You Might Be Exchanging Bitcoin With Trading Bots and Not Even Know It

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Bitcoin trading bots are softwares which follow certain pre-programmed algorithms in order to analyze the activity on the cryptocurrency markets and trade accordingly in a profitable situation. Bitcoin bot cryptocurrency trading software how to trade bitcoins bots can trade based on predefined rules or can exploit the market inefficiency that occurs between bitcoin exchanges due to the young and growing nature of crpytocurrencies.

Cryptotrader bitcoin trading bot is an algorithmic trading platform for cryptocurrencies. The cloud based solution provides fully automated trading solutions for anyone interested in the crypto market. Clients at Cryptotrader can choose from five different subsciption plans for a monthly fee in the range of 0. The difference between the plans are the number of trading bots included in the package and the maximum amount of equity limit.

A minumum programming knowledge is required to create own strategies within the trading bot, however free and paid strategies are also available if the user does not want to deal with coding. The trading bot is running on cloudbased servers, there is no installation requirement for the software. All major crytocurrency exchanges are supported on the Cryptotrader platform for both live trades and for backtesting as well.

Beside bitcoin, further cryptocurrencies are available to trade as well. The site also offers the trading of strategies between its clients to enable to anyone to profit from a good idea. Interesting discussions may arise from the busy forum. The instant email and SMS notification alerts the users on any market event or changes in current trend to make sure they are always on the top of their finances.

The website is clearly organized and plenty of information is available for bitcoin bot cryptocurrency trading software how to trade bitcoins started. The available strategies has clear descriptions and the source code is also available for the free ones. The platform automatically shows the backtested results as well as the live trading bitcoin bot cryptocurrency trading software how to trade bitcoins of the bot.

Haasonline has been on the bitcoin trading bot market since Beside offering a trading bot, Haasonline also provides access to arbitrage, order and script bots. Haasonline offers three different level of licenses in the price range of 0. The number of trading bots are limited in the begginer package while the advanced package offers unlimited number of trading, arbitrage, order and script bots. In order to maximize the profit from the Haasonline sofware, users need bitcoin bot cryptocurrency trading software how to trade bitcoins understand the basics of technical market analysis as the trading bot offers certain indicators that must be chosen.

Currently the Haasonline bitcoin trading bot is available for Windows users with its full features, however Linux and OSX versions are under beta testing and available upon request. Haasonline only accept Bitcoin as payment as they want to emphasize their commitment to the cryptocurrency development with this step. Beside providing an ordinary trading bot, Haasonline also offeres different kind of automated trading options, such as arbitrage trading trading between various bitcoin exchangesorder bot executing trades under certain market events and script bots highly customizable bitcoin bot cryptocurrency trading software how to trade bitcoins programs.

There is a possibility to backtest the trade bots with historical market data. Under Tutorials menu, a series of videos explain how the software works in the real life. The Wiki site also provide plentiful resources for further information. BTC Robot is a bitcoin trading bot developed by Russian programmers. The BTC Robot is analyizing the prices on different Bitcoin exchanges in real time, automatically exploits the gaps and uses hedges to execute profitable bitcoin trade as an arbitrage bot.

The more expensive plans include virtual private servers and personal support. There is also no monthly fees or commissions collected further to the one time license fee. The software is available for Windows and Mac users and there is also possibility to purchase cloud contracts where the program is running on a distinct server. The website includes a couple of paragraphs about cryptocurrencies in general before getting to the point of their product, so it is not the easiest to find the information around.

Couple of videos are offered on the site to get to know closer bitcoin and the software itself. The signup and the installation process is however pretty self-explanatory. Also check out this article on Coindesk. Best Bitcoin Trading Bots Bitcoin trading bots are softwares which follow certain pre-programmed algorithms in order to analyze the activity on the cryptocurrency markets and trade accordingly in a profitable situation. Here are three popular trading bots that are available on the bitcoin market.

No software installation required Strategies marketplace Backtesting trading strategies Altcoin trading on supported exchanges Works on major exchanges. Backtesting trading strategies Bitcoin trading only; Litecoin upgrade in Platinum plan Works on major exchanges.

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Trader bot Free A standard automated crypto trading bot is offered for free. This includes the use of one indicator, one safety and one pair, without leverage. Easy setup Automated crypto trading bots that are quick and easy to set up with your own trading bot strategies, integrated with major exchanges: Bitfinex, Poloniex, Bittrex, OkCoin and many others. Rent your bot Make money by renting your strategies to other customers through the bot store.

Multi-coin trading Multi-coin trading allowing you to select multiple coins to trade against, the bot work with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash and many others. Free backtesting Free backtesting allowing you to test your strategy over a previous trading period to see how it would have performed based on historical data. Simulator Simulator mode allowing you to trial a strategy in real time, without real currency so the user can get confidence.

Indicators Add from many indicators to your strategy to maximise your trading. Safeties Add from many safeties to your strategy to limit or prevent any losses. Trading bot modes Choose between different trading modes and to select the format to indicators work together.

Arbitrage bot trading Arbitrage bot trading, make profits by trading the different coin prices between exchanges, buy bitcoin or other crypto on the cheapest exchange and sell on the most expensive.

Social trading network Social trading network so you can connect to other traders and discuss strategies. Portfolio of trading bot strategies A portfolio of bots minimum of 2 strategies which is based on a customer risk profile.

This is aimed mostly at customers looking for a more investment focus. Automated crypto lending bot Make loans, using the artificial intelligence to invest in the currency that has the most deficit, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Dollar, thus, earning a greater interest. Follow Us Telegram Facebook Instagram. Subscribe Join our newsletter!