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Given the current extreme volatility of cryptocurrencies, all prices quoted below were accurate at time of writing. We cannot be held responsible for changes to pricing and percentages that occur after publication. Arguably the biggest craze in global financial markets in was the cryptocurrency takeover. A simple glance at Google search over the past 12 months easily confirms the soaring interest in everything digital currency related over the course of this past year, especially during the second half.

Bitcoin is bigger than most companies Besides Bitcoin, there are plenty of other lesser known alternative digital currencies that have enjoyed a remarkable run-up in prices so far this year, with some even surpassing the breath-taking returns of their older, more popular cousin.

Below, we look at the six biggest winners this year in terms of percentage gains. Surprisingly, there are a handful of coins that blow Bitcoin's jaw-dropping rally out of the water.

It was developed by Makoto Takemiya, who has been heavily involved in some prominent blockchain projects and was a key figure behind the decision in Japan to allow Bitcoin to become a legal form of tender. Some analysts have suggested that its soaring popularity in Japan has been a big factor behind its whopping gains this year. The NEM blockchain software is currently used in a commercial blockchain called Mijin, which is being tested by financial institutions and private companies in Japan and internationally.

Ethereum is an open software platform based on blockchain technology that enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications that run smart contracts. It was proposed in late by Vitalik Buterin, a cryptocurrency researcher and programmer, and launched in This year's gains have been fueled by several bullish factors including increased public awareness and legitimacy, as well as the growing support of major global corporations.

CSGN to name a few, has been helpful in supporting the cryptocurrency's rapidly growing functionality. Its stated mission among other things is to act as "a resource for businesses to learn about Ethereum and leverage this groundbreaking technology to address specific industry use cases". Released inRipple is a real-time gross settlement system, currency exchange and remittance network. Also called the Ripple Transaction Protocol or Ripple protocol, it purports to enable secure, instant and nearly free global financial transactions of any size with no chargebacks.

Ripple investors are hoping that the latest round of financial customers will help the digital currency undermine the dominance of banks and corporations over financial transactions. Dash is an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that offers all the same features as Bitcoin but also has advanced capabilities, including instant transactions, private transactions and decentralized governance.

It was originally released as XCoin in Jan. Finally, in MarchDarkcoin was rebranded as Dash. Gains this year have been sparked by indications of growing acceptance by online vendors and even physical stores willing to accept Dash as a form of payment. So far, the cryptocurrency can be used at over websites and physical stores to purchase goods or services. Litecoin, which was created in October by former Google engineer Charles Lee, is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and open source software project.

While inspired by, and in most regards technically nearly identical to Bitcoin, Litecoin has some technical improvements over its more popular counterpart, such as the adoption of Segregated Witness SegWit and the Lightning Network, allowing it to facilitate payments much faster than its alt coin rivals in the space.

LTCUSD Chart Besides benefiting from the increased popularity of Bitcoin, Litecoin's gains this year have been sparked by a growing number of businesses in the gaming and website hosting industries that have started to accept it for online-based payments.

Its open-source blockchain platform differs from mainstream blockchain networks which use encrypted "blocks" to record transactions. Instead the firm's digital ledger, inspired by Internet of Things technology, is 'blockless,' and relies on a directed acyclic graph DAG or what the founders call the 'tangle,' allowing users to make transactions on the network for free.

IOTA's closing price on December 31, was just 28 cents. IOTUSD Chart It's been an action-packed year in the cryptocurrency arena and there's no sign that interest or activity will be slowing down as we head into The opportunity remains for big gains if you do your due diligence. There remain multiple way to ride this wave while it is still in its early stages, particularly via the lesser known coins.

Indeed, some of the best options for seeing 10x gains next year will be in the 'alt-coin' space, via such cryptocurrencies as Neo, and Cardano as well as favorites Ripple and IOTA.

I love IOTA and the tangle - great potential for machine to machine future! Pity they got nailed by the FUD last week but they could have messaged the Microsoft thing more honestly Hope the get the tangle sorted. Looking to build up my holdings in both over then next month and into Will keep buying on any dips. Jesse Cohen Editor's Note: With that said, here are the results: Its stated mission among other things is to act as "a resource for businesses to learn about Ethereum and leverage this groundbreaking technology to address specific industry use cases" Ripple: Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

In my opinion Ripple also has great potential at adoption across the financial sector. Thanks for your post!

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Oct 6 in bancomat by BitcoinRomania. Echipa Bitcoin Romania este mandra sa va anunte ca incepand de astazi 7 Octombrie in colaborare cu partenerii nostrii de la ZebraPay oferim oamenilor posibilitatea de a cumpara bitcoin de la peste de terminale situate in orase din Romania.

Emanuel said on October 13, BitcoinRomania said on October 13, Drosu Ionut said on December 30, Mirona Noru said on January 3, Buna ziua, pragul minim a fost marit intrucat valoarea monedei digitale a crescut exponential de la inceputul anului, iar mining fee-urile direct proportional.

Andrei said on February 7, Mirona Noru said on February 8, Gabriel said on October 15, Asta inseamna ca, in cazul in care doresc sa cumpar BTC de de lei, de fapt, voi cumpara de 96 de lei, 4 lei fiind comisionul. BitcoinRomania said on October 15, Acest curs include toate comisioanele? Ca sa fac o analogie, e aceeasi situatie ca la o casa de schimb valutar cu comision 0 unde vinzi de EUR la cursul afisat, corect?

Eugen said on January 20, BitcoinRomania said on January 20, BitcoinRomania said on January 25, BitcoinRomania said on February 2, Buna ziua, puteti insera adresa de bitcoin pe care o aveti pe blockchain sau o adresa prescurtata pe care o generati pe site-ul: BitcoinRomania said on February 9, Cristi said on February 12, Furdui Ancuta Maria said on March 16, BitcoinRomania said on March 10, Da, exista terminale Zebrapay in Iasi si in Husi.

Locatiile le gasiti la urmatoarea adresa: Sugestie de extindere a afacerii: Apropo, nu stiu ce inseamna sa tastezi o adresa kilometrica, fiindca daca folosesti de ex smartphone-ul doar scanezi un cod de bare de pe ecran si gata. BitcoinRomania said on July 12, Acestea s-au rezolvat intre timp iar acum functioneaza normal. Astazi am avut tranzactii efectuate cu succes. Mai incercati va rog. Chircea Sebastian said on November 15, Bancomatele zebrapay pot citi QR code?

Mirona Noru said on April 20, Terminalele Zebra nu pot citi coduri QR, asa incat adresa trebuie introdusa manual, caracter cu caracter. Pe ecran veti gasi o tastatura virtuala pentru acest lucru. Ionel said on April 24, Mirona Noru said on April 25, Daca vi se cere o adresa de mail, inseamna ca terminalul nu este Zebra. Este al unei companii cu care Bitcoin Romania nu colaboreaza.

Amplasarea exacta a terminalelor Zebra o puteti gasi la urmatoarea adresa: Ce pot face stiu ca merge sa imi trm prin e mail gritanta, nu? Mirona Noru said on September 26, Asteptam emailul dumneavoastra pe adresa noastra de contact: Pot trimite bitcoin prin terminalele zebrapay la orice portofel sau doar la un portofel creat cu ajutorul site-ului dumneavoastra? Mirona Noru said on December 8, Buna ziua, la terminalele zebra pay puteti doar cumpara btc.

Portofelul electronic poate fi oricare, conditia e ca adresa sa fie valida. Noi nu furnizam servicii de portofel electronic. Va asteptam pe platforma noastra https: Vlad Muresan said on December 28, Mirona Noru said on December 29, Acest serviciu din pacate nu mai este valabil. Incercam sa remediem problema asap. Laur said on March 15, Intentionez sa achit o comanda online cu BitCoin, prin intermediul blockchain.

Doar ca, din cate inteleg, nu pot achizitiona cu cardul in Romania bitcoin. Mirona Noru said on March 15, Buna ziua, la zebra pay trebuie sa urmariti pasii de pe meniul afisat, respectiv sa aveti la dumneavoastra adresa portofelului electronic, pe care trebuie sa o completati. Dupa ce finalizati toate operatiunile de la terminal si tranzactia va fi confirmata pe blockchain, veti avea in wallet contravaloarea de btc.

Andrei said on May 13, Am observat pe internet ca la unele terminale zebra pay suma minima de plata pentru bitcoin este de 2 lei in timp ce la cele din mega image Bucuresti de cele mai multe ori este de de lei. Unde pot gasi aceste terminale cu suma minima 2 lei? Mirona Noru said on May 15, Sorin said on May 29, Minimul de lei este prea mare.

Eu zic sa taxati network fee separat, sa aveti un curs decent si un minim de 10 lei acolo. Dan said on June 27, Mirona Noru said on June 27, Adam said on July 9, Buna ziua, care este limita maxima pentru cumpararea de bitcoin?

Si inca ceva… atm-ul accepta si bancnote de lei? Mirona Noru said on July 10, Nu exista limita maxima de cumparare. Daca doriti sa cumparati o suma mai mare, asteptam telefonul dumneavoastra pentru a discuta mai multe detalii. ADIC said on September 30, Acum 1h am incercat sa cumpar BTC de Zebra pay in valoare de ron. Va rog sa ma ajutati. Am chitanta in buzunar. Am mentionez ca sigur nu am gresit adresa.

ADIC said on October 1, AID said on October 11, Spatariu Daniel said on December 5, Se poate trimite btc prin zebrapay direct la o adresa a unui exchange gen bitfinex sau cryptopia etc…? Mirona Noru said on December 6, Tudor said on December 20, La terminal, serviciul este indisponibil. Specific la cel din mega-image de pe bucuresti-targoviste.

Mirona Noru said on December 20, Laurentiu said on December 20, Mirona Noru said on December 21, Buna dimineata, reteaua blockchain este foarte aglomerata in aceasta perioada, de aceea dureaza atat de mult confirmarea tranzactiei dumneavoastra. Denis said on March 13, Laurentiu said on December 21, Iulian said on January 4, Buna ziua, am incercat sa achizotionez bitcoin de la un terminal de pe strada mizil si serviciul este indisponibil, cand urmeaza sa alimentati?

Mirona Noru said on January 4, Bogdan said on January 4, Alex said on January 5,