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Good news is, the Bitcoins are now officilly legal money in Germany. I'm always willing to answer questions so thank you. If traders want to trade with 10 brokers, it is possible.
This is for the Telegram Support. Please give me my username. Tone has strong opinions on Bitcoin and altcoins. Hope you enjoy guys! Amazing chat with Tone, want to thank him for his participation and time. You are making little sense. Finally said something worth remembering. ICOs can be scammy……. With this i finally agree w Tone. Thanks for having Tone…. Also, he states that no tokens provide new technology.
Very extreme and often contradictory logic and points. One problem with chat with tone vaysiota altcoins bitcoin world is that wise people are so full of doubts and speak carefully, while others are so full of confidence in what they say. It is fascinating to watch how you are more mature and balanced than older ppl like Vays and RHeart. Please interview more programmers and generally people who are inspiring others to push boundaries, and less people like Vays or Heart, which of course have their reasons and I agrew with certain parts of their reasoning, but they have an overall negative attitude just for the sake of chat with tone vaysiota altcoins bitcoin.
There are more indept research and studies of various ICOs and their viabilities in their respective projects for crowdfunding. Therefore, more risks will be surfacing in Bitcoin in exchanging markets and the same will be coupled with other crypto currencies, tokens and coins sooner and later.
God will not help anyone in hacking and losess of software programmed digital money investment as compared to fiat moneys in tradings,like ICO and IPO, all are to sweep legal tender fiat moneys into higher risks of virtual digital moneys nowadays and in future soon. Cheers to those who make gains before any collapse in any investment nowadays. BTC is cool, no doubt. But blockchain with miners is expensive. IOTA is one solution that is very promising. How can he says there chat with tone vaysiota altcoins bitcoin no innovation outside bitcoin with the already working products of many blockchain projects.
I like Tony Vays. Didn't know anything about him until watching this. I think he has some interesting views. I disagree with his view on PoS though. There are some seriously smart people researching PoS and some have even proved that it is chat with tone vaysiota altcoins bitcoin secure as PoW under certain assumptions that are reasonable and realistic.
Also I disagree with his views on decentralisation being unnecessary. Decentralisation is the only way to achieve economic freedom. Half the world's population do not have such freedoms. Those environments are perfect use cases for decentralised solutions. I listened to Tone Vays talking with Ivan yesterday, and I must disagree with him absolutely. If there can only be one cryptocurrency, either Bitcoin or "the one coin that destroys Bitcoin", it is ridiculous.
There is no reason that only one currency can exist. Everything either a million dollars or else zero. That is to say that there can only be one legitimate 'product' and that there is no such thing as 'alternatives' or as we say in economics, 'substitutes'.
To believe that, we must suppose that there is only one motor vehicle, the Mercedes Benz. Of course, throughout the world no one uses any other currency to buy their meat and vegetables at the market.
Aside from government edict, everyone would pay 'infinitely' more for the one thing than for any other. I agree with him that IOTA is bulldust, and it's worthwhile to hear counterarguments and criticism, but there are definitely, in the top twenty coins, at least more than ten projects that are legitimate, and maybe some more even that have no significant market penetration yet.
Tone Vays is also blinkered by weird American legalistic concepts that mean nothing to the rest of the world. People buy chat with tone vaysiota altcoins bitcoin sell shares freely on the market all around the world without being accredited by the government. What difference does it make if it is directly from the issuer or otherwise? If two people trade a store token, credit or frequent flyer point for an agreed value it suddenly becomes something evil that must be governed by a government agency!
He is obviously an expert chat with tone vaysiota altcoins bitcoin technical chart analysis, but that does chat with tone vaysiota altcoins bitcoin make him even competent chat with tone vaysiota altcoins bitcoin economics or fundamentals or reality. He has a very narrow field of competency. You disclosed that you are a complete idiot. Bashing Iota chat with tone vaysiota altcoins bitcoin even knowing whether or not it had ICO'ed.
Your TA might be pretty nice because the sheep follow but you neither have any idea about tech nor are a visionary at all. Ivan, this guy is a complete idiot, where did you find him? He says that all "alt coins" are scams? The Alt coins are an extremely diverse group of potential investments and calling them all anything is foolish and intellectually lazy.
This guy calls Dan Larimer a scammer? Larimer has two successful blockchains already, what does this loser have? He was almost bragging about having an almost "6 figure" job, my Gosh, Larimer is a multi-billionaire. He casually states that he has a couple thousand Litecoin on an old broken machine? That would be over K, three times the salary the guy thought was worth mentioning.
This guy has nothing to add to the discussion, and his numbers don't even add up. This guy wants attention for his worthless media. Anyone who thinks the only blockchain is going to be Bitcoin, is not just a fool, but a damn fool. Don't waste our time with people like this, or we'll stop following you too. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Home Bitcoin Bitcoin. My good, why do you invite such guy? Tys kiendal… People sometimes like animals. This dude tone vays like a Rooster.
He knows too much technically. So its hard for him to focus on alts. Wtf is he talking about. If high leverage is a problem you'll invest a smaller amount. Was very nice how you were polite but showed some backbone in rebuttal.
Aurora coin didn't go to zero. What's he talking about? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
Good news is, the Bitcoins are now officilly legal money in Germany. I'm always willing to answer questions so thank you. If traders want to trade with 10 brokers, it is possible.