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Please Like, Subscribe, Share, and leave comments if you like this or found any of it useful for you. Growing our Profit Trailer and cryptocurrency community helps us all make money. Join the New Discord Channel: If you would like to contribute to help fund growth and strategies for this channel, then you may send coins to the following wallet addresses.
Sometimes it means losing a little to make a lot. Its about reinvesting the previous days funds and by percentage. Some days you do well, and some days you do not. No you don't change the settings. So i let it hit my entire balance. If i execute 20 trades in a day then i made my one percent. IT just builds day after day. Did same stuff like you, and i can say i made mistake, in a way. At this point i think i should have stick to it tbh Couldn't agree more on that. Its what I have been telling my wife when we entered the crypto world Invest just as mutch as you willing to lose, spoken so many times lol.
Thats how it goes. When i dumped BTS because the SEC crap they had, i totally figured i was gonna be left holding the bag as the axe dropped, but afterwards later that day it still pumped up.
I guess alot of people still didn't know. I just put it on my do not buy list and moved on. As far as the million i'm heading for in 2 years. Thats what helps keep me objective, and if i write off the money i invested as a lost income, then it makes it easier for me to just leave it alone. Aint touching my bags at all anymore! I don't like some coins and the bot buys them anyway. Like i love coins with high volatility because they can make the nice gains, but i hate slow movers.
Learning to hold em is easy, but actually doing it when you think you can make more with shuffling the money is not so much. I'm releasing a new video this evening. Not so good at all. But could always be worse. Creating up to 4 Profit Trailer Bots to curb against Losses. Binance Back, Hit 6. Granny - Ziua 2 Parodie Animata. James TW - Say Love. My Profit Trailer Settings for Safe. Get Rid Of It!! Profit Trailer Losing Me Money How to Make Money on Etoro. Profit Trailer Day 2!