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These growing pains are far from surprising. Bitcoin down on weekends been an exciting weekend in the world of cryptocurrencies. Then, every little positive news blip seemed to push the prices higher. In September last year, China banned crypto tradingbut many traders found ways to circumvent the measure, either trading OTC over the counter through social media platforms or through overseas platforms.
But there bitcoin down on weekends blood on the street and there may just be a lot of blood for a while Crypto Markets drop on a weekend!! I intend to hodl for the long term with most of the coins i have. Thanks for the reply, bitcoin down on weekends information is good im learning a lot from comments like this. In India, new comments this week from Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley were widely interpreted as a harsh crackdown on cryptocurrency, inspiring broad regulatory fears on an international scale.
While his comments focused on illegitimate activity, reports suggesting the statement signaled a broader cryptocurrency ban indicate a need for further clarification from Jaitley. Is this due to People cashing bitcoin down on weekends to get beer money for the weekend or does it come down to whales or what?
In September last year, China banned crypto tradingbut many traders found ways to circumvent the measure, either bitcoin down on weekends OTC over the counter through social media platforms or through overseas platforms. Unsurprisingly, that regulatory interest creates a sense of foreboding among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
Is this the bitter end for Bitcoin? There are just way too bitcoin down on weekends reasons for uninformed traders to quit the market, but these are just my thoughts on it. The price movement is likely the result of the bad news that's been mounting for months. But the week started with more cryptocurrency FUD fear, uncertainty, doubt.
Well, no, probably not. Unsurprisingly, that regulatory interest creates bitcoin down on weekends sense of foreboding among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Bitcoin down on weekends These growing pains are far from surprising.