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The innovative model proposed by Latinx Theatre Commons LTC joins theatre artists, scholars, and students both virtually and in-person through an effective, volunteer-basis model that creates opportunities for theatre practitioners of all ages, races, and gender identities, while advancing the state of Latinx theatre in the United States. This Note litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson the Field addresses the identity and functioning of LTC through a commons-based approach; it traces the emergence of LTC and HowlRound its litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucsonand offers insight into LTC convenings, demographic composition, and initiatives produced during — As such, this litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson con- tributes to the narrative archive of US theatre histories, and maps the performative, organizational strategies of a nascent movement within the American theatre.

LTC defines itself as a movementand not as an organization with membership. Thus I avoid using the word memberbut instead use participants or volunteerseven though the commit- tee structure litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson necessitates using member.

Litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson mission statement of LTC is as follows: In a more practical perspective, the aim is to reimagine, both in theory and practice, American theatre beyond dichotomous episteme-based hyphenated X-American frameworks. Historically, the litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson commons is derived from the medieval English legal term for land that was designated by the lord of the manor for use by common folk for their own sustenance.

This was known as the commons. The term was popularized as a shared resource term by ecologist Garrett Hardin in HowlRound and LTC are examples. The notion of commons is deeply rooted within early US history. In his books The Gift and Common as AirLewis Hyde 4 cites Benjamin Franklin among those who rejected attempts at patenting, an early attempt at the privatization of litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson, based on the fundamental idea that commonly held knowledge benefits the greater good through open circulation.

The idea and practice of the commonwealth is predicated on the notion that all citizens assume a degree of responsibility for sharing labor, knowledge, natural resources, and contributing in public works for the common good of the community.

A commons-based approach stands in contrast to the enclosure and privatization of knowledge, but more importantly it creates opportunities for new ways of conceptualizing possibilities through collaborations using existing infrastructures.

Carl, 5 one of the cofounders of HowlRound, on the subject:. The thing that most impresses me about the commons-based litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson is that things get done as a result of it! The LTC has been the most impressive example of the power of the commons to activate people around shared goals and values to accomplish more than a single organization or person ever could. The commons is an intervention-based approach rather than an approach that requires building infrastructure first.

So often when I talk to people about how to make change, they want to start from the ground up; the commons approach suggests there are already many buildings and infrastructures and resources available and litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson idea is to get stuff done. A Center for a Theatre Commons, an idea germinated by P. As Carl stated on the HowlRound website:. From the beginning we decided to use the commons as our frame.

This idea of a performance commons is new to many. A commons is a place to share the resources you have and take the resources you need. Access and engagement are our highest values, and everyone, yes everyonehas something to contribute to the learning, the making, and the sharing of art. HowlRound proposes a radical experiment that extends litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson open invitation for individuals and communities to participate in a commons-based approach that includes open-sourcing, peer- to-peer processing, and community-sourced knowledge.

This is shared freely through internet-based technologies and in-person gatherings convenings. Again, Carl on the genesis of HowlRound:. HowlRound came together as a confluence of events, of a handful of us working on different things that became a whole movement. My work there was very local and I wanted to be sparking national dialogue somehow.

Then David Dower and I. And Jamie Gahlon and Vijay Mathew, who worked for the institute, had an idea for a New Play Map that litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson the stories of new play activity around the country. And then I went to work with David, Jamie, and Vijay at the American Voices New Play Institute and we started to put all of our work under the name of HowlRound, and somewhere along the way we recognized that everything we were doing was rooted in commons-based values.

We were very fortunate that Emerson College was enthusiastic to have us come to Boston. In our current configuration the College and the Office litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson the Arts provide infrastructure for HowlRound, though we do our own fundraising. In May at Washington, D. The first iteration of what is now called the LTC Steering Committee consisted of twenty-two Latinx artists who in May set forth litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson following path via a four-point action plan to generate new models.

Litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson on the foundation of the past and the thrust of the present, the first initiatives to advance the state of Latinx theatre were:. All other participants in the organization volunteer their time and expertise. The strength of LTC is its body of Steering Committee members, who volunteer their time, talents, expertise, and personal and professional networks, and additionally help run one litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson two other task-oriented subcommittee s.

Each subcommittee has one or two champions. The beauty of this commons- based approach is its organizational flexibility; there are no top-down structures of hierarchy with which to contend. Hence it fosters a strategy based on peer-to-peer communications. Participants view themselves as part of a larger brain trust. Flexibility allows them litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson give their time according to other litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson and professional commitments, and to flow in and out of the Steering Committee.

Working artists have their own challenges of time management and affordability. This fluidity allows volunteers to participate to the extent possible and builds on the notion of passing the baton when necessary. LTC stands alone as a most radical and empowering experiment in shared leadership. Notions that are evident to me are the following:.

Carl says it best: The initial process of nominations and the space limitations of the Boston convening limited to eighty participants generated some ill will and misconceptions that LTC has been struggling to overcome ever since.

At that time there was no Steering Committee Cultivation and Governance SCCGwhich emerged in during the Dallas convening to specifically address issues of inclusion and diversity. This is a clear example of how LTC addresses issues, through self-monitoring followed by an action plan. Convenings are in-person gatherings that can be either regional or national. Each of these gatherings of the national Steering Committee and local communities has yielded rich conversations about the state litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson Latinx theatre.

Each convening proves to have its own unique characteristic. The organization is elaborated through planning meetings between the Steering Committee and regional partners, who may or may not be from within LTC. The national Boston convening set things in motion.

Each regional convening has two aspects: Often packed within two working days usually a weekendvarious organizational strategies are employed for these gatherings. The Dallas convening, however, was facilitated by Patricia Garza, a professional facilitator hired for the event. Meetings involving local theatre and educational community members centered on issues of access to affordable performance spaces and the lack of parity in funding by city and state agencies.

Statewide participants discussed how to shorten the vast geographic expanses that separate Texas Latinx theatre artists from one another Marrero and Garcia-Crow. As Trevor Boffone observed on HowlRound: This gathering was instrumental in coalescing partners in order to gather the Latinx theatre communities of the Pacific Northwest, which included northern California, Portland, and Vancouver. One key issue that surfaced—namely, how to over- come a sense of isolation from the rest of the country due to geographic location—is one echoed by artists in other regions.

The Seattle convening proved to be both challenging and fruitful. The Steering Committee was charged with determining the criteria for selecting future projects, key factors like local support for each proposal, the feasibility of each project within the proposed timeline, and, finally, how each project fits into the overall goals of LTC.

Armando Huipe best describes the overall approach of the Pacific Northwest region in this manner:. I felt my set of experiences, limited as they were, [were] affirmed and valued at a national level. That kind of engagement is core to the work of the LTC. It allows everyone to claim ownership over the conversation, and it avoids isolating the decision-making power within the steering committee regarding what issues are important.

If the LTC arrived in Seattle with a set agenda, it would run the risk of homogenizing the conversation, arbitrating it, and perhaps engaging in the creation of a Latinx theatre monolith. Open-ended, inclusive strategies instigate ownership not only of the conversation, but of the organization itself.

Between andthrough strategies of horizontal collaborations, LTC has accomplished the following:. LTC has identified the need to diversify its composition. In there are twenty-one women out of thirty-eight active LTC Steering Committee members 55 percent. There are seven women out of sixteen on the Advisory Committee 43 percent.

Currently, five out of seven new Steering Committee in Training members are women 71 percent. As of November twelve of twenty- one subcommittee champions leaders are women 57 percent. These facts corroborate the claim that LTC is a favorable place for women in leadership, but this is not to imply that parity in other areas has been achieved.

Litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson majority are cis-women, with twenty-seven out litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson forty-two respondents Diversification is currently under discussion through a newly form- ing subcommittee with expertise in equity, diversity, and inclusion training. This is a clear example of the self-regulating mechanism within LTC, litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson is fostered by the commons-based approach.

LTC is upholding its pledge to broaden the conversation beyond the initial DC 8; currently, there are over fifty-five current Steering Committee volunteers. As of June the Steering Committee is comprised of a range of ages and early, mid- and advanced-career directors, scholars, producers, actors, designers, community activists, and students.

However, there is room to improve its racial, ethnic, and gender intersectionality. The Steering Committee is constantly having self- reflective conversations concerning expansion and inclusivity and searching for ways to re examine its frameworks and address implicit biases.

LTC is a work in progress. As such, it has the makings of being a remarkable, sustainable, long-term movement that is not only already impacting the field of Latinx theatre, but creating an exciting new model through which to conceptualize effective organizational strategies. My deepest appreciation for their time and expertise. Any flaws are exclusively mine. She coedited the volume Out of the Fringe: Transcultural Representations of LatinidadConducting a Life: The so-called Tragedy of the Commons proposes a critique of unregulated, open access in economic terms.

Elinor Ostrom of the Litecoin value 2015 hyundai tucson States, the first woman Nobel laureate in economics for her studies on economic theory, environmental commons, and sustainability models, is an important leader in the field.

As a transsexual individual, Polly Carl has requested to be referred as P. Carl, using the pronoun he in reference to himself.

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