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The innovative offering provides all the needed components to launch and manage a Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange and is available now. On the server side, the Protrader Bitcoin Exchange Solution includes scalable cluster technology, fully integrated matching engine, a web-based administrative console for accessing back and middle-office functions, easy management of users, trade operations, account operations, commissions plans and reports, and various settlement options.
The front-end suite provides Bitcoin traders with a comprehensive market view with advanced functionality including customizable market depth, customizable time and sales, advanced charting with overlays, drawing tools, customizable time-frames and indicators, and algorithmic trading. Exchanges can use this solution to drastically widen their target audience regardless of whether they are start-ups or already established.
More information can be found at http: The development of a custom coded Devcoin forum and rapid growth in the community of Devcoiners mark Devcoin maturing to its next phase of adoption, and solidifying its already firm position as a cryptocurrency that is built to last. Devcoin sets itself apart from many other alternative cryptocurrencies with its unique world changing mission: Devcoin is also unique in that the bulk of its block generation reward does not go to miners but to people worldwide involved in open source work.
The writers joining the community are successful business owners, established writers and bloggers, and even high school and college students. The quality of writing has also seen big improvements as many of the writers who joined earlier have become article administrators and have made it their mission to weed out poor quality work while helping competent writers to further improve their work.
The increase in the number of writers forming the Devtome community , along with the higher standards for content, has added some healthy competition for the shares making up the monthly million Devcoin generation reward. This pool is divided up among an ever increasing pool of writers.
The anticipation of higher future value means more writers are choosing to hang onto, rather than immediately sell, their earnings. For those who do want to sell, there are investors who believe they are buying at a bargain. When investors buy and hold Devcoins they are supporting the overall goals of the Devcoin project which include plans to sponsor the development of an open source spaceship. The Devcoin community now has a new home in Coinzen , a forum custom designed for Devcoin but with potential to also become a home for other alt coin communities.
Coinzen has a few custom coded features which give forum posters greater control over their threads, such as the ability to moderate threads they started and add other users to their buddy lists.
In a world where a new alt coin is announced every day and where the majority will fail, Devcoin is one of the few which has stood the test of time. To learn more please go to: To visit the custom coded Devcoin forum please go to: Devcoin Merchants and Services: This Press Release is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as investment advice.
Please consult with your financial advisor before investing in DVC or any other digital currency. The innovative platform provides tools to help both crypto start-ups and established cryptocurrency businesses increase traffic and earnings, and access financing opportunities. The site offers a range of services for cryptocurrency start-ups including banner and text off-site ads, hosted advertising for webmasters, on-site network ads, paid-to-click ads, a traffic booster with profit share, a multi tier affiliate program, financing for Bitcoin startups, merchant services for businesses wishing to accept a variety of digital currencies and much more.
Cryptr currently pays out in and accepts Bitcoin, Litecoin and Zetacoin: Bitcoin businesses and advertisers can also purchase ads within the Cryptr Member and Ad-Watcher areas.
In addition, banners will be in rotation within Cryptr. There will also be a paid to read newsletter service for webmasters to promote their websites, and for users to earn Bitcoin, Litecoin and Zetacoin.
Cryptr is also developing a merchant payment gateway solution for online businesses wishing to accept Bitcoin and many other digital currencies as payment methods on their sites — much like how BitPay operates today. With its huge variety of Bitcoin advertising opportunities, ways for crypto entrepreneurs to earn Bitcoin, its upcoming merchant services, and its Bitcoin start-up financing — Cryptr.
The ambitious Bitcoin advertising and micro-financing platform is an all in one solution for any Bitcoin, Litecoin and Zetacoin business worldwide which needs more traffic, exposure, funding and revenue.
Subscribers can now apply automated bot trading to the Litecoin market. The trading bot is backed by a professional company, experienced developers and a reliable support team, and makes automated trading accessible to newcomers and professionals alike. Butter-Bot is already known for being user friendly. Installation is an easy one click process supporting Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems. The hosted version which is currently under development will eliminate the installation step altogether.
Butter-Bot is currently based on the EMA Exponential Moving Average logic used by professional currency traders, and its available built-in strategies will soon expand to include other modules. Users can configure email notifications to tell them when buy and sell orders are imminent or executed.
Additional features include the ability to hold funds in reserve, only trading with part of the balance, trailing stop loss orders, and graphs and charts to keep users up on the price and trend developments. Butter-Bot is the most advanced and accessible trading robot designed specifically for Bitcoin trading. It is now adding support for Litecoin trading as a free upgrade to existing subscribers. Serious traders can now apply the benefits of Butter-Bot trading to the Litecoin market as well.
Toggle navigation SIA Coin. Bitcoin PR Buzz Feed. For the technically minded here are the Devcoin DVC protocol details: