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Did I miss something there??? Terence Mckenna - Trust Yourself http: What is this NASA? Hi Everyone, There is more that can be done by US, as in all people. There has been some new information released by the Keshe Foundation that can benefit all mankind. Here is 2 links, the first one is for the procedure to made nano materials that can adsorb the radiation. This video also lays a roadmap for humanity over the next 6 months.

Please share as much as possible. Keshe and the plasma reactor group which I am a part of. In this video the above video is embedded. We dedicated this workshop to Fukushima, however, the information is valid for the entire humanity.

We are givin more specific information after the video, and able to ask questions. There may be something to this Many attacks to the parties involved. Any Avalonians with a telescope we would be most interested in what you see.

S0 News February 6, Filmed by tracking cameras, attached to ground-based targeting radars used in Red Flag military pilot training exercises. Leaked out of the base by unnamed source and first aired in TV program Hard-Copy on Feb 5min footage and comments. The Nellis Range UFO video is virtually unique among those in the public domain in that an unidentified anomalous flying object was not only captured in close-up by a military camera, but also included overlaid tracking data and a time stamp, permitting calculation of the trajectory and flight characteristics, such as velocity and acceleration.

In addition, the video also has voices of various military range operators discussing the object and trying to identify it without success" In Disclosure Project's National Press Club Conference in , Don Philips testified that one night in , he and other employees at Nellis AFB witnessed "darting light" UFOs, performing "impossible" aerial maneuvres doing acute angle turns and rotating fast in a circle in the sky , also tracked on radar.

Gio I should have watched the original vid I feel sheepish i still sense Nibiru is real and out there Though i don't believe it will sneak up on us via the internet If you know what i mean Take a closer look at this donut UFO, which moves and also looks like a single cell organism.

This object is relatively small and it must be only mm - mm in diameter. It moves or better floats slowly "pulsating" along the International Space Station where it passes two Russian kosmonauts.

Unlike most UFO videos this is not a blinking white dot far away in the distance and gone in a few seconds but this UFO we canover a longer period of time. The darker greyish objects in the background are Russian Kosmonauts performing a spacewalk. NASA's female public information officer clearly is not prepared and tries to find an explanation for this slowly pulsating object and so she makes up a "ridiculous" washer theory. Have you ever seen a washer metal ring of this size?

These stations one is in Italy are extremely sensitive and capable of detecting objects of less than 1,0 mm in diameter!!! Ice, space-debris, small meteorites if detected, as they are too fast and all other objects would immediately result in action. The astronauts would go back to the ISS, lock themselves up in a special designed room with special small object penetration resistant walls that can withstand heavy impacts and than they would wait for the danger passing by. So why were there no warnings?

Did they not see this object? Perhaps because it is completely invisible to radar? Is this an energy lifeform? A lifeform without mass can not be detected as it does not reflect but absorps radar-beams?

I made a few super resolution stills from the original transmission which I very carefully enhancement. The images show you the the donut UFO in full detail. Besides the "ring of light", near the end of the video, we see flashes of light which are UFO of the third phenomenae and you see these UFO in close up and full detail in my other videos.

They are captured by an alchemist, who forces the group to aid him in his search to find a hidden treasure that he believes is buried in the field. Crossing a vast mushroom circle, which provides their first meal, the group quickly descends into a chaos of arguments, fighting and paranoia, and, as it becomes clear that the treasure might be something other than gold, they slowly become victim to the terrifying energies trapped inside the field.

Fukushima radiation has made Hawaii and Pacific islands unsafe for humans? Bankster Suicides and Bank Run Chatter and more on S0 News February 7, Published on Feb 7, http: Suppressed History of a Century: The objects were maneuvering relative to each other and suddenly turned red, and disappeared from sight. The witness reports that other witnessed discussed the event on their Facebook pages, and several of them asserted that their cell phones would not connect, while the strange objects were above them.

Thanks to Peter Davenport Director www. The latest from Teal He was a man of integrity, did not pull any punches and always got to the heart of the matter. In the world of less than integral people coast to coast continues to sponsor one has to wonder is it just being naive, ignorant or is there a hidden agenda.

Seeing the censorship first hand with myself and others like Miceal Ledwith etc, the actions are sending a clear message they do not want the whole story or truth and shield people and organizations that need to be take to task. An Exclusive Interview http: What will set you on your path? Freeman on Time Out with Kevin Gallagher.

Don Peyote Trailer http: Forgive me if this has been posted before me, I did not see it here. This is Google's way of censoring without calling it censoring: Via my friend Shelly Is the Corporate Nation creating sleepless nights? Published on Feb 8, http: Chinese Lantreens And Something Extra? Short snippet of a long and detailed article regarding the soon to arrive next generation of drones. It quite literally provides ubiquitous surveillance over a whole city from one drone.

The project integrates many sophisticated technologies into a formidable surveillance system, combining images from independent into a single mosaic image. The result is a video with a combined resolution of reportedly 1. The massive collection of data is equivalent to having Predator Drones hover over a medium-sized city at once. Imagine that thing mounted on a telescope they could count the pimples on a frogs butt, on Venus. Drones need to share space with the superwave, nibiru and whatever else eh???

Not meant to distress or cause fear. May we live in interesting times eh??? S0 News February 9, Published on Feb 2, http: John Hudson is singing along to Christmas carols when he notices strange lights in the sky S0 News February 10, News, Weather, Spaceweather http: Homes evacuated as swollen Thames keeps rising?

The fingers on Mars that could reveal rivers on the red planet: So, how does water flow in the frigid Martian temperatures that are present, even in the summer months? Researchers think that there may be a naturally-occurring anti-freeze in the water, caused by the high-iron content, which they were able observe by layering mineral maps over the area where the flows seemed to be happening: So how certain are researchers that what they're seeing is really water flowing?

The latest from Suspicious0bservers S0 News February 11, Speaking of ships, I mean. The UFO Link http: Where Did We Come From? Iowa Drone Center To Open? The move, which is being made in order to save money, is raising concern from Iowa residents, even though Iowa will still not have Reaper drones over their freedom-loving skies.

The center will be guiding the unmanned aircraft overseas" Published on Feb 11, http: Object above Martian Landscape? Now this is interesting Now, the worms are adjusting, and the weeds are resistant. Homer Simpson moment number one: Or to put it corn-and-country simple: