Bytecoin [BCN] team finally steps up to clarify the unexplained and unresolved woes

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Bytecoin is a private, decentralized cryptocurrency with open source code that allows everyone to take bytecoin in the Bytecoin network development. Privacy and security come naturally from using Bytecoin. The best solution for those who want to bytecoin their financial privacy. Bytecoin currencies are assigned to specific territories bytecoin Bytecoin is bound to the Bytecoin and therefore is international by default.

Your can participate in the operation of the network bytecoin allocating the computing power of your computer.

Due to this mechanism, transaction processing is decentralized, which allows a person to be not only a user, but bytecoin a participant.

The decision entirely your choice, you are able to choose to take part in network maintenance and get a reward for it, or buy BCN directly on exchanges. Unlike fiat money bytecoin, where your money is processed through an intermediary, bank, bytecoin financial institution, transactions between Bytecoin bytecoin are carried out over the Bytecoin which bytecoin the transactions much more reliable.

Transaction privacy is protected bytecoin secure cryptographic algorithms whereby no one can identify who sent the money, who the receiver was, and what amount of money was transferred. The reliability bytecoin Bytecoin is defined by the total computational power of all the computers bytecoin take part in bytecoin processing of transactions. The bytecoin the processing power, the more reliable the network.

Your money is always safe. Bytecoins are gradually getting more expensive bytecoin time, since the emission is limited to The number of Bytecoin emitted each seconds is slightly decreasing.

As a result BCN gains value and the exchange rate increases. While currencies with sharp decreases of reward per block are exposed to intense declines in network power, Bytecoin emissions are decreasing slowly, which protects the currency from economic shocks. The emission of fiat currencies is a closed process where an issuer is engaging in its own capabilities.

Bytecoin emission bytecoin an open process which employs the computing powers of all network members. Bytecoin user can join the Bytecoin network and take part in the emission process thus, becoming bytecoin miner. Mining in the network results in the creation of new money, which serves as a reward for users who employ their computing power in order to process bytecoin.

All transactions are carried out every seconds. The Miners ensure that the transactions are processed correctly and provide cryptographic protection of transactions and personal data. However, bytecoin cannot access users' financial data since Bytecoin protects the identity of the sender and the receiver, and bytecoin the sum transferred. Bytecoin Specifics Your can participate in bytecoin operation of the network by allocating the computing power of your computer.

Getting started Downloads News Contact. Community Forum Source code Bytecoin wiki Blog. CryptoNote technology Website archive.


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Bytecoin ticker symbol BCN [2] is the first cryptocurrency based on the CryptoNote technology with an open source code designed for anonymous cash settlement.

BCN protects the user's privacy with impassive and anonymous transactions. This is a completely independent currency, developing separately from Bitcoin and its forks. The basis for the creation of Bytecoin was the unique CryptoNote technology. Bytecoin BCN was released to the public on March Developers of the cryptocurrency had faked its discovery in , claiming it was up and running from The dated signatures in the whitepaper were later proven to be fake [4].

Since the launch, several improvements have been made, including multi-valued transactions and several security updates. As of , Bytecoin has been forked more than 25 times. Bytecoin blockchain contains additional information not directly related to remittances: On March 31, , Bytecoin developers announced their road map for several future releases.

Among others, the following improvements were mentioned: Bytecoin is an open source software. Crypto currency uses the principle of Proof-of-work "Proof of work performance". The algorithm for mining in Bytecoin differs in that it actively uses the AES command system for x86 microprocessors and a large amount of memory, which makes mining on the GPU less efficient than for Bitcoin. It uses the unique CryptoNight algorithm. The essence of the algorithm is in the ring signature, which provides the maximum program anonymity for today.

Additional transaction obfuscation was added to this basis. Due to CryptoNote and the obfuscation added to the protocol, passive mixing is provided: Bytecoin advertises itself as a completely anonymous altcoin. Bytecoin offers the following features:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Proof-of-authority Proof-of-space Proof-of-stake proof-of-work.

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