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We present a novel design of optical micro-cavity where the optical energy resides primarily 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints free space, therefore is readily accessible to foreign objects such as atoms, molecules, mechanical resonators, etc. We describe the physics of these resonators, and propose a design method based on stochastic optimization. With a purely planar geometry, the cavity can be easily integrated on-chip using conventional micro- and nano- fabrication processes.
Submitted 8 April, ; v1 submitted 31 January, ; originally announced January Hybrid photonic crystal cavity and waveguide for coupling to diamond NV-centers. A design for an ultra-high Q photonic crystal nanocavity engineered to interact with nitrogen-vacancy NV centers located near the surface of a single crystal diamond sample is presented. The structure is based upon a nanowire photonic crystal geometry, and consists of a patterned high refractive index membrane, such as gallium phosphide GaPsupported by a diamond substrate.
The nanowire photonic crystal waveguide can be used to efficiently couple light into and out of the cavity, or as an efficient broadband collector of NV phonon sideband emission.
The proposed structures can be fabricated using existing materials and processing techniques. Submitted 22 May, ; v1 submitted 2 April, ; originally announced April Coherent interference effects in a nano-assembled optical cavity-QED system. BeausoleilOskar Painter. Diamond nanocrystals containing NV color centers are positioned with nanometer-scale accuracy in the near-field of a high-Q SiO2 microdisk cavity using a fiber taper.
The cavity modified nanocrystal 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints is studied, with Fano-like quantum interference features observed in the far-field emission spectrum.
A quantum optical model of the system is proposed, from which the NV- zero phonon line coherent coupling rate to 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints microdisk is estimated to be 28 MHz for a nearly optimally placed nanocrystal.
Submitted 24 December, ; v1 submitted 24 December, ; originally announced December Sub-wavelength dielectric gratings SWG have emerged recently as a promising alternative to distributed-Bragg-reflection DBR dielectric stacks for broadband, high-reflectivity filtering applications.
A SWG structure composed of a single dielectric layer with the appropriate patterning can sometimes perform as well as thirty or forty dielectric DBR layers, while providing new functionalities such as polarization control and near-field amplification. In this paper, we introduce a remarkable property of grating mirrors that cannot be realized by their DBR counterpart: Submitted 20 January, ; originally announced January Chip-based microcavities coupled to NV centers in single crystal diamond.
BarclayKai-Mei C. FuCharles SantoriRaymond G. Optical coupling of nitrogen vacancy centers in single-crystal diamond to an on-chip microcavity is demonstrated. Submitted 14 August, ; originally announced August Vertical distribution of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond formed by ion implantation and annealing. Charles SantoriPaul E. FuRaymond G. Etching experiments were performed that reveal the vertical distribution of optically active nitrogen-vacancy NV centers in diamond created in 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints proximity to a surface through ion implantation and annealing.
The NV distribution depends strongly on the native nitrogen concentration, and spectral measurements of the neutral and negatively-charged NV peaks give evidence for electron depletion effects in lower-nitrogen material. The results are important for potential quantum information and magnetometer devices where NV centers must be created in close proximity to a surface for coupling to optical structures. Submitted 8 February, ; v1 submitted 19 December, ; originally announced December Thermally tunable hybrid photonic architecture for nonlinear optical circuits.
The GaAs photonic crystal cavities are evanescently connected to a common bus waveguide, separating the computation and communication layers. The microheaters are designed to continuously and reversibly tune distant photonic crystal cavities to a common resonance. This architecture can be implemented in a coherent optical network for dedicated optical computing and machine learning.
Submitted 28 February, ; originally announced March AcostaRaymond G. Photon correlation measurements on the spectrally filtered zero-phonon line show antibunching, a signature that the collected photoluminescence is emitted primarily by a single nitrogen-vacancy center. The linewidth of the coupled nitrogen-vacancy center and the spectral diffusion are characterized using high-resolution photoluminescence and photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy.
Submitted 3 February, ; originally announced February Resonant enhancement of the zero-phonon emission from a color center in a diamond cavity.
Andrei FaraonPaul E. We demonstrate coupling of the zero-phonon line of individual nitrogen-vacancy centers and the modes of microring resonators fabricated in single-crystal diamond.
A zero-phonon line enhancement exceeding ten-fold is estimated from lifetime measurements at cryogenic temperatures. The devices are fabricated using standard semiconductor techniques and off-the-shelf materials, thus enabling integrated diamond photonics. Submitted 17 December, ; originally announced December Fast carrier dynamics in GaAs photonic crystals near the material band edge at room temperature.
Ranojoy BoseJason S. PelcCharles M. 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraintsSonny VoRaymond G. We measure fast 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints decay rates 6 ps in GaAs photonic crystal cavities with resonances near the GaAs bandgap energy at room temperature using a pump-probe measurement.
Carriers generated via photoexcitation using an above-band femtosecond pulse cause a substantial blue-shift in the cavity peak. The experimental results are compared to theoretical 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints based on free carrier effects near the GaAs band edge. The probe transmission is modified for an estimated above-band pump energy of 4.
Submitted 30 October, ; originally announced October Hybrid nanocavities for resonant enhancement of color center emission in diamond. Resonantly enhanced emission from the zero phonon line of a diamond nitrogen-vacancy NV center in single crystal diamond is demonstrated experimentally using a hybrid whispering gallery mode nanocavity. A nm diameter ring nanocavity formed from gallium phosphide, whose sidewalls extend into a diamond substrate, is tuned onto resonance at low-temperature with the zero phonon line of a negatively charged NV center implanted near the diamond surface.
Submitted 25 May, ; originally announced May X 1, FuPaul E. BarclayRaymond G. We show that with a large excited-state detuning, the photon indistinguishability can be drastically improved provided that the fluctuation rate of the noise source affecting the excited state is fast compared with the photon emission rate.
In some cases a spectral filter 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints required to realize this improvement, but the cost in efficiency can be made small. Submitted 9 December, ; v1 submitted 14 July, ; originally announced July New Journal of Physics 11, On-chip two-octave supercontinuum generation by enhancing self-steepening of optical pulses.
4 bit ripple counter theory of constraintsAlan E. Dramatic advances in supercontinuum generation have been made recently using photonic crystal fibers, but it is quite challenging to obtain an octave-spanning supercontinuum on a chip, partially because of strong dispersion in high-index-contrast nonlinear integrated waveguides.
We show by simulation that extremely flat and low dispersion can be achieved in silicon nitride slot waveguides over a wavelength band of nm. Different from previously reported supercontinua that were generated either by higher-order soliton fission in anomalous 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints regime or by self phase modulation in normal dispersion regime, a two-octave supercontinuum from to nm THz in total can be generated by greatly enhancing self-steepening in nonlinear pulse propagation in almost zero dispersion regime, when an optical shock as short as 3 fs 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints formed, which enables on-chip ultra-wide-band applications.
Submitted 14 April, ; originally announced April Express 19, Quantum noise in large-scale coherent nonlinear photonic circuits. Charles SantoriJason S. PelcRaymond G. A semiclassical simulation approach is presented for studying quantum noise in large-scale photonic circuits incorporating an ideal Kerr nonlinearity. A circuit solver is used to generate matrices defining a set of stochastic differential equations, in which the resonator field variables represent random samplings of the Wigner quasi-probability distributions.
Although the semiclassical approach involves making a large-photon-number approximation, tests on one- and two-resonator circuits indicate satisfactory agreement between the semiclassical and full-quantum simulation results in the parameter regime of interest. The semiclassical model is used to simulate random errors in a large-scale circuit that contains 88 resonators and hundreds of components in total, and functions as a 4-bit ripple counter.
The error rate as a function of on-state photon number is examined, and it is observed that the quantum fluctuation amplitudes do not increase as signals propagate through the circuit, an important 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints for scalability. Submitted 27 May, ; v1 submitted 24 February, ; originally announced February Applied 1, Quantum Auctions using Adiabatic Evolution: The Corrupt Auctioneer and Circuit Implementations. We examine a proposed auction using quantum states to represent bids and distributed adiabatic search to find the winner.
When the auctioneer follows the protocol, the final measurement giving the outcome of the auction also destroys the bid states, thereby preserving 4 bit ripple counter theory of constraints of losing bidders.
We describe how a dishonest auctioneer could alter the protocol to violate this privacy guarantee, and present methods by which bidders can counter such attacks. We also suggest possible quantum circuit implementations of the auctions protocol, and quantum circuits to perpetrate and to counter attacks by a dishonest auctioneer. Submitted 14 July, ; v1 submitted 13 July, ; originally announced July Picosecond all-optical switching in hydrogenated amorphous silicon microring resonators.
FattalRaymond G. We utilize cross-phase modulation to observe all-optical switching in microring resonators fabricated with hydrogenated amorphous silicon a-Si: In comparison with telecom-band optical switching in undoped crystalline silicon microrings, a-Si: H exhibits substantially higher switching speeds due to reduced impact of free-carrier processes.
Submitted 14 February, ; v1 submitted 21 October, ; originally announced October Tunable photon-assisted bleaching of three-level systems for noise filtration. Chun-Hsu SuAndrew D.