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Skychain is one of the projects that backed by the Blockchain based ecosystem developed to give an advantage to the medical industry. The Project aimed to host, train and use artificial neural networks called ANNs to help the doctors and patients have accurate diagnoses. The platform is kept open for sharing information through the platforms about the certain product or resources. It will make the information sharing easy which allow the users to stay one step ahead of the competition.
Every member of the Skychain ecosystem will provide resources to create a product which is beyond any competitor. It enables any specialist or company to upload their data onto the system to help in resolving a particular task or medical issues. Skychain acts like a data marketplace where medical data providers can upload their data for the training of third-party neural networks. With Skychain, you can be able to earn the global coin while providing your medical datasets for deep machine learning.
This is possible by using a closed-loop system of Skychain that enables you to upload your private data sets and provide them for the training of third-party neural networks.
In addition, you can earn Skychain Global Coin by providing your computing power for neural networks. This is possible through using your GPU for mining crypt, which is not only profitable but also useful for the society. You will get rewarded not only for proof of work but also for proof of deep learning training and for proof of inference of neural networks.
Twitter — followers, two - three posts a day. On average, over - retwitts and — likes per post. The Skychain infrastructure is fully built, and early participants connect to it: There are more and more neural networks and ready-made datasets in the Skychain ecosystem. Automation of medical laboratories, automatic recognition of images with MRI and CT for machine detection of pathologies of organs and joints.
Automation of hospital medicine and health insurance funds. Large data analysis — case histories of 6 million patients for machine-based calculation of correlations, efficiency of doctors and hospitals. Since Ivan is working on machine learning projects and has implemented several projects in this field.
Scientific projects in the field of artificial intelligence in multi-agent systems and artificial neural networks. Analytical projects in the field of innovative technologies. List of programming languages and technologies: Experience in the field of programming: WSS Docs is implemented in more than companies all over Russia.
The team sets high goals. Skychain seeks to achieve this goal by creating the best open infrastructure that will accumulate the resources of the majority of participants of this industry to surpass any closed corporate product. Skychain SCH is unique. Healthcare Blockchain Artificial Intelligence. Start 26 feb — 31 march Accepts: Alexander Kuzmin- Chief operating officer Scientific projects in the field of artificial intelligence in multi-agent systems and artificial neural networks.
Sergey Verbitskiy-Full-stack Developer List of programming languages and technologies: There are more and more neural networks and ready-made datasets in the Skychain ecosystem Dec,