New create account blockchain
You can also retrieve or modify the port used to transact with your chain using RPC. You can easily create an Ethereum account and perform transactions with Nethereum. Use the following C commands:. This will return your new account's address, which should look like this: Finally, to enable transactions using your new account, you can create a new Web3 instance using your account as variable:.
To start sending transactions, your newly created account will need some Ether. Nethereum supports Microsoft Azure, the below will show you how to deploy a private Blockchain on Azure and start interacting with it: Standard or Premium - Number of transaction nodes The number of transaction nodes to be created.
Standard or Premium - Transaction node storage replication - The storage replication policy. The network id should be ideally between 4 and 9 digits number.
It should take a few minutes for Azure to spin your chain. Is there a way I can pay the initial steem without leaving a mark in the blockchain for people to see? That is what I believe will happen if I send the steem to the service and create a new account. And I don't want to use anon steem, because I'm not sure about the safety of my account if I do. With SteemConnect, the new account will be tied to whichever account you use to create it.
It sounds like you want to use AnonSteem. I've used it many times before and consider it safe. You can also change your keys as soon as you get the account. Hi timcliff I keep getting an error telling me to go see the console for details.
Where would this console be? I'm assuming the price is 30 x 0. I added the new account name, 3. The "console" is the "developer console" that is built into browsers. It will show error messages that are happening behind the scenes. If you send me a screen shot of what you have entered, I will probably be able to spot it just from that. Anywhere else this fee can be found?
Does this fee change much day to day? Yesterday I used https: It does not change very often. Not sure about the error. Either your inputs are wrong check the guide above or it may be good to try again later. I already joined busy. GUI is so nice. And thank your for gifting us a great alternate way to open steemit account. I noticed there's SSL, but anything further? This is a really great way to make accounts. My friend has waited over a week and I think he gave up. Maybe I'll have to set him up like this.
Is his username already locked since he is just waiting for a WIF? You can check https: If it says "Page not found" then the account does not exist on the blockchain yet.
If it doesn't exist yet, then you are still free to use it. A lot of options This sounds like technicians taking advantages of the users and the program. Why is the program allowing this? I think it is confusing and risky for the platform Steemit. It is a risk, and you should not use any third party tool that you are not comfortable with.
The blockchain API is public, so anyone can build their own tools and applications that interface with the blockchain. It is that way by design. And why is it that amount times 30? The developers wrote it that way, I never asked why. One of the main purposes of the account creation fee is to ensure users have enough SP to cover the bandwidth requirements to interact with the blockchain.
Do the things we write actually interact with code that parses them and makes them useful to whatever the blockchain actually is? Quite a few people have used the tool to open accounts for themselves and friends.
I think it is a little more than a facade: I don't know if you understand this post.. SteemConnect is a tool that can be used for users to create new accounts. Awesome, thanks for the tutorial. I had some problems but I was typing "6" instead of "6. The steemconnect system constantly failed with unknown one Firefox for Linux. Now but basically username, password 0. All ended in the same undefined error.
I will test again when I get home tonight. I created the account by the normal method. I have another account in mind so I will attempt that one. Screen shot each step for you. Nice to have someone who may be able to fix the problem. Sorry to take so long to do this.
Attached is the screenshot you asked for. I have used several other values for the steem amount with the same results hope this helps. Try asking for help from the Busy. Excellent resource, very valuable for future signups.
My assistant waited 3 days for account activation on steemit. In the beginning we thought it didn't go through but later she got the account activation email. Thanks for the article. It didn't explain the thing about vests but if you leave that alone it's all good. There are mostly many ways that lead to Rome. And you gave us a suitable summary. I have recruited several of my friends that are still waiting to for their acceptance email.
If the accounts are not created by Tuesday, direct message me on steemit. Hi Tim, I need your help. I've waited over 8 days for an account approval.
I ask for help on the steemit chat and they told me that I should use another computer for registration but my mother and I have only one laptop. I don't have 6 SP for transfer. Why my account was approved and hers don't? Thanks so much timcliff My wife was having some tech difficulties getting her account approved through the regular Steemit onboarding - your tool allowed me to just get her up and running: Have a nice week my friend.
Say hi to your mom for me, LOL, she is the star of many of your posts, and I like that! Thank you for letting us know from your post. My friend businesswri 's brother was struggling to sign up. That is really mis-characterising the situation. They are working hard to make the signup process as easy and smooth as possible, but it costs them money each time they open an account. They had to switch over to a manual approval process to review the accounts before creating them to cut down on the abuse.
They are working on a way to automate this, but it will take time to develop something that works well and can't be abused. I haven't been called Timmer in years, lol. My best friends mom used to call me that back in elementary school.
That's why they should be selling the accounts! I proposed it almost a year ago: We need an easy way to buy new accounts. But for some weird reason that I haven't yet understood, Steemit wants to only give away free accounts, even when it means a lot of work. I have a question! I created my account a week ago, but I never had to pay any fee to become a new member.
Why does it charge you then when creating an account by SteemConnect? New Tool from Busy. AnonSteem Users also have the option to create accounts via AnonSteem. Simple Instructions - Pay the account creation fee no delegation Go to https: The box will be green if the name is available; red if it is already in use.
Save and backup the password. It is extremely important that this does not get lost including due to hard drive failures, fires, etc. If the key is lost, the account is lost. Make sure it is safe! Multiply the value by At the time of writing this post, the account creation fee is 0. Sign the transaction with your account and private active key. The account is created. You can verify at https: Remove the commas and round up slightly. Put this number in for the "Vests" value.
At the time of writing this post, the steem per mvests is Make sure you have at least that amount of SP in your account. Some Extra Notes If you are creating an account for a friend, make sure they understand how important it is for them to save and backup their password. It is between you and your friend, but is usually a good idea for them to change their password so that only they have access to their account. Their account will not be fully secure until 30 days after they change their password, since you still have the original owner password which gives you the ability to change their keys and even steal their account via the "account recovery" process.
For any accounts that you create, you are designated as the "Recovery Account". This means if the account is hacked, you will need to assist with recovering your account.
Be very careful when typing in the numbers. You can transfer or delegate more than the account creation fee. This may be useful if you want your friend to start out with an extra boost.
Official support for the tool is provided by the Busy. If you run into issues though, you can reply to this post and I'll do my best to help out. Thanks to everyone in the Busy. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. Thanks for an answer! You're right, there is an error. Try wrapping amount in quotes, like so: Great comment - appreciate the insight into the power of CLI: Follow Me At https: I think you underestimate how much of a 'techie nerd' you are ;.
You can find it by taking the median of the witnesses. Currently it is 0. Show 1 more reply. Thanks furion just tried it. This was incredibly helpful! I am kinda new, where do i put this command in?
Great work, busy team! Great tool, thank you. Cool, thanks for the tip! Very glad you replied me. Thanks, I am going to have a look. Thank you Tim for this clear instructions! Pulling through as a leader every time. That's what I was waiting for. I talked to roadscape, and it is only removed temporarily. It will be added back. The fee is currently 0. It is currently 0. Now I can give an account. Great bunch of guys over at busy! Thanks for the post timcliff!
The good advice by furion here is a beauty nugget also. Have a good week Tim. Thanks barrydutton - same to you! This is critical for the platform to decenteralize away from Steemit inc. Well now that you have given them the idea they will ;. Security by obfuscation is no security at all.
Can't stop the account squatting. This is huge , thanks for your hard work busy team! It only takes a few seconds. Thx for the Thank you for this important update. Yes, it still works. Check out the Vessel tool, developed by jesta. Check out Vessel developed by jesta. I follow the guide, and get the following error: Something goes wrong, open your console to see the error details. Any chance that you know what I should do to make it work? I tried in FireFox instead of Chrome and it worked: Very, very simple for a newbie!
Many thanks for this Tim. Perfect for me to hand over to my friends: You just made it nice and clear for us: Hi timcliff what is the current fee.
Can you send me a screenshot of what you entered? Show 2 more replies. You would need to ask the Busy. Apparently it doesn't exist yet. This is a very good tip! This is so cool! I can get my daughter's own account now!
Everything in this post and all of the comments helps very much!! It just is, though? There's no particular reasoning behind the number 30? This is definitely over my head. If you are interested in using it, let me know and I can help. I thought we were talking about Steemit. I am using it, aren't I?