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There is something I would like to pay your attention to. I've recently noticed something very worrying on Cryptocurrency market. I understand that you're rather investing than trading so you might have not seen it for yourself but what I have spotted is very concerning. I'm mainly trading on my phone so I keep looking at the levels all the time and witnessed dollars Bitcoin price increase in a second. However this is not what really concerns me but something else.

If you would have compared their 1min, 5min or 15min graphs they looked identical not similar but identical at times only to change patterns slightly for a while and go back to the same one. I was shocked seeing that over and over especially for the past week. I can accept similarities in cryptocurrency price actions but this to me is little more than coincident. Six major cryptos is what I noticed, there could be more.

I knew straight away that something fishy is going on. How come people possibly could make exactly same decisions at the exactly same time at the exactly same amplitude on different trading platforms trading multiple cryptocurrencies? I've got my own theory but would like to know yours. First thing that crossed my mind was Profit Trailer and other trading bots that people are using right now.

There are plenty videos and adverts on YouTube. People are selling them, posting links and even sharing settings. Many people using same settings for the bots could easily influence the market in my opinion. For a moment there I thought it also could be the Futures causing it but volume is not high enough and it would only apply to Bitcoin.

Would it be Wall Street getting involve in Cryptocurrency trading and using their highly advanced trading bots?

The answers is simple. Whales are using bots to automatic balance theirs portfolios. The more money flows into crypto the more often you will see obvious bot trades. Some whale has set bot rule: Just relax and always when you see correlation between BTC move and some altcoins take it as an advantage on your next trade. I'm doing little bit of CFDs trading Plus platform, mainly cryptocurrency because I like their volatility steem Created with Sketch.

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