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Financial services companies can use NEM for instant payments and transfers anywhere in the world. Just open the client and define the name, number of coins, divisibility, transferability and levy, and you are done. You can make transactions free with your new coin, or set transaction fees in any amount you wish. NEM is an excellent choice for mobile retail payments. NEM blocks complete every 60 seconds, making transactions confirm quickly enough for everyday use. Transaction fees are kept low enough to make even small purchases practical.
The equity market poses a very inefficient system when it comes to post-trade clearing, payment and settlement. Trade matching occurs at the rate of hundreds of transactions per second but clearing and settlement of stock takes more than two days to complete.
The equity market should consider a complete system revamp as the current systems and practice methods are based on legacy process practices that are outdated. The NEM blockchain technology is a suitable core component to re-design the equity market ecosystem which could save the industry billions of dollars a year in operational expenses. NEM can form the basis of escrow services. You can set up trustless accounts to manage transfers of currency, tokens, data, or any other assets.
You can also set a minimum number of digital signatures up to 32 required before a transfer executes. The network has set a permanently fixed amount of XEM, meaning there will never be inflation. Every transaction on the public blockchain requires a small transaction fee, ensuring demand for XEM coins over time.
Users also need XEM to pay for token creation, encrypted messaging and other features. This makes XEM a good liquid store of value. NEM makes it easy to create your own versions of payment apps. One example of such an app is NEMPay. NEMPay is an open source payment app that allows anyone to use the blockchain for peer to peer payments. All transactions and documents in NEM are permanently preserved and untamperable on the blockchain, allowing for complete transparency with finance, contracts, and other records.
This makes it easy for automation of accounting in real time. Whenever customer contacts or transactions occur, records are instantly updated on the blockchain with no need for human paperwork. This saves costs, reduces risk of loss, increases security, and makes your customer records permanently available.
Nearly every large retailer, hotel, credit card, grocery store, casino, beverage, and airline has a loyalty rewards points program. NEM brings security and speed to these systems, reducing fraud and mistakes, but it also allows the issuer to follow the trail of every reward point generated and perform analytics on which customers are most responsive to incentives.
It also allows large companies to coordinate points between different branches of the organization. Hitachi has already begun using Mijin, a custom version of NEM, for its PointInfinity rewards program, which has over 1. With current international shipping systems the paperwork of a typical shipping container has to pass through the hands of dozens of parties.
If one of those papers is incorrect, that container may sit in storage for a week or more. In cases of perishable goods this results in goods destroyed in transit. A blockchain solution makes the same documents accessible instantly and permanently to every party, with a complete custodial record and inspection certifications in one location. With this type of system, whenever a customer places an order new parts are automatically ordered to begin replacing that inventory. Manufacturing progress and shipment tracking are also part of the system.
Every action in the supply chain process is automatically generated and documented in real time, allowing savings and better performance in just-in-time delivery.
This ensures authenticity and privacy while maintaining security. Data storage and transmission on a public or private NEM network has never been hacked or compromised. NEM can instantly create a timestamped hash cryptographic signature of any document or file.
This is stored permanently on the blockchain so you can compare any future versions against it. This saves time, money, and removes the need for notaries. It also records ownership data and a timestamp to prove who recorded it and when.
With NEM, you can make your product unforgeable by putting a complete record of origin and chain of custody in the blockchain. NEM has partnered with Luxtag to create an app that makes this process simple.
Records can also include useful information about repairs and upgrades, something no certificate of authenticity can do. You can create your own certificates or use standardized ones for your industry. You can set them to be private or publicly accessible.
Corporations are required to keep records of compliance with laws and industry regulations. This includes things like employee harassment training, safety inspections, employee certifications, background checks, equipment maintenance, and accident reports.
Maintaining and auditing these records have high costs but losing them can expose the company to legal risks.. Many companies still keep paper records as backups for all these reasons. Strong encryption keeps sensitive data confidential. The NEM blockchain is ideal for tracking land and property ownership and rights. Whether you are an owner, leaseholder, government representative, mortgage holder, escrow service, or broker, you can access all registered information in one place, including a complete chain of custody, inspections, tax valuations, liens, environmental liabilities, and everything else needed for real estate transactions.
NEM is the first blockchain with built-in multisignature access. This makes it easy to control who has access to which data records or tokens and limit access to cryptocurrencies, tokens, and records tracked in the NEM blockchain. Multisignature accounts allow the creator to specify how many signatures out of a possible maximum are needed to access the account. This is called N of M signatures. NEM provides voting security on par with the best financial grade security software.
Privacy can be maintained with encryption, but a vote, once entered, is instantly counted and permanently auditable. These coins can represent any item, digital or tangible, including shares of the new company. Buyers can keep the tokens, trade them, or redeem them for currency or merchandise when the rewards become available. You can easily track who contributed, how much they gave, when they gave it, and what rewards they earned in a transparent distributed ledger.
Since the system is decentralized investors can feel safe that no single party can shut it down. NEM allows you to create a new crowdfunding platform, or use it as a back-end blockchain for an existing one.
Selling, trading, and managing private stock ownership and other financial securities on blockchains is the way of the future. NEM supports one-click creation of any number of stock types, such as those with special voting rights or custom vesting requirements.
Automation of stock tracking adds security, reduces errors, and saves time and legal fees. Multi-signature accounts make it impossible for a single party to steal or make mistakes. Stock purchases can be carried out instantly, and ownership certificates exchanged as securely as a cryptocurrency.
Other financial instruments such as annuities and futures contracts are also supported. ICOs are a popular new way to raise funds and gain wide distribution of new tokens or currencies. To hold an ICO a company creates coins that represent an item, share of the company, or some other future value. The company trades these coins for other cryptocurrencies directly with any party who wants to hold them. NEM allows the easy creation, distribution, and trading of coins and tokens, which are compatible with the wallets and other trading apps available in the NEM ecosystem.
I would like to receive regular news updates from NEM. Financial Payments Financial services companies can use NEM for instant payments and transfers anywhere in the world. XEM is also a great choice for online purchases. Equity Markets The equity market poses a very inefficient system when it comes to post-trade clearing, payment and settlement. Escrow Services NEM can form the basis of escrow services. Liquid Asset The network has set a permanently fixed amount of XEM, meaning there will never be inflation.
Automatic Accounting All transactions and documents in NEM are permanently preserved and untamperable on the blockchain, allowing for complete transparency with finance, contracts, and other records. Loyalty Reward Points Nearly every large retailer, hotel, credit card, grocery store, casino, beverage, and airline has a loyalty rewards points program. Anti-Counterfeiting With NEM, you can make your product unforgeable by putting a complete record of origin and chain of custody in the blockchain.
Corporate Compliance Corporations are required to keep records of compliance with laws and industry regulations. Access Control NEM is the first blockchain with built-in multisignature access. Voting NEM provides voting security on par with the best financial grade security software. Stock Ownership Selling, trading, and managing private stock ownership and other financial securities on blockchains is the way of the future.