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I've been wondering if it's worth it considering the amount of electricity Bitcoin must be using. New merchants are welcome to announce their services for Bitcoin, but after how have been announced they are no longer news and should not be re-posted.
Remember that the average hash rate for the previous two weeks, which is what determines the current difficulty.
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I thought I was gunna have to blow money and electricity on watercooling. It is extremely low-cost as well as performance… Reply. The main downside for me is that when I am mining I cannot game, which is why I bought my graphics card in the first place. Does the card sound like a hair dryer though when it's at load? But then beginning in December, you cannot mine profitably.
The Bitstamp website Important notice This calculator uses recent data to attempt to approximate possible profits. Bitcoin price per Mhash Bitcoin Mining. Compute bitcoin hashes per second: Sure does, mhash it's price to mhz so I put a really good second fan on it. It will not many to extrapolate difficulty or price changes -- it provides only instantaneous calculations how much you'd make if all conditions remained as they How Core is the backbone of the Bitcoin network.
Email required Address never made public. I've been wondering if it's worth it considering the amount of electricity I must be using. The cpu adds like 5MH and makes everything annoyingly slow. At least with just the GPUs going I can still have a functional computer. I've made a few hundred dollars, but I'm still well below breaking even on the cost of the hardware.
I actually just cancelled another 4x rig coming in this week because the payoffs have been shrinking. They stay cool enough, even overclocked with the antec one hundred case closed, so I think it's a pretty good budget solution.
Think of it as having far more of the tiny cores that make up a GPU. In exchange for using the , you get a newer architecture with better tesselation performance and a cheaper price - the isn't all that much faster in games, between and However, bitcoin mining isn't quite the same as games.
It doesn't want lots of tesselation units, it doesn't want fancy GPU design, it wants brute stream processor force and the has that in spades. I don't have a , but I bet OCing and tweaking the options would get you higher, unless you already have. Sure does, plus it's overclocked to mhz so I put a really good second fan on it. I leave it in the garage and set it to automatically start lowering the clock temp once it hits 70c.
It's stable at c and runs all day. I'm confident that I bought a badass video card and any coins I generate off of it are a discount. Holy crap I'm doing something wrong. Anyone got some tips to share? What miner do you use and what startup options do you give it? I still make about. Well I'd like more but I'm doing this just for funzies and don't have the cash to buy an ATI card at the moment, so I'm not really sure what my options are.
I dunno, I would guess your card is using electricity at a rate greater than 80 cents per week can provide. All else aside, with a , and using a mining pool I use bitcoin. That also means 2 months of electricity, and not really being able to use your graphics card for anything else. I already know all of this. I've been reading about BTC way before it got the recent boost, since about December or some such.
As I said I'm just doing it for funzies and the cost of electricity doesn't bother me. I got my nVidia for games, mining BTC with it is just a side thing. Just curious, OP, does your screen image freeze if you do OpenCL mining at the same time as you use GPU accelerated video like flash video or windows media player? Ahh, I just used the native bitcoin client. I'm new to this I'll admit. Is there a special way for me to setup my GPU? Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.
Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit link NOT about price. Submit text NOT about price. Bitcoin subscribe unsubscribe , readers 12, users here now Bitcoin is the currency of the Internet: You can also explore the Bitcoin Wiki: Only requests for donations to large, recognized charities are allowed, and only if there is good reason to believe that the person accepting bitcoins on behalf of the charity is trustworthy.
News articles that do not contain the word "Bitcoin" are usually off-topic. This subreddit is not about general financial news. Submissions that are mostly about some other cryptocurrency belong elsewhere. Work of hash calculation looks meaningless, but it is what provides bitcoin decentralized system its stability and protection against attacks. There is much software which can be used for bitcoin mining, and there are several hardware options. Mining power is measured in hashes per second.
Another useful metric is hashes per joule of energy, because electricity is main cost of bitcoin mining. Bitcoins can be mined using CPU. Most likely you will not even earn more than spend for electricity: GPU is much faster for sha because it is designed to make many simple operations simultaneously.
This is a difference of or in case of AVX times more instructions per clock. In a Bitcoin transaction, the payer arranges to send a set number of Bitcoins to the payee by transmitting the public keys of both parties and the amount Bitcoin applications are not like ordinary applications - they handle real money and as such need to be treated with more security precautions than you Python package to communicate with the bitstamp.
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