Fees and costs

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To make it easier for our customers to buy or sell digital currency, we have created an bitcoin buying and selling fees buy or sell feature. This feature allows you to instantly buy digital currency at the current exchange rate. For more information about how to use this feature please see here. When using the instant buy or sell page to trade, we give you a quoted exchange rate which includes a fee.

We cannot definitively tell you what the fee percentage is because it varies depending on market conditions. To protect our customers from excessive price slippage, we have imposed a volume limit per transaction on the instant buy or sell feature. You are of course welcome to execute multiple consecutive instant buy or sell transactions.

Peter wants to buy 5 Bitcoin but the Instant Buy limit in his country is 2 Bitcoin. Peter can do 3 transactions as follows: He can make these purchases in a few seconds but each transaction must be lower than the Instant Buy limit.

How do I buy or sell digital currency? Contact us for more help. Buy, store and learn about Bitcoin and Ethereum bitcoin buying and selling fees.

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