Bitcoin Morning Brief With Tone Vays (4.65 MB) Free Mp3 Download

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Tone is the only person I know who has a product he sells, but yet at the same time shares it everyday, and sometimes multiples times per day, For Free!

OMG Roger is just a brat who likes to interrupt and attack the talker personally. When Tone responded with good argument, Roger just keeps quiet and try to find something else to attack. He is just going to keep using this tactics to attract dumb people to buy btrash. Tone is a content creator for bitcoin yet he doesnt even use bitcoin lol. He said it himself. He is a shill and is probably payed to promote nonsense. This guy is an idiot. Its crazy how bad I hated roger at this point of time but almost a year later I am seeing more and more online shops drop BTC.

Segwit has debunked Roger Ver's lie about bitcoin high network fee, I still don't get why people would buy outdated Bcash when there is litecoin. Bitcoin was designed as a store of value -- not to be used to buy cup of coffee litecoin is good for that.

If technology allows it to scale without changing decentralized nature - Great. What Roger Ver is talking about is centralizing bitcoin because only large miners will be able to run nodes for larger block size and this changes a major characteristic of bitcoin - which is the security in decentralization. Ver is an opportunist and a liar, do not trust him -- he and major chineses miner Jihan Wu are in collusion.

Create your own coin Roger - you are not the president of bitcoin and you do not speak for the millions of owners. Oh right, you can't make a coin because you are not a developer -- just a corrupt business guy looking to cash in. I love that first analogy! I love the coders and visionaries, not the peanut gallery! I'm really excited for lightning network with segwit, the potential is just currently unfathomable!

Well seems most people have missed the main point here. Segwit increases the block size anyway, so yea seems people trying to stop increasing the block size are lying to us. They must have another agenda. Why is Roger Ver someone to listen to. BY his own admission, this is his claim to "credibility " in the space.

Bitcoin Cash is an alt coin that will have no technical reason to exist once we have lightning network transactions. If it was a normal forkit would stand on its own merits instead of trying to claim its the real bitcoin, which obviously is not the case.

Give me a break. The real contender for 1 in market cap is Etherium and it isn't as much a combatant bitcoin morning brief with tone vaysbtcusd could not break out is $7500 still in play a partner!

Roger made Bcrash look bad and now people have ot point out what's wrong with it. I agree with Tone. Bitcoin is not going to function as a currency, it's going to function as a way for wealthy people people who can afford to own bitcoin and pay high-ish transaction fees to make anonymous, non-censorable payments and to hide some of their wealth. Sorry Tone you have little skin in the game, don't use bitcoin much and you just don't know enough of the whole picture to debate Roger, putting all your faith in what some programmers that are paid by banks tell you is dangerous, on this video a year ago you said they are almost ready - it's now a year Later and segwit has not being implemented, most of the big players have stopped using BTC Microsoft-Bitpay and have or are switching to BCH.

BitcoinCash BCH did a hardfork to switch its difficulty algorithm less than 3 months ago and it was so smooth that almost no one even knows about it! BCH is by the way going to upgrade by hardfork every 6 months agreed roadmap already and the next one is in may Roger Ver is just another soul eaten up by his own greed. Everything he does and says is aimed solely at bitcoin morning brief with tone vaysbtcusd could not break out is $7500 still in play his wealth and nothing else.

He does not give a shit about your freedom whatever. Wake up out of this fairytale. Roger having too much skin in the game cause a person to bitcoin morning brief with tone vaysbtcusd could not break out is $7500 still in play blind, unable to think from outside the box, in addition to possible corruption and many other bias ways.

It is easier to see where the market is going when you are not in the market. Problem is Roger does not understanding what the word digital means or what you need to use something that is digital. Much props man, you stayed really calm through what I would consider a lot of childish and selfish whining.

BCash is sealing it's own fate with FUD and negativity. BCash is obviously seeking to use a centralized approach No one can speak authoritatively for Bitcoin, can the same be said for Bitcoin Cash?

They have a CEO. Is there a CEO of Bitcoin? Tone started off with a terrible analogy. Then a group of solar panel sales people came to town and tried to take over the nuclear reactor because they have a lot of knowledge and experience in power generation. We want the nuclear reactor. And the people in the town know all about how it works and what it takes to maintain it. Even if you hate Roger, his arguments cant be ignored.

If transaction fees get so high BTC will fail. I use it only if there is no other way. Its slow and expensive. The second Vays made that logical fallacy, I was like, "Why are you even debating for Segwit then?

Because developers like it? I don't give two shits about buying coffee with Bitcoin. Good old fiat is great for everyday transactions until Bitcoin lightning is ready. Bitcoin morning brief with tone vaysbtcusd could not break out is $7500 still in play Ver sounds like a complaining, whiny bitch you likes to humiliate everyone who doesn't agree with him.

And it annoys the shit out of me when people call Bitcoin "the real Bitcoin" Bitcoin core, for God sake B Cash was a fork that just used the name, period! Really don't like to see Roger's political game. Why would you want to hard fork for most credited crypto-currency if there is much better way to do. Hope Fake bitcoin will go down soon. Reddit is just peanut gallery, c'mon, what are people going to learn from reddit besides memes.

The irony is most people go to bitcoinDOTcom to learn first and foremost. That's actually what I did when I first heard of bitcoin, bitcoin morning brief with tone vaysbtcusd could not break out is $7500 still in play checked to see the dot com site. What if they're wrong? Is this your best answer for "Bitcoin for everybody"? SegWit is NOT a scaling solution.

I don't understand the hate for Roger. Everything he is talking about in here is completely logically in-line with the BTC whitepaper and I share his reactions to the decisions made by Blockstream.

I really don't understand why anyone would want to spend BTC in the first place I will try and post relevant links here soon please check back. Roger Ver tells us his upbringing, life as an expat, life in jail, and urinal cakes. Roger Ver and Richard Heart Bitcoin debate. Tone Vays and Richard Heart talk Bitcoin, futures, options, tether, usdt and more.

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After I've posted my bullish TA on Bitcoin https: As I always like to stees test my analysis and ideas, I've looked into the reasons why they would think that and what other analysts are projecting. I think that he is the main propagator of this target price.

For more info check out his newest video:. Not being sure what to think anymore, I've started to look in the other direction and that is the market cap of cryptos in general. There is a lot of FUD fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the markets, and there are not many aggressive buyers willing to buy Bitcoin at these prices.

For that reason mainly psychological, and emotional perception of the price , I think that there just may be another dip coming,. So another approach came to my mind - Bitcoin's price depends on the market cap, being the main fiat- crypto gateway, and it's not looking good.

After staring at charts for a long time now every single day, I think that I've developed a trading visual intuition when evaluating chart patterns, and this pattern knows as Head and Shoulders, is most logical and intuitive to me. For all of those who don't know what that means check this link: The Head and Shoulders Story Like all charting patterns, the ups and downs of the head and shoulders pattern tell a very specific story about the battle being waged between bulls and bears.

The initial peak and subsequent decline represent the waning momentum of the prior bullish trend. Wanting to sustain the upward movement as long as possible, bulls rally to push the price back up past the initial peak to reach a new high the head. At this point, it is still possible that bulls could reinstate their market dominance and continue the upward trend. However, once price declines a second time and reaches a point below the initial peak, it is clear that bears are gaining ground.

Bulls try one more time to push price upward, but succeed only in hitting the lesser high reached in the initial peak. This failure to surpass the highest high signals the bulls' defeat and bears take over, driving the price downward and completing the reversal.

This difference is then subtracted from the neckline breakout level at a market top to provide a price target to the downside. What might cause this decline? The answer is psychology. The market cap went from B at the peak to B at most recent low. They waited patiently for a rebound, but there's been an almost a month with nothing happening, so they started to go inpatient. They are now thinking "where is the other B of capital, and why aren't people coming back to the market to push up the prices back to where they were?

The logic at play here in my mind goes something like this: Maybe I'll pull out a half of my money just in case. I don't mind losing some bitcoin if it goes higher in price , but I do mind losing money. I will be closely monitoring the market cap in the following days, If the neckline is breached I will proceed to close my positions and evaluate my exposure.

Whenever they feel like stepping back in is when this will return to a bull run. If there mission was to kill bitcoin then this is falling down to the proper value. The whales, banks, wallstreet are greedy bastards, all they care about is cash.

You think the last crash was hard, the next one will put some people in so much debt there future generation will be paying it off. You may say, i will get out in time I am writing these words and will probably be caught out myself. I saw Tones vid I got also indicator.

I dont got so much experience like Tone. But we made 2 times higher lows. So its still not clear if panic selling is coming but we need to reverse the next 12h thats for sure Tone told all tell "we go to 20k" but my feeling is all tell "we go to 8k". How viable would it be to use Google search data to discover trends, correlations and future price movements? I have been playing with this idea for a while now. Especially when you are the first to reply. Are the markets going do go down further?

For more info check out his newest video: Let me know what you think, I am eager to hear your opinion. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. The banks want to kill Bitcoin, its a threat to there existance.

And have you found out anything useful? I upvoted you, would you upvote me also.