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The gunbot bitcoin trading bot my 10 day review updmar 25 2018
I have one apple with me. I give it to you. You now have one apple and I have zero. That was simple, right? My apple was physically put into your hand. You know it happened. The apple left my possession completely. You have full control over that apple now. You can give it to your friend if you want, and then that friend can give it to his friend.
Now say, I have one digital apple. Now it gets interesting. The apple is digital and we can just double the ledgers and the one apple I give you is now two apples! That is more Apples to eat, they are delicious, and you have twice as many Apples using Bitcoin. That is about all you need to know, that and Whales love double the Apples. That was tasty, why not do it again, we did it once, so now you get four Apples using Bitcoin, or, you get four Bitcoins for one, and we can just keep splitting the ledgers until we can feed the entire world with a single apple, that is the magic of Bitcoin!
I simplified quite a bit. Join us in Discord. So are you saying that one of the great advantages of BTC over fiat currencies, namely that it is limited to 21 million and so immune from debasement, is BS?
Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. I was attracted to Bitcoin because it was meant to be finite. Human stupidity is infinite, along with the supply of wandering monsters!
Bitcoin is not infinite. Upvoting this comment will help support minnowsupport. Thanks, I did upvote If this is the case, I wonder what Satoshi Nakamoto would think. Thanks for the post. Serious food for thought.