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This answer will attempt to answer the question at multiple levels, as follows: Section I explains the basics of how to calculate this yourself. Section II provides updated calculations based on Jeff ownby bitcoin investigations I.

Section III provides an abstracted way to determine this based only on the total network hashrate and the total number of coins in circulation. Explaining how to determine this on your jeff ownby bitcoin investigations Monero has an average block time jeff ownby bitcoin investigations 2 minutes, meaning that there are approximately jeff ownby bitcoin investigations per day.

Your expected reward is proportional to your share of the network hashrate. Monero's block reward is decreasing slightly every block. To find out the exact reward at any given time, you could go to a block explorer http: It will tell you the reward for that block. The reward changes based on how many transactions sexond included in a block. For instance, block was empty and had a reward of Nonetheless, you can get a rough idea using this jeff ownby bitcoin investigations Okay, putting it all together, where your share of the hashrate is "n": I just want to get a general idea.

Generally speaking, the formula to determine the hashrate needed to mine 1 XMR per day is: A more general formula can hash per second to bitcoin 1 million developed that calculates the Average Block Reward used above from the total coins in circulation.

We can reduce this for ease of use to be as follows: From this formula, it should be clear that the base reward for each block is progressively decreasing.

Combining our two formulas: This calculation does not include fees, so you should actually mine slightly more than 1 XMR today with that hashrate. But you will have to pay pool fees, account for variance, etc, so it's a fairly good approximation still. You have hit the mark.

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