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Two fantastic compilations of Bitcoin history are available at the HistoryOfBitcoin. Pages in category "History" The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total. Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Views Read View source View history.
Sister projects Essays Source. This page was last edited on 7 May , at Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 3. Privacy policy About Bitcoin Wiki Disclaimers. This page is outdated.
You can help improve it by providing up-to-date information. Bitcoin design paper published. Genesis block established at First Bitcoin transaction, in block - from Satoshi to Hal Finney [2]. Exchange rates published by New Liberty Standard.
Bug in the bitcoin code allows a bad transaction into block Block 79, is first to be mined using split allocation of the generation reward. First public OpenCL miner released. Original Bitcoin History wiki page this page established ooh so meta on Bitcoin.
First recorded escrowed bitcoin trade conducted, between nanotube and Diablo-D3, escrowed by theymos. First bitcoin short sale transaction initiated, with a loan of BTC by nanotube to kiba , facilitated by the bitcoin-otc market.
Bitcoind was compiled for the Nokia N mobile computer by doublec. The following day, ribuck sent him 0. First bitcoin call option contract sold, from nanotube to sgornick , via the bitcoin-otc market.
Bitcoin Pooled Mining , operated by slush, found its first block. History of Bitcoin page this page created after replicating from original Bitcoin History page on Bitcoin. Largest numeric value ever traded for bitcoins thus far occurred on this date. Block was generated. This means that 5. A vehicle was, for the first time, offered in exchange for a certain number of bitcoins [8].
Some speculate that this was due to some supercomputer or bot-net that joined the network mystery miner. BTC price had been declining since the February 9 high. The first market for exchanging bitcoins to and from Brazilian Reals, Bitcoin Brazil , opens.
First bitcoin put option contract sold via the bitcoin-otc market. TIME does an article on Bitcoin. The MtGox exchange rate peaked at The MtGox exchange rate briefly dropped to near 10 USD four days after the peak, in its largest percentage price retreat to date. Forum user allinvain claimed to have had 25, BTC stolen from his Bitcoin wallet approx. The MtGox database was compromised and the user table was leaked, containing details of 60, usernames, email addresses and password hashes, some of which were overly simple to brute force passwords.
MtGox announced that these trades would be reversed. Trading was halted at MtGox for 7 days and also briefly at TradeHill and Britcoin while their security was reviewed. Some of the users on the leaked MtGox database had used the same username at MyBitcoin and had their passwords hacked.
About of them had their balance stolen from their MyBitcoin accounts. One user lost over BTC. The EFF announced that it was no longer accepting Bitcoin donations due to legal uncertainties.
The generation difficulty passed 1,, with Block Room77 becomes the first brick-and-mortar business bar to accept Bitcoin as a means of payment. Tribute to Len Sassaman included in the blockchain [9]. Difficulty adjustment at block , marks the first back-to-back drop. Largest amount of fees, to-date, in a single transaction, and most fees in a single block. A transaction paid BTC in fees in block [12]. A single service, Satoshi Dice becomes responsible for over half the transaction volume on the Bitcoin blockchain.
Largest block most transactions , to-date June 3 , is block with transactions [13]. One millionth topic reply was posted on the unofficial Bitcoin Forum [14]. Bitcoin Conference in London [15]. Formation of the Bitcoin Foundation. Block , is the first with a block reward subsidy of only 25 BTC. First Bitcoin exchange licensed "as a bank" in europe actually a PSP which is like a bank, without debt-money issuing.
The MtGox exchange rate broke the June 8 peak of The first all time high since days. A previously undiscovered protocol rule results in a hard fork of the 0.