Frequently Asked Questions

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Even at the lowest difficulty settings on a mobile phone, it will struggle to submit shares before the connection times out. Users need to do their own testing to determine profitability. Yes, but mining with a CPU or GPU has some potential with altcoin algorithms, but with the fluctuations in network difficulty and sell price users need to do their own testing to determine profitability.

Most hardware setups should work correctly on the Variable Difficulty Dogecoin gpu wikipedia setting. The dogecoin gpu wikipedia automatically checks your hash rate and adjusts your difficulty to maximize the devices efficiency. In some settings, typically with older pre hardware and software it maybe beneficial to adjust your difficulty settings down, but this varies wildly and users are urged to do more research on their device and consult their hardware manufacturers.

You could, but it would be very inefficient. You can mine any currency that has merge mining enabled and get the same amount of merged dogecoin gpu wikipedia for free. For Dogecoin this would be most Scrypt based currencies including Litecoin and Digibyte.

Miners locally report their raw hashing speed and does not communicate this number to the pool. The pool does not know what hash rate your miner is showing. The raw hashing speed typically does not account for the following issues that may result in dogecoin gpu wikipedia loss of your accepted pool hash rate: Invalid shares Hardware Errors Your hash rate as displayed on the pool is an average number based on your valid and accepted shares per minute.

If you think your hash rate seems low you may have some technical issues with your miner, such as underpowering, overheating, worn or damaged chips. The pool calculates an average hash rate based on the difficulty of the shares your miner submits over time.

Currently approximately SHA hashes are required to find a difficulty 1 share on the network. For more information on hash rate rewards check out our Mining Reward and Dogecoin gpu wikipedia Calculations Wiki page.

SHA and X11 Examples: At time t, worker Johnny. Scrypt formula, where approximately Scrypt hashes are required to find a difficulty 1 share on the network: There can be various technical reasons for this, check out our Guide to Troubleshooting Mining.

A few quick fixes might include: Your miner is not submitting shares dogecoin gpu wikipedia submitting invalid shares. Our proportional scoring system is fair and provided at a significantly lower fees than PPS pools. Some currencies have VERY long block times which can means days, weeks and even months. We are currently looking for ways to dogecoin gpu wikipedia this by increasing hashing power. Over time, payouts should be the same no matter what the difficulty setting are.

Some currencies support multiple algorithms. These pools are run completely separately with separate payouts for the two coins. For example while you're mining most SHA coins, such as Bitcoin Cash BCHwithout a loss in hash power you are simultaneously mining several other currencies at the same time. That's right, merged mining provides simultaneous value for proof of work on dogecoin gpu wikipedia coins.

At the time of writing, the following merge mined currencies are supported: Each currency you dogecoin gpu wikipedia has only one balance, but the way things are displayed can be confusing. Simply to confuse things even more balances are displayed in three areas. We are not an exchange, which would make us subject to various regulations including Anti-money laundering regulations AML and the Know your Customer regulations KYC and a stray from the business model.

We suggest using a licensed exchange like Cryptopia to convert your cryptocurrencies. No, there are various multicurrency wallet options, including Coinomi that currently supports most of the minable coins on Multipool. You can also withdrawal directly to an exchange, like Cryptopia. The Bitcoin dogecoin gpu wikipedia has been experiencing unprecedented demand. Multipool pays a fee of 0. Multipool will continue rebroadcasting dogecoin gpu wikipedia until they are confirmed.

Visit the Pool Fees Wiki for a detailed breakdown. The only instance where withdrawals are charged a fee are on-demand withdrawals below the minimum threshold. On-demand withdrawals above the minimum dogecoin gpu wikipedia are processed without a fee and sent with the next auto payout.

We encourage users to do their own profitability testing and send us their testing results at mailto: Cryptocurrency values are volatile and our fees are marginal. We cannot rely strictly on the pools earnings to cover costs. Multipool attempts to keep ad placements unobtrusive and relevant. Furthermore, users have the option of enabling an ad blocker if you don't wish to see ads.

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