Bitcoin Wallets Comparison Chart and Reviews

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There are many different bitcoin wallets available to the every day user. There are different wallets for different platforms and each have their strengths and weaknesses. The charts below highlight the most popular bitcoin wallets available on the market. We compare their features such as platforms supported, whether it is open source, where are the private keys stored, and the type of wallet that it is. Up first is the Electrum Bitcoin Wallet for your desktop.

It comes in first because it is the most versatile desktop wallet available. It has a developers console which enables full control over your coins.

Breadwallet is our highest ranked iOS wallet available. The keys are stored on your phone and upon the first installation you are provided with a recovery seed which you can use to recover your bitcoins in case the phone gets stolen or accidentally erased.

Checkout this full breadwallet bitcoin wallet review. While only available to Android and iOS users, Airbitz is both open source and has recently released an SDK which means anybody can port the wallet to a platform of their choice. Multibit HD is another great light desktop wallet. It offers almost identical features that Electrum provides.

However, Multibit does not support multisig wallets. On the other hand, Multibit also offers seamless support with Trezor, a bitcoin performance chart hardware wallet. The GUI on electrum and multibit is a bit different. If you need more complex features like being able to rebroadcast a transaction, exporting private keys of certain addresses then Electrum is the way to go.

But for a personal user, Multibit is a great alternative. Just like Breadwallet the keys bitcoin performance chart stored on your phone meaning there are no servers to hack. It features bitcoin performance chart robust marketplace where you can find local bitcoin buyers and sellers and check out their prices. Furthermore, Mycelium awards extra security with the implementation of watch only addresses. Checkout this full mycelium wallet review for a more in detail overview.

Unfortunately the keys are stored online meaning that if the site goes down access to the coins is lost. On the bright side, blockchain allows you to export the private keys of any of your addresses meaning that you can have access to the coins even if the site goes down. Checkout the full bitcoin performance chart. In seventh place we have Jaxx wallet.

It is a relatively new wallet launch last year, but it is one of the most popular multi currency wallets out there. As you might have figured by now, what sets Jaxx wallet apart is the fact that they support more than just Bitcoin. Ethereum, Dash, and Litecoin are just a few examples of supported cryptocurrencies.

If you are an avid cryptocurrency trader needing to keep track of multiple cryptocurrencies, Jaxx wallet is the perfect solution for you. Checkout the full Jaxx review here.

In eigth place comes Green Address. However, Green Address gives you the option to backup your private keys so in case the servers go down you still have a way to recover your coins. Checkout this article for a full review of the Green Address Bitcoin Wallet. Up first is the Trezor Hardware Bitcoin Wallet.

Trezor is a reputable bitcoin performance chart wallet launched in It allows multisig and has seamless integration with the multibit desktop wallet. Trezor is the safest way to store your bitcoins.

Checkout the full Trezor Wallet Review here. Just like the Trezor and the KeepKey it stores your private keys offline preventing any malware on your infected machine to compromise your wallet. Furthermore, the Ledger Nano wallet includes a security card, which acts as a 2FA featue when authorizing transaction. This physical security measure is what bitcoin performance chart this wallet bitcoin performance chart second place. Checkout the full Ledger Bitcoin performance chart Review here.

KeepKey is also an HD wallet just like Trezor and allows for secure offline storage of funds with cold storage. Launched in September of it is only 3 months old and so far has received positive feedback in the bitcoin community. Checkout the full keepkey review here. Also make sure to checkout this ultimate comparison between all 3 hardware wallets.

Follow us on twitter themerklenews and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest bitcoin and altcoin price analysis and the latest cryptocurrency news. Mark is a 24 year old cryptocurrency entrepreneur. He was introduced to Bitcoin performance chart in and bitcoin performance chart been involved with it ever since. He used to mine bitcoins and altcoins but now focuses on blogging and educating others about digital currencies.

About The Bitcoin performance chart Mark Mark is a 24 year old cryptocurrency entrepreneur. Import password bitcoin performance chart paper wallets Bitcoin performance chart server to get hacked or go down HD Wallet. Web Browser iOS Android. Share Send Value at time of transaction Custom Transactions.

HD Wallet Multiple Coins. HD Wallet Cold Storage.

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