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Charlie Shrem, CEO of the BitInstant bitcoin exchange, and another man have been charged with allegedly laundering money for individuals who illegally bought drugs online. According to a Justice Department statement, "each defendant is charged with conspiring to commit money laundering, and operating an unlicensed money transmitting business.
Shrem was arrested Sunday at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York, "and is expected to be presented in Manhattan federal court later today before U. Magistrate Judge Henry Pitman," Justice says. BitInstant, as Business Insider says , is currently offline. Time magazine writes that:. Shrem then filled the orders by transferring funds into an account controlled by Faiella and hosted on a third-party Japan-based Bitcoin exchange.
The criminal complaint against the men is here. They explained it, in part, this way:. It doesn't actually exist in the physical world. You can't hold bitcoins in your hand; they exist only on computers. There is no center to the whole bitcoin system.
It's not like there's one computer somewhere storing all the information. It's a peer-to-peer system, run by the people who use it. We started by visiting an online exchange where you can trade actual dollars for the virtual currency. David has also posted on one bitcoin insider's thoughts about "crime, Congress and Satoshi Nakamoto. Accessibility links Skip to main content Keyboard shortcuts for audio player.
The Two-Way The charge: Facebook Twitter Flipboard Email. January 27, Charlie Shrem Silk Road bitcoins bitcoin crime.