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I'm looking for a dedicated server to mine cryptocurrency with. Specifications and prices do not matter, please post offers. Which currency do you want to mine? Ready in 10 mins. New locations coming soon: You have to write - Specifications do not matter and prices do not matter.

I'm leaning towards Monero, however I'm not quite sure yet. I still have to do some research. First off, even if power was the only factor, most modern servers will not make a huge amount of profit. You could possibly generate 2x the power costs.

Since any host can use their own equipment for mining, why would they rent it out to you if they can make as much, if not more, mining themselves? I wouldn't rent to you a server for less than what I could make from mining from offshore hosting bitcoin mining. Bare in mind that that are always risks with hosting clients, and none doing your own mining. Besides, when renting out to clients, hosts need to consider the hardware cost, which could never be repaid in a reasonable time frame through a server's who's sole purpose is mining, unless the client offshore hosting bitcoin mining paying more for server rental than what could be obtained through mining.

You have to keep in mind that I'd still need to buy hardware and cover electricity costs if I wanted to mine with a physical server in my location.

My issues would be electricity and hardware costs, which I'm trying to cover by using a data center, in this case they would pay for the electricity, I would rent the hardware.

My issues would be electricity and hardware costs, which I'm trying to cover by using a data center. Forget about your hardware costs being covered by a provider, this will not happen. Buy some decent hardware and ask for colocation offshore hosting bitcoin mining if electricity is so expensive in your place.

I mine on my machine when I'm at work, and I can do 1. You are not getting the point. What he saying is if the mining were profitable the provider would mine himself no need to rent you the server and make less profit. It would be like selling geese that lay the golden eggs.

It's worse for lower-power CPUs. Let me put it this way. I have a data center full of unused servers. I have a number of servers that can mine profitably whereby my electricity costs is about offshore hosting bitcoin mining the value of the Monero mined. Why would I as a provider rent out one of these servers to? Can I as a provider make a profit renting a server to you?

Can I as a provider make more money mining with the same hardware than I would be renting it out? Community Rules Rules for selling Need help? It looks like you're new here.

If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Categories All Categories offshore hosting bitcoin mining Please read our 'Community Rules' offshore hosting bitcoin mining clicking on it in the right menu! October edited October in Requests. Money doesn't grow on trees. How is that relevant to the discussion posted? The price does not matter either. I will add it to the post. It's not economical to rent a server for the purpose of mining.

October edited October My issues would be electricity and hardware costs, which I'm trying to cover by using a data center Forget about your hardware costs being covered by a provider, this will not happen. I average out to 89 cents a day after everything. I don't think you get it.

Please explain how the provider will benefit from renting out to someone who just wants to mine. Thanked by 1 Falzo. How many do you need?

Just 1 server or multiple? Renting a server for mining offshore hosting bitcoin mining really old fashioned. Sign In or Register to comment.

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