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My question is, should I be mining solo? Thats how it works, you can be very lucky, go solo and keep finding blocks, but it can be the other way around. I think you need a full node to solo mine. I suspect I need to set up a server, run litecoind, and do some other things then configure the A4s to connect to that server? I ended up working on this today, after thinking more about how I want to participate in Litecoin, I realized beyond wanting the full reward, I just want contribute by maintaining my own node.
I put together a tutorial on how I setup my own node and mining pool for my machines here: Definitely going to post here when I find my first block. Hopefully, that happens in the next 30 days…. So far things seem to be working out. Though when mining at litecoinpool.
Those stats above are over the course of 3 months. First 15 days my hash rate was in the 10s of MHs though. Still no blocks found. I have an alert set up for that too. Currently set to my workers hash at Mhs, Mhs, and Mhs.
The difficulty is set at the pool so each workers is getting the same difficulty. Anyone besides me think that this will be worth it? First, I looked into merge mining Dogecoin. Could not figure that out for the life of me. Spent many nights up late trying to research how to do it.
Second, my more powerful machine seems to stop sharing and does not fail over to another pool. I have Stackdriver logging setup to watch share activity and I get an email when this happens. Screen Shot at A simple reboot of the miner solves the issue.
Thanks, everyone who has contacted me about my tutorial on Github , please star my repo if you found it helpful or informative. Agreed, the 25LTC reward will make it all worth it.
When I was mining as part of a pool, it took me like 45 days to find a block which is lucky. I also have two Gridseeds which were my mining training wheels. The prospect of a full 25 LTC reward still seems worth it.
Still having issues with where my machine stops submitting shares. What I also find crazy is just how fast the difficulty has jumped. I have a question, where do you buy your mining rigs… all the places I have seen around they all look like a scam…. Good to know someone else is out there hoping for the I get lucky.
I was just wondering is it possible to set up the stratum server on an old computer and connect it to your home network? I am still eagerly waiting to find a block. I am still eagerly awaiting a block. I get tempted to stop trying to mine solo and just go back to pool mining all the time. For anyone reading this, I recommend sticking to pool mining at the moment. I spent the last week digging into the concept of share difficulty and eventually settled on bumping the share difficulty I was using up significantly.
I opted to go with a difficulty of which gave me between 4 and 10 shares per minute. I hear that the share difficulty has no impact on the earnings however, I also hear that setting a higher share difficulty puts more of the work on your miner.
So the worker spends more time hashing in order to find a hash that meets or exceeds the share difficulty. The other configuration I looked into was maxconnections on the Litecoin Daemon.
This is just a number to limit the peers that my Litecoin Node will connect to. I left this out at first and noticed my instance was sucking up a lot of bandwidth and I had about 90 connections or so. Seems like that project is more maintained and comes with a front-end which might be interesting. I did a ton of research back in into open source stratum mining software and the database for registering users and setting up wallets, unfortunately a lot of what I learned at the time has already been improved upon and updated….
But now you got me thinking about it for sure. I used to point my older equipment to a solo pool op that nicehash ran something like solo. Now I just point them to my own pool. If you need your own pool and want to run your own node, I can help you out though.
Node Open Mining Pool. I plan on switching my underlying software this weekend to use that codebase instead of the version I used from UNOMP. In the long run, I think going solo will be a better option because of the transaction fees. Solo Mining vs Pool Mining Mining. Thats how it works, you can be very lucky, go solo and keep finding blocks, but it can be the other way around I think you need a full node to solo mine.
Solo Mining Litecoin I hope some people find this useful. Let me know what you think about the tutorial. Hopefully, that happens in the next 30 days… So far things seem to be working out.
There were some bumps. What miners do you have? Straight from the manufacturer or eBay. Yes I find it easier to work with. Right now I just use CloudWatch as my view into the performance of the system. I did a ton of research back in into open source stratum mining software and the database for registering users and setting up wallets, unfortunately a lot of what I learned at the time has already been improved upon and updated… anyway keep up the updates!!