry and textured skin also. I have been looking for a channel that does this for a while now. I second the eat more salmon, fish based skincare tips!!!
I always love your foundation videos because i dont know anything about foundation and im learning so much: Someone else who used fenty and it didn't work for them. I wanted to love it because it mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks excellent coverage, but did not work for my combination skin. Is the new bare minerals foundation better for dry skin? And people talk about you're not that into health and don't talk about. Haters just want to hate you. Even to the extent of looking dumb.
I've been curious about the mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks Burts Bee's make-up line. Have mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks tried the mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks or any of the products they have just released? I can't get into putty foundation. It just seems like a ploy to sell me dried out cream foundation.
I don't like it. I have to disagree on the BareMinerals BarePro. I've tried soooo many foundations, and I keep coming back to BarePro. It's a gorgeous formula, not sticky, and doesn't break down iwht myh oily skin.
I have the jouer foundation in sand and fawn and neither of them match my skin. I did the color test on Jouer website and they said Fawn. I just received it and it's too light and looks yellow on me.
I almost went for the next shade darker but I mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks because my mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks is lighter right now and my double wear looks dark on me, but anyway. It was really pretty. I used one drop of the jouer for one half of my face. It went a long way!! Whenever I am having a rough day your beauty, brightness, and sparkling personality make everything better. Thank you for providing high end make-up options as well as drug-store options! Knowing there is a guru who is willing to help her followers find affordable options makes YOU even more beautiful!
Thank you for caring so much about us! Yeah, I know a couple of her songs, but so do most people. Also, the only mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks that failed for beauty gurus were the match sticks and the sponge.
I should know, considering the fact that I own them. Your feelings are not fact. I am starting my make up journey soon and am making a list of great drugstore productd I can buy to last all day in school!
I love your videos and really trust your judgement I really like Bare Pro. I think it's beautiful and natural while still flawless. It is sticky and mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks is the wrong shade for me right mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks but if I find a shade that matches my pale skin, I'll definitely buy it again.
I love the new maybelinne 24 hour foundation, extremely sweat proof but still gives a good finish. Tbh i just use light mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks of shape tape concealer as foundation. Im sick of trying crappy foundations that are too cakey, or and this especially are the wrong color and will never have my shade. The Jouer in Fawn is my perfect match. It doesn't oxidize on me and I'm a combo mess. It doesnt get any attention I feel bad for it.
I have like 3 back ups. Perricone MD blue plasma smells like fish too. I thought it was maybe a fluke, but apparently not lol I hate fragrance in products because I have sensitive skin, so I mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks used to thinks smelling a little funky sometimes. I don't need things to smell like fresh flowers or cupcakes. That's just wrong lol. I have used the Jouer foundation for two weeks and suddenly my face had an allergic reaction to it OMG the struggle with the fish smells and the Perricone products I tried using his cold plasma and moisturizers and I had to take them back because I couldn't stand my face smelling like low tide and copper pennies I mademoiselle mac liquid lipsticks been willing to go back and try them again I work in the skincare formulations industry and there are ways to deodorize and remove bad smells like that from products without adding fragrance or changing the efficacy of the ingredients, there is zero excuse for that smell Would love an update on the Jouer foundation.