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On October 25, , Bitcoin will go through a second fork in less than 4 months. After forking over bitcoin cash we will have bitcoin gold fork. And forums are inundated with questions like How do I get Bitcoin Gold? A lot of these details are not yet clear but Bitcoin gold team and some of the wallets and exchanges have come out with some guidance.
If you have these questions keep reading further, we will be updating this post as more information flows in. Before we jump into how you get Bitcoin gold, here is a primer on Bitcoin gold if you already know this please feel free to move to the next section. Only large companies with huge resources can afford Bitcoin mining. They are proposing the change to hashing algorithm from SHA to Equihash. This will result in normal GPUs can also compete for mining.
Now that you are sure you have held bitcoins till block , Here are ways in which you can get hold of your Bitcoin Gold. See the list of exchanges which support Bitcoin Gold below. Then you are more or less covered and are not required to do much. Once the trading for bitcoin gold starts you will be automatically credited with your bitcoin gold.
You are on a Wallet which supports Bitcoin Gold In case you have your bitcoins on a wallet which supports Bitcoin gold e. Here is a step by step guide on Getting your Bitcoin Gold on Coinomi wallet. If you have more than one bitcoin wallet mapped to your Coinomi account you would need to do this process again for each of these wallets. If this is the case you would need access to your private keys. You can then transfer your bitcoins to any of the supported wallets and get access to your Bitcoin Gold Coins or just wait till you get instructions from your wallet.
In this section we will track what Different exchanges and Wallets are saying about Bitcoin Gold Fork. You can read complete statement from Coinbase here. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content Skip to primary sidebar You are here: November 7, On October 25, , Bitcoin will go through a second fork in less than 4 months. Contents 1 Understanding Bitcoin Gold 1. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.