Marshall long bitcoin stock
Question — In accepting this gift, is that not a conflict of interest? If not, can you provide me your reasoning as to why you believe otherwise? At the time I was not thinking of it as a conflict.
I thought he was being friendly. I considered him a friend. I obviously do not any longer. It was literally two weeks after I had just had my second surgery in 6 weeks. It was a mistake by the time I realized it it was too late. Your email cites me as a threat by name yet I have never met either of you let alone visited America nor did I have any intention of attending that or any other conference.
I had been told you were a threat by people in the forums. I had no idea where you live or about you attending. The same had been said of Mike which I found later to be untrue. Rumors on all sides were swirling. Knowing what I know now I know you guys were not threats.
I feel blind and stupid for falling for this. So many of us were sucked into what seemed to be a good thing. I got too close thinking he was a friend and working for the community. He had a good relationship with the owner of CCN who was my mentor. I wrote about the info I had at the time.
If I had access to all the info I would not have reported as I did. I do apologize to the community as this was not intentional. I was duped along with so many others. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are my passion and all I want is to help people be part of it. In October of , Garza began to move towards acquiring the Bitcoin news site Bitcoinist but despite lengthy discussions, the deal was never finalised.
Garza writes to Tokay:. Let me know if you have any questions on the LOI. I would love to get this done, excited about working with you. Also, can you run a story on this today? Thanks for the message: I tried to call you yesterday but only reached your voice mail.
The LOI looks pretty standard so far. I am also excited about working with you and this is actually why i wanted to give you a call to talk about a few details regarding the management.
When are you available for a call? Yes, we would like to run a story. Our lawyers are looking at the agreement now. You should receive our comments by next Monday the latest. Gyorgy Feher and Ms. Come the 27th, Tokay has yet to hear back from Garza. In an email, Tokay discloses to Garza that he stopped negotiating with CEX 1 and he wishes to speed the deal up. Moving forward to December , the discussion turns back to the employment agreement between Tokay and GAW Miners to which Garza asks Tokay what he would like to see.
David McLain informs Amber Messer on the 9th of December that they are still awaiting the desired employment terms from Tokay. McLain writes to Messer:. Yes, they responded to our response and sent back information regarding the assets associated with the deal. Here are the next steps:. They are supposed to be sending us proposed employment terms for Mate Tokay. They would like the Agreement to be signed and deal closed simultaneously which means we need to have completed our due diligence on the assets and be prepared to pay them before we sign.
With no response to his employment requirements, Tokay contacts Garza on the 29th of December asking if Garza is ready to close the deal.
I was thinking, why don't you send me the one that guy would be ok with doing for within the numbers i gave you. We mutually agreed to stop the negotiation process when the situation got nasty with their company. Worse, Garza soon learned he did not meet the definition of an accredited investor and began to use stalling tactics while he attempted to figure out how to finalise the investment.
We realize that with your upcoming releases that there are a lot of irons in the fire. That being said, please confirm that you are still looking to participate in this round and are seeking accredited investor verification status at this time. In typical Garza style, he responds to Garvey by telling him that the wife of his CPA recently died and that it would be awkward to push him further in order to provide Garza's accredited investor verification status, instead opting to wait patiently for the CPA to provide it in his own time.
Two days later, Garza contacts Stuart Fraser of Cantor Fitzgerald in the hope he can bail him out of this mess. It's small 75k , but they are a strategic partner for paycoin. The issue is I did not know I needed to be an accredited investor for something this small. I have tried arguing with my cpa, my issue is my income is not high enough from last year. Rather, then make us look like clowns to the industry, I wanted to see if the investment can come through you.
I will give you the cash, so there is no downside and they will owe you the money. I just need to make it so there is no egg on our face. I don't get this form? Don't you have Lawyers to deal with this? I don't even know who to send this to at Cantor? How do I explain this to the Cantor guys? I have to explain it to them and I don't get it. Outside of the fact you can't. Isn't this between the Companies and not individuals?
Fraser then contacts David McLain as to the particulars of the investment to which McLain requests further information from Garza. Garza writes to McLain:. I am having trouble with some personal paperwork on my end. So in the interest of time, I sent it to stu to have him make it. I will send him the 75k, but it will be coming from him. He just needs to sign and send to him, I will send him the cash, and he can send to them or I may be able to send to them directly I really need to get it sent tomorrow.
David McLain then asks Garza why he didn't have the company loan the money to GoCoin to which Garza responds by claiming he thought the company was ineligible to make the investment. With the documents ready to go, Garza forwards them to Amber Messer but she also has some concerns. I am looking at the paperwork that needs to be signed, it is not as easy as a "signature here. I understand that this is not the most efficient way to do this, I apologize, but I would be more comfortable if you looked over the papers before I do anything.
Amid difficulties in finalising the investment, Garza pressures Beauregard to speed up the integration of Paycoin into the GoCoin platform. Unfortunately for Garza, the GoCoin team begin to have doubts about making an announcement in haste and wish to slow things down.
Based on my conversations with Christina, it's my understanding that you want to maximize anticipation for your January 2 public launch of PayCoin. If this is correct, I believe the following strategy will achieve all of our aims:. GoCoin emails its extensive merchant list with a preview of PayCoin, and offers them an incentive of some kind free coin, early access, etc.
We control the message, it's delivered directly into the hands of who you're trying to target, and it gets them excited. This also gives you further market validation. At this stage the integration should be complete and our merchants can start accepting PayCoin immediately. Ultimately, my concern is the proverbial cart before the horse — it doesn't make sense to announce GoCoin's support for a coin that isn't publicly available yet.
It runs the risk of confusing our merchants. If the goal is to build excitement leading up to your public launch, an email marketing campaign is a better approach. Clearly disappointed, Garza believes there must be some confusion on the part of GoCoin as his only goal is to let people know they intend to work together. Coolong responds to his concerns:. I'll ask you the same thing I ask Steve all the time — what is your goal for making the announcement? What do you want people to do once they've read it?
The problem with announcing GoCoin's intention to support PayCoin is that a merchant can't actually do anything with that news. It would be way more powerful to announce that we're actually supporting a new coin, particularly one that just launched with much fanfare and support in the press. Not pleased with a delay in the announcement, Garza restates the importance of making the announcement ASAP.
Beauregard provides Garza with his thoughts on the matter:. Here is the issue with announcing next week.
We had a false start with Peercoin a few months back where at an event in London it was leaked that we were adding Peercoin…when we got right down to the end of the integration…we had a security issue and all of the best Peercoin devs had moved on to NXT…we never ended up launching Peercoin egg on our face on that one.
My understand from the tech team is we don't yet have a working client with which to even begin the integration work…and we won't know what problems we have to fix for some time to come.
Listen…I love to move fast in business too…but we don;t want any more egg on the face…I'd prefer to follow Amanda's advice that is what I pay her for.
Like a child attempting to bargain with its parents, Garza again reiterates his position but Beauregard makes clear his. I hadn't considered the Peercoin and recently the StartCoin noise we have made…We run the risk of not being taken seriously.
I think announcing the investment is the best move right now as it shows alignment and we can put out a quote along the lines of…. A sullen Garza tells Beauregard that he feels like things are changing and Beauregard attempts to comfort Garza by telling him he is simply listening to his team and that on this one, they are making a lot of sense. CC'd in the email, Coolang responds:. Regarding timing, GoCoin is not issuing the announcement until we have fully implemented and tested PayCoin, which means we're realistically looking at mid-January as a follow-up to PayCoin's general availability release.
There are a number of reasons for this outlined earlier in the email thread. We're excited to be working together and this press release will serve to further highlight the success and momentum of PayCoin. We simply need to issue it in a timeframe that will make sense for both your potential customers and our merchants alike. There will not doubt be additional changes to the attached draft as we get closer to the issue date, but it's wise to have a working copy with which to collaborate.
Hey, is it really going to take you guys a month to integrate with Paycoin? Its going to be public this week….. The hold up is not on our side … I'm told that we have not received a client with which to even begin integration. The preliminary call last week with Joe produced no action items on the GoCoin side.
I don't want to represent that we are "integrating" when we have not even seen the client we would integrate with. Steve Beauregard has been contacted for comment but has yet to respond to questions put to him by Qntra as to whether the investment was in actual fact made and by whom.
While It would be improper to disclose the legal name of the entity that made the investment, I know we ultimately received all of the required documentation that was then reviewed by our attorneys prior to taking the investment. Unhappy with some of the content Qntra published regarding his scamming, Garza emails Klein, Eric Capuano and Jonah Dorman believing he could hit Qntra directly.
Unable to figure out who operates Qntra and from where despite the Qntra contract clearly displayed on the website, Dorman tells Garza that it's difficult to file suit against Qntra.
Klein pipes up and claims Qntra authors are bullshit artists. We should discuss what we might be able to do. There may be ways we can go after these bullshit artists no matter where they reside. Tokay does not state what that deal is but it is likely CEX. IO were also interested in purchasing Bitcoinist. This is a great summary. There are tons more little scandals a part of GAW that I hope you guys will write some articles on. It's been hilarious reading through all of the email dump, but I prefer to read these abridged summaries you guys are creating.
That guy is a Scam Muggle. In order to, allegedly, attempt confusion over his real name Homero Joshua Garza uses his middle name and mixes up aliases so he is commonly known as Josh Garza or Joshua Garza. On several patents held with Mr. Joshua Garza as apposed to H. Having claimed to make millions with this service or sale of the company or something, Mr Garza then went on to the cryptocurrency industry where he, allegedly, applied the same oversubscription techniques to ASIC Mining with his platforms ZenMiner and ZenCloud selling virtual products called the Hashlet and Hashtaker.
This company launched several platforms such as PayBase at Paybase. After much public scrutiny Mr Homero Joshua Garza married to Jessica Garza then set out to not own the platforms Coinstand at coinstand.
These new ventures were puportedly related to Hong-Kong, hong kong, while rumor persists of Dubai being the real location. In short Scam Muggles be commitin' fraud and Scammin' Muggles. Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Good Morning and Happy Friday! Josh, For today's conference call between Stuart and Michael do you want Harrison to sit in?
I can provide a bridge for everyone to call into: He writes to Garza: Garza responds to Casey: There are no charges, but the opinions of the same people over and over. I am happy to answer any questions you have. Casey responds with 11 questions: I agree with you on the wsj. They told a very different story then we told. As far as what we need. We need a focus on branding and PR. Would be fun to work together.
Lastly, check out our coin we launched a few days ago https: Stuart Fraser of Cantor Fitzgerald Text messages and emails between Garza and Stuart Fraser reveal a friendship dating back an unknown number of years. Seeing him as the father he never had, Garza texts Fraser: Love you buddy, josh More than love, Garza comes across as desperate for the admiration and respect of his mentor.
Hey, Take a look at this when you get a chance, I would like to get things cleaned up between us. While there is still time on both loans, I would like to get them cleared up. Either is fine with me, let me know what you want to do. Let me know if I missed anything, I would like to get this behind us Josh Discussing money that Garza alleged Stuart Fraser needed to keep out of sight, he writes to his staff members Juliette Dunlevy and Dan Pease: Because of that, he is not in a position to move any money around for a few months.
Please characterize it as a loan to him. I was thinking after our call. I will put in everything I have built: Here is what I would like: I cant tell you how important it was for me to feel like I could "do it"!
I thought a lot about it. Attempting to win Garza's business, Long writes to Garza regarding the coin project that would soon become known as Paycoin: Regarding the cost to develop the coin, Long writes to Garza: And we need to work out the cost structure. You would be responsible for the following. Travel and accommodation for just me. When Paycoin inevitably forks hours after launch, Garza runs to Long for advice. I'm in the Dev Skype now and they are progressing it seems As Paycoin begins to crash and burn, Long shares his concerns of going to jail, tells Garza that he needs to turn down the volume on his life and that Garza should be careful because the "SEC is goin hard".
Contacted for comment, Marshall Long provided Qntra with this statement. Dahl writes to Garza: Hey guys, It's great to e-meet you guys. Cheers, Kevin With the new relationship with Buttercoin in place and compliance and KYB requirements met, Garza ups the amount he intends to wire to Buttercoin from k to k.
Buttercoin provide the following payment details: Hi Jonah, Pleasure to e-meet you and the rest of the team. Garza's email to Buttercoin reads: Hi guys, Thanks for getting this done for us.
As it turns out, we see inthe middle of launching a payment gateway for our new coin paycoin At launch, customer will be able to purchase paycoin with btc. I did not learn about you guys until this week. So we did not consider discussion with you guys. Is this something you would be interested in talking about? Josh Dahl responds to Garza but appears to have misunderstood what it was Garza was seeking.
Yes, that scenario can work, Bennett can tell you more in your call, Tani will help coordinate. Hi David, thanks for the email. If you got any ideas, you are most welcomed to throw them out there. Given what I know so far, I would rate the risk from our perspective medium. Anyways, all stuff you know On the upside, you have built something pretty amazing in a short amount of time.
Just letting you know the things I am considering….. We can get this thing much bigger Naturally, I will make all the marketing and development resource investments. Would like that, but as said, I need an offer that I will actually consider. Unsure if other payments to Borchgrevink have been issued, Garza questions staff member Gary Dionne as to whether a sizeable wire to Borchgrevink has been sent: Is this the wire you're referring to?
Thanks, Gary Correspondence between Scott Fargo and Garza paints the picture of a one sided relationship where Fargo was in constant contact with Garza but Garza only appears to have responded when he needed something done. Hi Josh Here is my address. If you have a statement you want to add I will out it in. Naturally, let me know before anything goes out Another example of Garza prompting Fargo to write a story on Hashlets: Can you ran a piece tonight?
What time do you want it to go live? This is going to hit the market running and is much wanted by your customers. Do you also want to include a statement about it for the article? I am looking forward to these as well.
I will save up to buy some so I can write about them too. Thanks Josh, Scott But other requests for gifts by Fargo often went ignored: Josh, How do I get a Scott btc. Great stuff I smiled when I say that. I am looking forward to being part of it if you were serious. I will do what I can. Thanks again, Scott As did a request for advice: Fargo writes to Garza: Thanks again, Scott Garza approves of the draft and thanks Fargo.
Thank you again, Scott Clearly depressed at the feedback his articles have been generating, Fargo writes to Garza: Contacted for comment, Fargo provided Qntra answers to the following questions. Mate Tokay of Bitcoinist In October of , Garza began to move towards acquiring the Bitcoin news site Bitcoinist but despite lengthy discussions, the deal was never finalised.
Garza writes to Tokay: Hey Bud, How goes it? We are announcing our new coin Fri, I am assuming you guys would want to run a story Also, can you run a story on this today? Hi Josh, Thanks for the message: Hi David, Our lawyers are looking at the agreement now. Here are the wire informations: You wanted a fast closing, and so do we. How can we speed up this process? Tokay follows his email up with a text message: Hi Josh, This is Mate from Bitcoinist!
I tried to reach you…Could you call me back please? Best Mate Is everything ok? McLain writes to Messer: Here are the next steps: Sorry Mate, I have been completely flat out with this launch. I was thinking, why don't you send me the one that guy would be ok with doing for within the numbers i gave you Contacted for comment, Mate Tokay provided Qntra with the following statement.
Regarding the delay, Beauregard writes Garza: We need to wrap up the investment if you still plan to participate in the round. Brendan Garvey of GoCoin also chimed in regarding the delay: Thank you and kind regards In typical Garza style, he responds to Garvey by telling him that the wife of his CPA recently died and that it would be awkward to push him further in order to provide Garza's accredited investor verification status, instead opting to wait patiently for the CPA to provide it in his own time.
Hey, need your help with something. Garza writes to McLain: We are loaning them 75k. It will be in the form of a note. How many of your friends. Marshall long bitcoin calculator Marshall Long The new 21 inc.
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