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Thank you for signing up. Sorry, it looks like an error occurred. Researchers from the security firm Trustwave says the heist was accomplished by a botnet of computers using malware that has been dubbed "Pony".
The Pony botnet has affected an estimated , people or computers, allowing the criminals to control those accounts. The botnet stole , website login credentials, , email account credentials and other secure account information. The news comes amid growing use of virtual currencies such as Bitcoins, which have been developed by cryptographic experts as a way to move money at a lower costs than traditional finance systems.
While many uses of Bitcoins are legitimate, the virtual currencies have also been tied to money laundering and drug trafficking as well as underground websites such as Silk Road, the target of a US raid. They said cyber thieves with Bitcoins can use any number of trading websites, to get real cash while maintaining anonymity.
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Updated Updated 25 February The cyber gang operating the Pony botnet was active between September and mid-January News to your inbox Sign up now for the latest news from Australia and around the world direct to your inbox.