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September 16, Uncategorized blog , blog service , migration , vox , vox is closing. I registered on Vox. It was a nice blogging platform, members are not allowed to modify its theme but they can choose any cool theme designs that Vox provide.
Here is screenshot of my blog located at http: But the service is nearly over, Vox is going to close its service on September 30, I don't know what the reason is. Perhaps the cost for server maintenance is pretty high while the financial benefit is less. Just my thought tough. Right now if we open Vox homepage, we will see some tutorials of how to migrate blog posts on Vox into another platforms, TypePad and WordPress. It's because the access to my Vox blog is quite heavy, and I found My Opera is a lot better: Now I wonder if I could migrate my blog posts at Vox.
August 10, Uncategorized daily , hobbies , knives , opinel. I'm a fan of knives and any other sharp blades, but I prefer small knives instead of swords, machetes or bowie knives. Recently I bought a new knife, it's Opinel garden series number 8. Opinel is known as cheap but great knife, originally from France. Next time I will post more pictures of this knife, with better image quality: July 31, Uncategorized daily , pet , turtle , yogyakarta.
This is Juan, my years old turtle. There was a couple of turtle, another one named Jose. Jose was brought by my friend and now has become very big, in my friend's house. Juan is a dwarf turtle. In its age, it should be bigger that it is now. But I'm happy with this fact because I don't need any larger aquarium.
Juan looked dirty in the photo above, it was a moment before I clean up his carapace using teeth brush. Juan eats "Makura" every day. Makura is special food for turtle, it's an abbreviation of "makanan kura-kura" or food for turtles. Juan's picture, 2 years ago. July 24, PHP auto retweet , bot , cron , retweet , tweet , twitter.
This simple tutorial will show you how to create a simple ro bot that will re-tweet RT any particular tweets related to your search results in Twitter. As replacement for Cron Job, you can manually execute the script by visiting the page open the script using web browser.
Step one, create the bot. I divide above lines of code into three parts because they have different task. And add a RT sign as a re-tweet mark. Now check Twitter to see if your bot is successful. This script is no longer working since Twitter changed its authentication method.
You can try this script with OAuth authentication , written by Nazi eb. July 9, Uncategorized daily , indomie , indonesia , instant noodle , noodle , snack. This is Indomie, best instant noodle in the world. Those who leave Indonesia for their study or working abroad, will mostly miss this instant noodle. I also heard that this instant noodle were produced outside Indonesia, to fulfill demand from some countries where many Indonesian live.
They said, the taste are localized so they still miss Indonesia's Indomie. I had a pleasure to write all about instant noodles, called Ramen Rider. But it's currently discontinued. June 30, Sejarah Keren bambu , diehard , jual bambu. Ketika pulang kampung kemarin, saya sampai di kota kelahiran saya dan turun dari bus sekitar jam 5 pagi kurang sedikit.
Dari pemberhentian bus masih beberapa kilometer lagi untuk mencapai rumah saya. Karena masih cukup pagi, saya tidak ingin membangunkan kakak saya untuk sekedar menjemput. Toh saya nanti bisa naik ojek di jalan masuk ke desa tempat orang tua saya tinggal. Setelah berjalan kaki sekitar setengah jam, saya sampai di jalan masuk menuju kampung saya.
Ternyata pangkalan ojek masih sepi, dan tidak ada tanda-tanda kendaraan yang lewat. Akhirnya saya putuskan untuk berjalan kaki saja, toh hanya beberapa kilometer jaraknya. Sambil berjalan kaki dan menikmati udara pagi yang sangat segar, saya sedikit bernostalgia dengan jalan yang saya lewati.
Dahulu kala, ini jalan yang saya lewati sehari-hari untuk berangkat dan pulang sekolah. Sekarang jalannya di-cor beton karena aspal tidak mampu menahan pergerakan tanah yang labil.
June 26, Daily daily , fruits , panoramio , wild fruits. In the middle of the trip and after the sunrise, I saw this fruit on the roadside. It looked delicious, remind me of the wild marquisa I found on the riverside some years ago —when I was a child. Before I picked the fruit to try how is the taste, I took some pictures of that fruit.
Later, I peeled that strange fruit carefully and found a disgusting form of the pulp. Without trying its taste, I knew that no way this fruit will be delicious. Just cold and tasteless so I threw it away and continue my walk. I use Panoramio to publish those images, if you wonder where did I get that fruit, you can click on the image s above and there is a map Google Maps that show you where the pictures were taken.
June 22, Gak Penting bus , dangdut , dinihari , perjalanan , purwodadi. Tulisan ini aselinya saya tulis di ponsel saya pada tanggal 20 Juni dinihari, di dalam bis yang sedang melaju menuju kampung halaman saya. Sebenarnya ingin langsung saya publish, tetapi karena pulsa yang saya beli di Terminal Tirtonadi belum ada masuk akhirnya cuma tersimpan di Notes ponsel.
Saat ini saya sedang dalam perjalanan dari Solo ke Purwodadi, kampung halaman saya, dengan menumpang sebuah bus pada jam 3 pagi.
Seperti rata-rata bus yang melalui rute ini, sebuah TV 14 inch dipajang di atas kepala supir agar bisa dilihat semua penumpang. Selanjutnya beberapa biduanita saling bergantian menyanyikan lagu-lagu dangdut, baik yang saya pernah dengar maupun yang belum. Hingga kemudian seorang biduanita dengan kostum mirip Xena dan rambut laksana megaloman tampil ke panggung.
Musik mulai dimainkan, yaitu intro dari lagu The Final Countdown -nya Europe. Saya tidak kaget karena intro lagu ini memang cukup populer dan sering dicomot di beberapa penampilan panggung. Yang membuat kaget adalah ketika saya baca keterangan judul lagu dan nama penyanyinya.
Ternyata mbak Xena berambut megaloman tersebut benar-benar menyanyikan lagu The Final Countdown dalam irama dangdut! Kemudian tampil biduanita baru yang tadi belum sempat kelihatan manggung, menurut tulisan di layar televisi namanya adalah Mbak Ratna Dewi, badannya kecil dan berhidung mancung, serta matanya lebar seperti Siti Nurhaliza. June 20, Sejarah Keren. Kalau ditanya apa hadiah ulang tahun paling berkesan tahun ini, jawabannya sederhana.
Semaleman bernostalgia tentang sungai, kuburan, sawah dan tempat-tempat lainnya yang sering saya jadikan tujuan bermain waktu kecil, atau sekedar berburu burung menggunakan ketapel. Tenang saja, seumur-umur peluru ketapel saya baru satu kali saja mengenai burung. Itupun burungnya terbang lagi! June 19, Uncategorized holiday , weekend , yogyakarta. Well, it's just a test page to see if this page successfully aggregated by Cahandong. To fill this space, this is a "photo" of my stuffs.
Not exactly a photo, but this picture is taken using a flatbed scanner , a very old one: By the way, have a great weekend everyone! Vox is closing September 16, Uncategorized blog , blog service , migration , vox , vox is closing I registered on Vox. To be honest, my last article on Vox. Opinel Garden Number 8 August 10, Uncategorized daily , hobbies , knives , opinel I'm a fan of knives and any other sharp blades, but I prefer small knives instead of swords, machetes or bowie knives. Auto Retweet Bot for Twitter July 24, PHP auto retweet , bot , cron , retweet , tweet , twitter This simple tutorial will show you how to create a simple ro bot that will re-tweet RT any particular tweets related to your search results in Twitter.
Before we start, we need following requirements: Twitter account Yes, the bot needs its username and password. Available on mostly any web hosting services. Next, extract the data and retweet them: Best Instant Noodle July 9, Uncategorized daily , indomie , indonesia , instant noodle , noodle , snack This is Indomie, best instant noodle in the world.
Penjual Bambu June 30, Sejarah Keren bambu , diehard , jual bambu Ketika pulang kampung kemarin, saya sampai di kota kelahiran saya dan turun dari bus sekitar jam 5 pagi kurang sedikit.
Pada sebuah bus dinihari June 22, Gak Penting bus , dangdut , dinihari , perjalanan , purwodadi Tulisan ini aselinya saya tulis di ponsel saya pada tanggal 20 Juni dinihari, di dalam bis yang sedang melaju menuju kampung halaman saya. Hadiah Ulang Tahun June 20, Sejarah Keren Kalau ditanya apa hadiah ulang tahun paling berkesan tahun ini, jawabannya sederhana. Just A Test, Please Ignore June 19, Uncategorized holiday , weekend , yogyakarta Well, it's just a test page to see if this page successfully aggregated by Cahandong.