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Andrew Miller soc illinois. They promise to create new disruptive markets, and revolutionize how we think of money and financial infrastructure. The goal of this course is to introduce students to current research in cryptocurrencies. The bulk of the course will consist of reading and discussion of recent research papers from top security conferences.
Assignments will involve hands-on practice with cryptocurrency tools, such as sending and receiving cryptocurrency payments, and programming smart contracts. The course will culminate with an original research project. The first few classes will consist of lectures from the instructor, especially intended to establish the necessary background. This class is primarily intended for students who would like to conduct research on cryptocurrencies. It will also appeal to students with a casual interest in this hot topic, or who want to do research in computer security generally.
Syllabus [google doc] The information in the syllabus and on this course website is subject to change. Introduction Tuesday, Aug Course introduction, syllabus, introduction to Bitcoin - [Slides].
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies [free pdf] - Systemization-of-Knowledge paper: Fun with applied cryptography: More Bitcoin Aug Bitcoin mining and game theory - [Slides]. Network models and timing assumptions, two generals problem - [Slides]. Sander and Ta Shma. Practical Decentralized Coin Mixing for Bitcoin.
The Bitcoin P2P network slides youtube. Information propagation in the bitcoin network. Karame, Androulaki, and Capkun.
Vasek, Bonneau, et al. Empirical Analysis of Bitcoin-Exchange. Governance, soft forks, hard forks slides. More Zero-Knowledge Proofs code slides. Security and Trust Management Investigating the Future of Criminal Smart Contracts.