Mapping the blockchain project ecosystem

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We are merging these industries together to create greater disruption ever seen. Be part of this history in making by purchasing a membership token so we can create the blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl billion dollar platform to save lives and change the world.

Our system will ensure compliance standards are adhered to at each level of the cycle. Patients, doctors, researchers and regulators want blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl ensure that the product that is bought and the claims made by the producers are genuine. A distributed ledger is a set of communication protocols that enable administratively decentralized, replicated databases. Distributed ledgers can provide an efficient and secure infrastructure for the issuance and exchange of digital assets.

Their security, democratized control, and automation can have a transformational impact on industries ranging from capital markets to global trade. Cryptographically secured and Byzantine fault tolerant by design. Blockchain ushers in a new era of security in a time where perimeter security and authoritative control are no longer viable security models. Blockchain provides a shared, immutable log of every activity on the system, enabling improved activity auditability and traceability of the provenance and history of an asset.

Smart contracts can securely automate and link existing business processes. Software controls every aspect of a controlled environment agriculture grow facility. Every harvest is tracked, documented and available in visible format both in real time blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl historically.

Data sets will be housed in permissioned or public blockchain that is available to all shareholders. Users can earn GETX by performing platform specific incentivized actions e. The app will keep a small number of tokens as payment for services rendered, and allocate the rest toward users performing specific actions that add value to the platform like providing advocacy level participation and contribution in medicinal delivery and patient health. Instead of collecting silo segment of cannabis industry data in exchange for a service or cash, applications or companies that use the Nuvus Protocol can provide services that utilize Global Exchange Tokens GETX.

When a user wants to use a service, they give some amount of GETX to the application. Team rolls out its first version of its Nuvus Protocal blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl selected groups for the Cannabis industry as beta.

Team rolls out alpha version of its Nuvus Protocol using Hyperledger private and public blockchain for limited testing. John is a seasoned operational expert with over 25 years of experience in the telecommunications and technology sectors.

From startups to large Fortune companies, John has worked in all the functional areas — planning, engineering, operations, contracts to sales and customer support. Terry is Vice President of Engineering. Terry comes to Nuvus with over 30 years of experience in the utility telecommunications and controls industry.

Deirdre had a long career with Citigroup, over 34 years, working in a variety of positions primarily in the Technology area. As a Senior Manager in the Operations and Technology area her job functions included managing large, global corporate blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl projects in Finance and Procurement. Bobban has more than 10 years of experience in the biotechnology industry, with a focus in drug discovery, bio-process development, manufacturing support, and project leadership.

He developed and commercialized numerous patented technologies and products for biochemical, biofuel, and pharmaceutical companies. Olga has more than a decade of experience in corporate communications, marketing and public relations experience in education, non-profits and management consulting services.

Alan Mathon is an upcoming microbiological researcher. Alan is exploring the seemingly limitless benefits blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl CBD in combination with other natural herbal ingredients which address many human conditions and maladies. He subsequently blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl to pursue a PhD in Microbiology. Keith joins Nuvus' sales initiatives with 15 years as a successful Advertising and Sales executive.

He is a co founder of Lumis, an industry leading brokerage firm, and his networks blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl expertise in the Cannabis space have proven to be a great addition to the team. Lynn Brewer is an award-winning author and internationally recognized expert in governance, risk and compliance GRC.

She has a background in the law, finance, forensic accounting and big data research. She holds a certification in Business Ethics from Colorado State University and is currently obtaining an advanced law degree. Lynn Brewer Official Page. An American actor, voice actor, director, blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl producer. In animation, he has been the current voice of Shaggy since veteran actor Casey Kasem retired from the role.

Aleksi has a long history as an entrepreneur from the early internet to blockchains and ICOs. Always open to new ideas and projects. Mari is a true Growth Marketing Evangelist. Her passion is to monetise online presence and drive growth.

She's been involved in growth of hundreds of clients and websites for over…. He is a blockchain tech professional, a business oriented developer with deep knowledge and understanding in blockchain technologies, applications and ICOs. Over 20 years of experience in global consulting and professional enterprise software development projects. Jenny is a strongly sensitive and seasoned naturopathic doctor and clinical research associate with an extensive background in nutritional and hormonal biochemistry.

With over a decade of experience in functional preventive medicine, Dr. InTrev Huxley co-founded Muze Inc. Huxley led the technology team that developed and then deployed over entertainment information kiosks in retail music, book and video stores throughout the United States and spearheaded efforts that led to the use of Muze data by most of the major internet entertainment retailers and portal sites.

From to Huxley was Co-Chair of the "indecs project" interoperability of data in e-commerce systems an EC project funded under the European Commission Info Program. The project developed an analysis of the requirements for metadata for e-commerce in Intellectual Property IP in the network environment. Huxley served on the board of directors of Blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl Entertainment, a publicly traded company, from to and is on the Board of Trustees of The National School Climate Center a non-profit organization based in New York City.

After leaving Muze in Mr. Huxley has provided consulting services to a variety of companies who value his unique expertise. Dave Barnes, a partner who brings experience, science and glue to our team. He has owned operated Nutrient and Turf fertilizer businesses for a few decades. David has been working with turf grass blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl many years now but now, he enjoys working with the Cannabis blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl.

This plant has profits like no other. His mission has been to develop a nutrient system for cannabis that eliminates labor, nutrient abundances and deficiencies. He is ever testing nutrients in different climates and regions to ensure greater and consistent products.

Katy Bruce has been working in the marijuana industry for over 20 years. Growing up in both Washington and central California made it easy for Katy to find work in the booming black-market cannabis industry. Katy took her first step into the medical side of the industry and blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl working with medical cultivators in Washington since She collaborated with Craig Bruce and together and they opened Sasquatch deliveries in Seattle ina mobile delivery blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl.

Being involved with actual patients changed her entire prospective and she was ready to take on medical marijuana full time. Shortly after opening Sasquatch Deliveries Katy left and began first by starting a trimming company.

She worked with several well know medical cultivators in Washington state. She then opened two small boutique Medical grows. In she decided to move to the great state of Nevada and begin her consulting career. Since then she has consulted with several blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl scale cultivators, as well as, individuals that were looking to understand the new and emerging cannabis industry. Now she blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl with industry leaders, helps facilitate the industry needs, as well as, helps with understanding industry fluctuations.

Tizio has been an entrepreneur and Has well developed relationships in different markets over the past two decades. His travels have been to seek, create and pave new ways for success in the Cannabis industry and to research top technologies, nutrient development and consultation. Una Vita Verde is a micro-nutrient technology company with proprietary fertilizer blends for farming in the Hydroponic, Vertical farming, Aeroponics and Cannabis farming. Tizio sees what works in this industry on a daily basis.

His contacts in the industry extend to blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl growers, bud tenders, genetics, smart grow technology, lighting, nutrients, pesticides, grow stores, industry experts, soil scientists, chemists and much more.

The available contacts and well fostered relationships he brings from all phases of this industry are very strong. Tizio is entrenched with Cannabis Grows, Production and dispensaries worldwide and understands the intricacies of their operations. He has extensive design expertise in existing and emerging cannabis markets for dispensaries and cannabis retail outlets. His designs have provided his clients with beautiful, cost effective spaces conducive for sales and education within safe and secure buyer-friendly environments.

Suite of Data Collection Capabilities. Supported on Multiple Devices and Blockchain ecosystem 2016 nfl. Duration of Token Sale. Soft Cap — Early Termination. Technical limit to the number of tokens. Unsold and unallocated tokens will be destroyed. Methods of token purchase. The price of GETX tokens will be on a sliding scale based on how early they are purchased:

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Ateon is a member of the Alhamrani Group; which has been serving the Kingdom and the region since Our technology sister company, Alhamrani Universal www. Blockchain is the future as it offers infinite solutions to many of our unsolved problems and allows for an increase in speed and security in them.

Blockchains are resistant to data modification since the alteration of one block requires consensus across the recorded chain or ledger. By allowing digital information to be distributed but not copied, blockchain technology created the backbone of a new type of internet. Yet the world is going mobile and Blockchain is the new technology on which most services will be delivered.

The Alhamrani Group has always been an integral part of the modernization of Saudi Arabia. Ateon was created to continue this heritage. We want to assist the Country and the region in the digital transformation journey.

Blockchain is our platform of choice for this transformation. Blockchain is a decentralized ledger. There is no single database to hack and no middleman. Just like the internet facilitates direct exchange of information, Blockchain facilitates direct exchange of value between parties, without the need for a trusted intermediary.

With Blockchain, cost of operation could be reduced, dependencies could be eliminated, and transparency and single version of the truth are guaranteed. It is a paradigm shift in the way information is transacted between untrusting parties.

Yes, Bitcoin was the first application to utilize the power of Blockchain. Then came cross border transfer and p2p payment. With such applications, antiquated processes were eliminated, intermediaries were elimination. Later on, startups began to pop out all over the world with innovative Blockchain based products. At Ateon, we focus on identity management, health records management, documents management, student academic records, court proceedings, land registry, and financial inclusion.

I am certain, that businesses which do not start implementing Blockchain will receive the Nokia and Kodak curse. Change is inevitable and those who do not adapt will surely be left behind.

Blockchain is here to stay, because it is the value layer of Internet. Traditional banks are slowly becoming obsolete as digital banking and Blockchain-based solutions have rendered them uncompetitive.

Kodak was once the pioneer and leader in the photography space for many years. Why did Kodak fail? Simple, they failed to adapt. The common phrase goes: The same will happen with banks. Some leading financial organizations have admitted the impact and threat of cryptocurrencies. We have noticed that after the Saudi Arabian Monitory Agency signed a partnership with Ripple; the adoption of Blockchain applications is accelerating.

Can Blockchain provide the complete end-to-end payment solution? Blockchain is a technology; like the Internet. Solution providers like Ateon build applications which utilize the power of Blockchain. We have the first in the world card scheme on the blockchain rails, from our technology partner, Sofitto. Not only does our solution provide end-to-end digital payment services, but it also supports traditional payment tools as well.

With a solution like ours, payments are settled instantaneously and for a very small transaction fee. In addition transactions are automated and secured in real time to eliminate fraud, increase transparency and automate taxes collection if needed.

What other industries are beginning to use blockchain and what solutions are you offering to help them? Blockchain has no bias and is being used in multiple industries, form financial to medical to legal.

Blockchain has touched several industries. At Ateon we offer endless solutions to our customers. In addition to the banking sector, some of our solutions are for voting, document management, VAT management, consortium loyalty system, and university student records management.

We are negotiating with an Arab country the digitization of their fiat currency. In addition, our software engineers are working on few exciting and innovative ideas for POS and ATM machines, which have not yet been done anywhere in the world.

I see myself diligent, someone who works on a project with all his energy and tools. I am blessed to have a supportive visionary educated boss, a homogeneous Ateon family, some of the best Blockchain technology parts, and visionary aggressive clients. As a President, I have to deal with the fear of others and convert them to positive energy. Personally, I have too many worries to list, yet they motivate me to work harder.

My job is to conquer fears and to place Ateon where it belongs, at the top. Confidence and knowledge is my secret sauce. I was able to foresee success at a time of economic adversity. Also, it is essential to work with the best team, partners, and clients. Even though it is my choice, I regret over-working and the lack of balance between work and family.

Building the right team who are as passionate and dedicated. Ateon offers Blockchain custom solutions. Blockchain worldwide is still at infancy. Homegrown innovation, technologies hot out of the oven. I enjoy being able to forecast where the world is heading and seeing Ateon as number 1. I enjoy the prospects of leaving fingerprints in lives. Building a new company within a conglomerate is a great advantage: I am able to capitalize on a well-established brand and to focus on quality of service before revenues.

At a professional level, I challenged the status quo and got Ateon in international press before its first anniversary. At a personal level, I raised teenage entrepreneurs who pitched to Fadi Ghandour at age 13 and My daughter is into social philanthropy with her Smiles Initiative.

Early adopters will be in the lead. The Blockchain technology is advancing rapidly, competition is compounding, and you could be destroyed if left behind. My advice to solution providers: Blockchain adoption worldwide is developing rapidly; there will be both opportunities and risks which should be considered; therefore, take action now.

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