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72 reviews
Some people think that Mangle bit somebody because she knew that she would never escape eth goes boom springtrap plays robot pain of being ripped apart by children everyday unless she did something so awful that the managers would be forced to shut her down. Considering her horrible physical state, I wouldn't be surprised. I don't understand why Mangle is not 1 on this list. Bonnie lost his face and arm, Foxy was a little bruised up and he probably gets lonley in the cove but I mean Mangle is a head held up by cords and wires with a few other parts scattered around the mess we once knew as Foxy 2.
She's also the most likely candidate for the bite of Eth goes boom springtrap plays robot anything Mangle deserves the 1 spot on this list. Vote now if you agree! Poor girl, look at her! She is literally wires and metal with a head. What parents would let kids rip her apart like that? Unless you believe the theory Purple Guy messed her up because she saw the murders.
Though he creeps me the hell out, I feel sorry for the bunny. He had his face and arm ripped off! He got replaced by his toy version! Haven't you heard of "The Bonnie Song"? Here are some lyrics. They tore me apart They used me for parts They took away my face! They took away my arm! It just isn't fair The chicken and the bear Even the fox didn't go though what I had to bare! My replacement is blue! It's got the latest tech too! All I have is my guitar, Let me play a song for you!
Don't you feel sorry for the bun? Bonnie should be 1! I feel so sorry for him. I think he is adorable eth goes boom springtrap plays robot I personally feel very emotional about him. I feel so sad for this guy he's like every other character pushed eth goes boom springtrap plays robot because he isn't foxy also this guy gave me flipping nightmares feel sympathy.
I feel sorry for him. His face was taken off, poor guy. People who isn't he at number one he literally had to go to so much little brother that no one to comfort him and his nightmares except his only friends are plushy's of Freddy and the other on the tru people who isn't he at number one he literally had to go to so much little brother that no one to comfort him and his nightmares except his only friends are plushy's of Freddy and the other animtronics everyone laughed and teased him why isn't he a number one.
This kid got tortured by his own brother 2. His head got bitten off 3. No one even dare to try and comfort him after his nightmares Although he is not my favourite, but why are you not vote for him?!?! He died in his birthday party. Plus he needs to check outside his bedroom, his closet and his bed until 6 AM Why is Mangle a non-sentient, non-possessed robot on the top of this list and not him? Okay I'm done with all the foxy fan girls he's just a bit broken plus he has the biggest fandom since charizard!
He went through nothing compared to the other withered ones. How about the one with his face and right arm or that one who lost her hands and is forced to keep her mouth open or the leader who has eth goes boom springtrap plays robot be the planner of all the night guard murder spree or the one eth goes boom springtrap plays robot isn't a withered animatronic but is practically a bunch of wires with 2 heads?!
In fnaf 2 he's the same as fnaf 1, just a bit broken he went through nothing compared to them. How would you feel having to watch your friends eth goes boom springtrap plays robot their job while you sit around having lost your own job?! I know that a lot of the others went through worse but Foxy still went through a lot as well. He's just a bit broken and glitchy, that's all. What about the withered ones. What about the one who lost his face, or the one that has to stay with an open mouth, or the one who is just a head with wires?
They had much more pain than this guy. And also he couldn't cause the bite of He was closed and broken! I could be wrong but it's my opinion. I know the others went through worse but Foxy still went through a lot as well.
He is misunderstood he was just doing what he had to do he isn't the bad guy idc if he doesn't go through what the others did he is the best character in my opinion and is lonely and losing his skin showing his endoskeleton and soon he might get stuffed in a suit that's why I feel sorry for this lonely fox. I feel so bad for Springtrap; think about it! I also eth goes boom springtrap plays robot a little bit sorry for purple guy, because he was left alone for so long instead of going to jail like he should've and then had another shot at life.
Only if he was sorry, though. I agree he plays for the owners of the restaurant and what does he get in return?
To be put in the back and get purple guy in him who dies and then left eth goes boom springtrap plays robot AGAIN for another few years and thinks he can preform again but NOPE because the place burns down before its even open! I feel eth goes boom springtrap plays robot sorry for him his child died from Fredbear so he got his vengeance by killing his partner's son Sammy followed by 6 other kids including his own son I really feel sorry for him by the way what I said is a theory okay?
I knew you guys would understand. Why is nobody voting this? Baby is so sweet and is always being kind and trying her hardest to help and protect the player and she's Number 12?! She never killed and us so sweet but yet so abused! You people are heartless! I don't think Circus Baby deserves number 6. She at least deserves number 4 or 3. This guy has got to have one of the most heartbreaking stories in the whole series.
He grew up around the animatronics-- he worked for his father fixing them, even. And as time went on, he watched as his younger siblings were snatched away from him by the very creations his father built. It only gets worse from there. Every step of the way, he does what he can to redeem himself, doing whatever he can to do justice for his dead brother and sister.
And what does he learn? His father is not only the creator of death machines, but a child killer himself. Michael's body is sacrificed in the name of every person that William ever killed, and as a result, becomes Purple Guy, and damn near immortal.
A living, breathing corpse. And all he wants to do is save the souls of the children that his father stole. Upon freeing said children's souls, they mistaken him for his father, and he Why isn't anyone feeling sorry for the poor guy?
He isn't a bad guy. He just had a horrible dad. He was forced to solve the problems his father made. He got no praise and no break.
Then he gets scooped and turned into practically a humane zombie. If I were him, I'd kick William's ass. I know people were writing stuff about Purple Guy being a horrible murderer, but now we know that isn't true. This guy litterally ' dun got himself scooped' [sue me for being a game theriost] while trying to.
Loveing his family, oh he also burned in fnaf 6. I actually take back about what I said about him on a different list poor guy. Everyone hates on Eth goes boom springtrap plays robot because they think he's "annoying" or "dumb" or whatever. He just wants to borrow your flashlight to help him with his fear of the eth goes boom springtrap plays robot, but people get mad at him eth goes boom springtrap plays robot say nasty things about him. It would be a nightmare for me to lose my arms and have an open mouth all the time.
That's because I love typing things on the internet and I have ugly teeth. Plus, if I wanted to swim in the sea I could almost drown. Why people these days are so stupid? Chica has a seriously injured arms that eth goes boom springtrap plays robot CAN'T fix it anymore and a broken jaw but why you not voting for her?
Trust Me if you have this, it will ruin your day almost everything!