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Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. I have been trying to read up on bit and bit processors http: My understanding is that a bit processor like x86 has registers bits wide. I'm not sure what that means. I don't want to sound stupid, but I have no idea about processors. I'm assuming bits is, in general, better than bits. Although my computer now one year old, Win 7, Intel Atom has a bit processor.
All calculations take place in the registers. When you're adding or subtracting, or whatever variables together in your code, they get loaded from memory into the registers if they're not already there, but while you can declare an infinite number of variables, the number of registers is limited.
So, having larger registers allows you to perform "larger" calculations in the same time. Also, certain registers are used as pointers into your memory space and hence limits the maximum amount of memory that you can reference. A bit processor can manage a whole lot more obviously. These architectures means that how much data a microprocessor will process within one instruction cycle i. In one second there might be thousands to billions of instruction cycles depending upon a processor design.
Since microprocessor needs to talk to other parts of computer to get and send data i. However, for practical reasons such as compatibility and cost, the other parts might still talk to microprocessor in 32 bits. This happened in original IBM PC where its microprocessor was capable of bit execution while it talked to other parts of computer in 8 bits for the reason of cost and compatibility with existing parts.
Imagine that on a 32 bit computer you need to write 'a' as 'A' i. This overhead increases in 64 bit computer to 6 bytes. So, 64 bit computers not necessarily be fast all the times. Processor calls data from Memory i. Selector electronics then finds that address in the memory bank and retrieves the data and puts it in MDR Memory Data Register This data is recorded in one of the Registers in the Processor for further processing.
Thats why size of Data Bus determines the size of Registers in Processor. Now, if my processor has 32 bit register, it can call data of 4 bytes size only, at a time.
And if the data size exceeds 32 bits, then it would required two cycles of fetching to have the data in it. This slows down the speed of 32 bit Machine compared to 64 bit, which would complete the operation in ONE fetch cycle only.
So, obviosly for the smaller data, it makes no difference if my processors are clocked at the same speed. Again, with 64 bit processor and 64 bit OS, my instructions will be of 64 bit size always Even when you add another memory bank to your machine it can not be addressed.
The main difference between bit processors and bit processors is the speed they operate. Multiple cores allow for increase processing power and faster computer operation. Software programs that require many calculations to function operate faster on the multi-core bit processors, for the most part.
It is important to note that bit computers can still use bit based software programs, even when the Windows operating system is a bit version. Another big difference between bit processors and bit processors is the maximum amount of memory RAM that is supported. This is important for software programs that are used for graphical design, engineering design or video editing, where many calculations are performed to render images, drawings, and video footage.
One thing to note is that 3D graphic programs and games do not benefit much, if at all, from switching to a bit computer, unless the program is a bit program. A bit processor is adequate for any program written for a bit processor.
In the case of computer games, you'll get a lot more performance by upgrading the video card instead of getting a bit processor. In the end, bit processors are becoming more and more commonplace in home computers. Most manufacturers build computers with bit processors due to cheaper prices and because more users are now using bit operating systems and programs. Computer parts retailers are offering fewer and fewer bit processors and soon may not offer any at all. A bit processor can store more data for addressing and transmission than a bit register but there are other factors also on the basis of the speed of the processor is measured such as the number of cores, cache memory, architecture etc.
Difference between bit processor and bit processor. From what is the meaning of 32 bit or 64 bit process?? The virtual addresses of a process are the mappings of an address table that correspond to real physical memory on the system. For reasons of efficiency and security, the kernel creates an abstraction for a process that gives it the illusion of having its own address space.
This abstraction is called a virtual address space. It's just a table of pointers to physical memory. What this means under the hood is that the process is given a bit page table. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Email Sign Up or sign in with Google. What is the difference between a bit and bit processor?
It depends of the use, in most of case i doesn't change a thing, it could cost more memory I mean, an int in 64 bits cost twice as the same int in 32 bits.
You're confusing the register space of the processor with RAM. And either way, the common consensus is that the benefits of bit processors outweigh the larger pointer data types, etc.
There are other consequences as well, but these are the two that comes to mind. Thanks for the answer. I bought a bit INtel Atom. Why are Intel still making bits when they have bits? Is bits for the lowend? First bit and bit are called architectures.
Remember 64 bit windows could be run on a microprocessor only if it supports bit execution. Bubba Yakoza 5 Simon 2, 5 23 That's one difference, but it's hardly the only difference.
No, you are confusing the address bus with the data bus. Take for example those good old 8-bit computers like the CBM It only had 8 bit registers but were still able to address a 16 bit memory space. I was only explaining the dependence between address bus with and the amount of addressable memory.
Jamal 6 22 Mohd Shibli 4 9. So yes, a bit process has a bit VAS. Does that make sense? This is not always true. Jan 7 '13 at This is not correct. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.