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Here are picture examples, everything I had you change is highlighted in yellow. If you see something like the picture above, congratulations you configured everything correctly.
If it does not work, then read through the guide again and try to spot any mistakes. If that does not work, then use a search engine to lookup your error. Odds are there is a solution for it on github or somewhere else. Now fire up your miner, I am not going to go into specifics about setting up cgminer or what have you. Details for your miner: You should see that your LTC address was authorized, should look something like this: Overtime you will see accepted shares. You can also look at the statistics on your uNOMP webpage.
Install Forever Forever will make it so you can start a nodejs application unomp for instance and close your SSH client Putty and it will still remain running. You can use forever to log all outputs of uNOMP, which will make life much easier if you run into an issue later on.
You can simply read the logs and find the error. If you want to stop uNOMP, simply go source the unomp directory again as your user and bitclin Remember that the best way to learn something is just to mess with it, and see what you can do. I did not get to where I am at from simply following guides. If you have a basic knowledge of HTML you should have no issues, the website is still in early development. Please remember that this guide has not gone over the security aspect whatsoever.
If you have any issues, please review the guide again and make sure you have not missed anything before you start asking questions. It is a huge guide and you can easily miss a step. Also, search engines are your friend. I get asked a lot about what sort of server power is required to run a mining pool.
This is not including at least 1 CPU Core and 1GB minimum to run your frontend websitewhich will also fluctuate depending on the amount bitcoin mining pool server software 8 0 traffic. Internet connection wise, you want at least a 10Mbps port. Mining pools love to use a lot of IOPS. I had to cross-reference their guides multiple times to make this one. Please check them out on Github, and donate to them if you are using their software.
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