Reported bitcoin 'founder' Craig Wright's home raided by Australian police

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Nothing is known about the identity of the claimed hacker and there is little evidence that they had details of Nakamoto to hand. Evidence for the claimed hack appers in a document on Pastebin - the favourite rant and ransom web clipboard of hackers, hacktivists and hoax-slingers - that incoudes screen shots of the inbox of an email address thought to be used by Nakamoto.

The unkown parties have also accessed forum accounts associated with bitcoin creator identified patient gmx email address identified in the scree shots, including those at a p2pfoundation site where, they wrote under the Nakamoto name that Satoshi's "dox [personal details], passwords and IP addresses are being sold on the dark net".

The data was apparently available due to Nakamoto misconfiguring Tor sometime in That message urges Nakamoto bitcoin creator identified patient move location to avoid 'physical harm' and praises him for the invention of Bitcoin - an ironic act of generosity given their promise to publish Satoshi's bitcoin creator identified patient details for money.

A Bitcoin veteran known as Theymos validated that the email bitcoin creator identified patient was compromised, as he has received a message stating that he should send the attacker "some coins before I hitman sic you" from Nakamoto.

While access to the email account appeared legitimate, the means by which it was accessed and the claim that it was once owned by the creator of Bitcoin were unclear.

Suggestions bitcoin creator identified patient Bitcoin communities posited the ransomer may have registered the account after it expired, or even acquired access years previously.

Hackers and hacktivists of many stripes have long promised to release information stolen from corporations, governments bitcoin creator identified patient individuals for payment, typically through the anonymous Bitcoin crypto-currency.

Pastebin and social media are full of spurious claims and stupid promises to drop information "warheads" and government leaks, along with a phone-book-worth of inaccurate dox details.

Until more information surfaces on the claimed sale of Nakamoto dox on the dark web, readers should take the claims with a healthy dose of cynicism. Moreover, those with solid information on the Bitcoin creator's identity could surely find many more lucrative legitimate and nefarious ways cash out. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community.

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More from The Register. Hackers abusing digital certs smuggle malware past security scanners No longer just bitcoin creator identified patient spy game. Malware writer offers free trojan to hackers MailChimp 'working' to stop hackers flinging malware-laced spam from accounts What can you do about it for now? Hackers uncork experimental Linux-targeting malware SSH Electronic voting box makers want kit stripped from eBay — and out of hackers' hands Shmoocon Sellers sent letters demanding auctions bitcoin creator identified patient yanked, conf told.

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