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Cryptocurrency exchanges are the real winners of the bitcoin craze, and despite tougher regulations in the offing they are laughing all the way to the bank. Bithumb, Korea's biggest cryptocurrency exchange, said Wednesday it will hire new staff on top of the bitcoin casino top korean actress already employs. A hundred of the new workers will handle IT, overseas marketing and legal affairs at headquarters, while the rest will man the call centers.

All will be employed on full-time contracts, and existing part-time staff will also be given full-time jobs within this year. Work benefits at Bithumb rival those of major conglomerates. Workers get overtime pay, stock options and incentive payments as well as transportation expenses, food stipends, unlimited book purchase credits, fitness club memberships and even oriental medicine treatments and massages.

Bithumb CEO Jeon Soo-yong said, "We decided to hire many workers to help create more jobs for young people and expand our operations. Established inBithumb was a struggling startup until with annual revenues totaling only W4. But it has posted phenomenal growth since bitcoin casino top korean actress powered by the bitcoin craze. Staff numbers surged from 20 in early bitcoin casino top korean actressand last May it moved operations from a small office to an story building in southern Seoul.

Now it is eyeing an even larger building. Rival Upbit, which opened just two months ago, has been growing at a phenomenal rate as well. The key to Upbit's success is the wide range of cryptocurrencies it handles -- compared to Bithumb's It appeals especially to investors who trade in altcoin, an even more volatile cryptocurrency than bitcoin.

Third-ranked exchange Korbit was valued at W billion when it was acquired by Internet game developer Nexon in September last year and its value is believed to have surged since then. Bithumb charges a 0. Daishin Securities estimates that Bithumb made W Upbit is estimated to earn W3. In contrast, NH Investment and Securities, which employs 2, workers, made an operating profit of only W Virtual currency exchanges make even more money bitcoin casino top korean actress valuation gains on their cryptocurrency holdings.

But they have been accused of being cowboys when it comes to online security, customer protection and management transparency. Bithumb's computer networks were attacked by hackers last June, resulting in the personal information of 30, customers being leaked. They also suffer frequent outages and errors when their systems fail to handle surging transaction volume.

Upbit is also receiving myriad complaints about system failures and errors during transactions. Youbit recently went bankrupt after suffering a massive cyberattack believed to have come from North Korean hackers. January 04, The secret to their success is that they cannot lose, like the bank in a casino. All Headlines Back to Top.

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